Sunday, February 19, 2023

Saints Francisco & Jacinta - Feb. 20th


Today, Feb. 20th is the Feast of Saint Jacinta and Francisco. In 1917, when Jacinta was 7 years old, when Francisco was 9 yrs old, and when Lucia was 10 yrs. old, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to them in Fatima, Portugal.

God chose to reveal to the children the Immaculate Heart of Mary, asking reparation be made for sins, which offend Her Heart. Our Lady showed the children a vision of hell. They saw many souls falling into hell, because no one did penance or offered sacrifices for them. This vision caused the children to offer many prayers, sacrifices and penances on behalf of sinners, and to make reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The three children did penance, by fasting and not drinking water, when they were thirsty. They gave their food to poor children and so they went hungry. They also tied a rope around their waist, and even wore it to bed. However, Our Lady appeared the children and told the children to take the rope off, before going to bed, (but could keep it on, while they were awake). Due to the angel’s appearance to the children, they would do penance by kneeling on the ground reciting the prayer of the angel taught them: “My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love You. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love you.”

Lucia would become a nun in a Carmelite monastery, and do penance as a religious sister. She was called Sr. Mary Lucia of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Little Francisco’s penance was to console our Lord in the tabernacle. He often was found praying before the hidden Jesus in the Eucharist. Jacinta was known for her strict fasting, and long hours of prayer. She was somewhat of a mystic, and at times, could predict future events. When her coffin was opened, she was found to be incorrupt.

The three children suffered much, and were even thrown into prison, suffering at the hands of authorities, whom threatened, to be put them in boiling oil.

However, the children’s penance, which was most pleasing to the Blessed Virgin Mary, was the penance of fulfilling their daily duties, and by accepting and patiently bearing, all the sufferings God would send them.

They were constantly offering all kinds of sacrifices, as a penance, in reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and begged for the conversion of poor sinners. Jacinta and Francisco died shortly after the apparitions, which fulfilled the prophecy of Our Lady, that She would soon come, to take both of them to heaven. Lucia died in the Carmelite monastery at Coimbra, Portugal at the age of 97, on Feb. 13th, 2005. Francisco and Jacinta were canonized May 13th, 2017 in Fatima, Portugal.

As we begin Lent children of Fatima inspire us to do all different kinds of penances, especially fulfilling our daily duties, accepting sufferings as they come, praying for the conversion of sinners, and to pray in reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

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