Saturday, March 9, 2024

4th Sunday of Lent - Destruction of the Temple- Freemason (Little River)


The first reading today, speaks about the priests and the people polluting the temple by practicing abominations. They despised the warnings of the prophets. And so, God permitted the temple to do be destroyed by the enemies of His people, who were carried off into Babylon. 70 yrs later, in 515 BC the King of Persia rebuilt the temple. Then nearly 490 years later, (26 years before Jesus was born), King Herod built a new greater temple. During the time of Jesus, it was a place of worship by offering of animals as sacrifice.

Jesus referred to its future destruction. Matthew’s Gospel states, “Jesus left the temple and was going away, when His disciples came to point out to Him the buildings of the temple. But He answered them, “You see all these, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another, that will not be thrown down.” In the year 70AD, 3 yrs after the martyrdom of St. Peter, the temple was destroyed by the Romans.

Jesus referred to His body as a temple. He said, “Destroy this temple and in three days, I will raise it.” They thought He was referring to the temple, where they Jews offered sacrifice, but He was referring to the temple of His body, that would be destroyed on the Cross and rise from the dead, three days later.

After the Resurrection of Jesus, the Apostles founded His Church, which is the new temple. The Catechism states, the Holy Spirit makes the Church 'the temple of the living God'” (797) and again that “the Church is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.” (809) Also, St. Paul refers to our body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Today, Christians normally don’t refer to churches as temples, but rather churches, or basilicas or cathedrals or chapels. On altars of Catholic Churches, the sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God, is offered and not animals.

There are non-Christian temples, such as a Buddhist temple, Hindu, or Masonic temple. These temples are truly false temples, God does not dwell in them. They are false religions. Today, I want to speak about Masonic temples and lodges.

When most people think of the Freemasons, they think of the Shriner’s Hospital, or during parades, we see men drive the little cars wearing ISIS hats, or maybe members of the Elks Club, they are usually older gentlemen who like to smoke a cigar and do good works in the community. They are known in Kansas and other states for the Shriner’s bowl. They promote fraternity and brotherhood. Some may have friends who are Freemasons. In Little River there is a former Masonic lodge located between the grocery store and the newspaper “The Monitor.”

Most local Freemasons have no idea what goes on in their order in the highest degrees. But there is a real problem with Freemasons the average person is totally unaware.

The Catholic Church in the past several centuries has warned that Catholics cannot be masons. The reason is they believe in a naturalistic religion (making nature out to be God). It’s a secret society. It is a deistic, where God is not part of our lives but somewhere for from us. The Freemason understanding of God can be seen in their ceremonies, their rites and activities or the opening of a meeting or the way they do a funeral. As Catholics, we don’t believe in a deistic God (a God who is far away from us. As Catholics, we believe in a personal God.

There are things much worse about the Masons, than what I just described. If a family member was a Freemason who took oaths during secret ceremonies, some oaths have a negative spiritual effect up to 5 generations. There is a Freemason curse, that may need to be broken.

Msgr. Rosetti, an exorcist from the Archdiocese of Washington, DC said, “...there are really curses connected to (Freemasonry). People will see in their family members with a continual kind of a problem. A cursed problem. They just can’t seem to shake it. Whether its generational infidelity, strange deaths, addictions, generational abuse, pride, fear & control, spirits of divination and all sorts of things such as preventing some from becoming Catholic. And it keeps happening again and again. And it starts to become strange. Why does our family appear to have this curse? Well, when you look back at a number of these families, you find is that a grandparent, parent, great-grandparent, was a high level Mason. You may not have been a Mason, but we can go through the prayers to reject (curses).” Msgr Rosetti quoted Fr. Chad Rippiger, who said, “If you were a member of a Masonic organization or a descendant of someone who was, it is recommended you say these prayers.” Msgr. Rosetti said, “…….say (the prayer to break the Freemason curse) in front of….” a priest.

The Credo catechism by Bishop Athanasius Schnieder, in reference to Freemasonry states, “In their lower levels they are a naturalistic religion, where they preach the worship of nature—and self-salvation. Masons in their highest grades seem to worship the devil. They believe they alone are the “initiated, the perfect and illuminated people, while the rest of humanity is for them profane, imperfect and darkened. The human being ultimately, makes himself a god. The Church’s description of Freemasonry is considered “a Satanic sect, which has the devil as its god.”

Pope Leo XIII warns how Freemasons attempt to control society with their ideas. They influence in political and social activities.

Multiple popes have condemned Freemasonry as a false religion, including Pope Francis. In fact, a Catholic could be excommunicated from the Church, but only if a bishop decrees it. If a Catholic unknowingly joined the Freemasons, he should immediately renounce his membership in the Freemasons and un-enroll in it and go to Confession.

The Church is not trying to condemn individual people. But rather wants to warn them, that belonging to the organization is a danger to their eternal salvation. The Church wants to point out, Christians are called to be in a relationship with God, that is deeply personal. Most especially, because God dwells in our heart through baptism, and that He unites Himself to us physically in Holy Communion. Jesus is part of our daily life in all that we do and can help us no matter the situation or circumstance.

Most don’t know, that the Freemasons, at their highest level are anti-Catholic. Lower level Freemasons have no idea that is the case. Catholics are cautioned to not be members any Freemason association. The Church has said, “The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.” Catholics can’t be a member of the Freemasons and also a member of the Catholic Church.

If you have friends who are Freemasons, don’t disown them. Most likely, they have no idea what their organization is really about. Pray for them, that they may discover the fullness of truth found in the Catholic faith, and may give up their connection with the Masons.

Fr. Michael McGivney, founded the Knights of Columbus, as a Catholic alternative to the Freemasons. He is now Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney. He wanted to help Catholic men to have fraternal brotherhood, and do good deeds, especially to help widows (which is why they now have life insurance for members to help spouses after they die). The Knights of Columbus is very active in doing many charitable deeds, not only for Catholics, but also in the community.

St. Maximilian cared very much about Freemasons, so much so, after He was ordained, he offered His First Mass for their conversion. He even added a short prayer to the miraculous medal, which stated, “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. And for all those who do not have recourse to thee; especially the Masons and all those recommended to thee.” He also once said, “With what intention ought we to offer the Holy Rosary? Don’t you think that the best intention, is that Masons convert as soon as possible and enroll themselves in the Militia of the Immaculate and the desire to make reparation for the evil they have caused. And put themselves to work with great fervor for the salvation of souls.”

Today, let us pray for Freemasons, that they may discover true brotherhood is found in Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church, and may the Virgin Mary, conceived without sin, pray for them.

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