Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Dec. 22nd Mary's Magnificat

Our Lady’s magnificat echoes the glory of God revealed through Mary. Her hymn of praise to God reveals Her profound humility and Her example can help us to reveal the glory of God.

When Mary proclaimed Her magnificat, She was fully aware of what She was saying. She completely understood Her soul proclaimed the greatness of the Lord, because He who is mighty has done great things for Her. What a great marvel, what a great thing, to be conceived without sin and to become the Mother of God.

Mary’s spirit rejoices in God Her Savior, because She knows Her unborn Son, is Her Savior. She knows, as His Mother, She is the Lord’s servant. She will serve Her Savior taking care of His every need, as a Child, a young man, and as an adult. She keenly comprehends and desires to do God’s will, and so serve the Father, and His Son, with all Her Heart. Mary rejoiced in God Her savior, because She too would be saved--- like all of us--- by way of the death of Her beloved Son—on the Cross and be assumed into heaven at Her death.

Mary is lowly because She knows all the good, She had done, and will do, is the work of God, through Her. It is God who inspired Her to do a great act of charity by quickly going to Ain Kareem to visit Her cousin Elizabeth to help her during her pregnancy.

As a creature, She is nothing, and does nothing except by the grace of God and Her choice in cooperating with His graces. She is nothing compared to the omnipotent, eternal, and all-mighty God, who constantly overshadowed Her.

God reveals His glory through each of us by the ordinary things we do in our daily duties. The daily tasks that do glorify God because they are God’s will for us and if we do them with joy and to the best of our ability we help bring about His kingdom and allow the Lord to sanctify our soul and the souls of others. We are to always remember all the good we do is really God doing it through us. To take credit for our accomplishments is to prevent God from being magnified in us.

When we write out Christmas cards, give our presents, say our special prayers, do our acts of charity, we do all these things because we hope to surprise and delight other people. We want them to know we love and value them, that we think of them and we will go out of our way to show them we care.

And whether we realize it or not, we are doing this in imitation of our heavenly Father, who delights in filling His children with good things. We are always on His mind and the object of His affection. His love for us is steadfast and forever unfailing. God constantly bestows His gifts on us and sends us special letters of encouragement in forms of spiritual graces. And we should thank Him regularly for all that He has done for us, for He who is mighty has done great things for us.

Rather than patting our self on the back for all the good things we have done for others during the Advent and Christmas season we need to be humble like Mary and rejoice in God our Savior, for He who is mighty has done great things through us and if we give God the credit, we will be able to say with Mary, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoice in God my Savior.”

As we approach Christmas is just a few days, let us proclaim the greatness of the Lord, by our words and actions, and so reveal the glory of God, imitating Our Blessed Mother in thanksgiving, humility and joy.

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