Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Ash Wednesday

  Nashville Catholics mark the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday service

Lent it a time to reflect upon ways we can draw closer to Jesus and remember life is short because we are dust and to dust we shall return. We can draw closer to Jesus, through prayer, fasting, alms giving and repentance.

In our private prayer time with Jesus everyday, we should tell Him we love Him and we worship him. Then tell Jesus your sins. Our lies, gossiping, angry thoughts, using dirty words, disobeying parents, fighting with our brothers and sisters, not doing our homework, having impure thoughts, looking at bad things on the internet. Being lazy, self-pity, etc.. Pride, selfishness, etc.. and then tell Jesus you are sorry for our sins by making an Act of Contrition. Its important to daily thank Jesus for the many good things he does for us. Having a roof over our head, food to eat, clothing to wear, family who cares about us, a good school to attend, the gift of our faith, etc.. And finally, we should pray for others, especially the sick, the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the lonely, pray for the poor souls in purgatory, that they can go to heaven. We can pray for our own needs too. We receive lots of graces when we daily pray the Rosary.

By fasting we deny our self nourishment which helps us to love and care about the poor who don’t always have food to eat. Fasting helps us to control our appetite, so we deny our self unnecessary pleasures. Fasting causes us to hunger for Jesus, the Bread of Life in the Eucharist. Fasting is powerful against evil and temptations. Fasting strengthens our will so we can more easily turn away from sin. Fasting not only cleanses our body, but especially our soul. In addition to abstaining from meat on Ash Wednesday & Fridays of Lent, we could fast once or twice a week.

Jesus wants us to give alms to the poor. When helping the poor, we should first look to those in our own family and community that could use financial help. And then the larger church in other places like homeless shelters, soup kitchens, pregnancy centers. Remember what Jesus said, “What you do the least of my brothers, you do unto me.” When we help the poor, we are truly helping Jesus in disguise of the poor.

All of us should confess our sins monthly. To confess once a month and from here on afterward to confess every month regularly, this way, when its time to go to our judgment, we will have few sins on our soul and not spend much time in purgatory. It also can help prevent us from dying with a mortal sin on our soul, which will cause us to lose heaven forever.

When a priest places ashes on the forehead he has two choices he could say. One choice is: “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” Or he can say, “Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” When we say we are dust and to dust we shall return, it means this life is short and passes away quickly. Ashes also reminds us to do penance for our sins. To turn away from evil and turn toward God.

In European countries, ashes are placed on the top of the head, so no body can see they are doing penance. In the US and other countries, ashes are placed on the forehead as a witness to our faith as Catholics.

At the end of Mass each person will receive a miraculous medal. I encourage you to wear it everyday during Lent to be a witness to your faith. In the Gospel Jesus said to keep our deeds, like alms giving, prayer and fasting secret. But Our Lord also wants us to be a witness to others. You can also give a miraculous medal to a friend or family member. We should have enough for each person to take two medals. They all have a string attached and are blessed.

Dear friends let us resolve to make this a holy Lent. Through prayer, fasting, alms giving and by turning away from sin and turning towards Jesus living out the Gospel, we will have a fruitful Lent.


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