Saturday, December 3, 2022

Vaccine's Causing Sudden Deaths?


Click: Died Suddenly Video

There is new video by Stew Peters that claims some vaccines are causing the sudden deaths of many people.

According to the video, long strands of rubber like substances grow in the arteries of the Covid vaccinated until it causes them to die suddenly. Embalmers in the video claim they have seen these strands in the vaccinated deceased. In response to the video, an owner of a mortuary in Wichita, Kansas was called and he asked two of his embalmers to watch the video and report if they had experienced these fibers in the deceased. Their answer was "No, they have not". The video does not seem to indicate which vaccine company causes the strand like fibers. Is it possible, the whole video is a hoax or is it possible the particular vaccine was not used in the Wichita area?

LifeSiteNews makes qualifications about the film and points out some inaccurate information within it.

Dr. Robert Malone speaks out against the video and calls it "fearporn". "This seems to mostly be a sensationalized but well-produced video covering information which has been known for quite some time."

Here is a homily given on the dangers of the Covid vaccines posted Feb. 11th, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

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