Monday, March 18, 2024

Joseph, Spouse Mary, March 19th - Young or Old?


Today is the Solemnity of St. Joseph, spouse of Mary.

At the time Mary and Joseph was betrothed, was St. Joseph old or young? Most statues and pictures of St. Joseph picture him as a rather old man. Mother Angelica was once asked that question on one her live shows and she responded saying, “Well, my dear, that is a good question. There is no official Church teaching on whether or not was old or young, but I prefer a young Joseph. All I know, sweetie, is old men don’t walk to Egypt!”

Mother Angelica’s straightforward answer makes a lot of sense. Not only would an elderly man not be capable of walking to Egypt, but an old man wouldn’t be able to walk from Nazareth to Bethlehem, either. Bethlehem is 80 miles from Nazareth, and the journey would have been across rough desert terrain. After Joseph would have walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem where Jesus was born, he was instructed by an angel to take the Child and His Mother to Egypt. Then after Joseph learned from the angel that Herod was dead, he had to walk back to Nazareth, which would have been at least 120 miles. The terrain is rough, the heat is intense and the dangers are many.

Bishop Fulton Sheen said this about Joseph, “Joseph was probably a young man, strong, virile, athletic, handsome, chaste and self-disciplined. Instead of being a man incapable of loving, he must have been on fire with love. Just as we would give very little credit to the Blessed Virgin Mary if She had taken Her vow of virginity after having been an old maid for 50 years, so neither could we give much credit to a Joseph who became Her spouse because he was advanced in years…. Mary and Joseph brought to their espousal's not only their vows of virginity but also two hearts with greater torrents of love than had ever before coursed through human chests..”

As Pope Benedict XVI said, “Like Joseph, do not be afraid to take Mary into your home.” Pope Pius XII said, “Grant that according to your example (St. Joseph) we may keep our eyes fixed on our Mother Mary, your most chaste spouse.”

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