Sunday, August 21, 2022

Queenshship of Mary - August 22nd


 “The Lord God will give Him the throne of David his father, and He will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom there will be no end.”

The angel Gabriel announced the to Mary, that Her Son would be given the throne of David. David was a king, and David’s son, Solomon was a king. The throne of David belongs to a king, and Jesus is the King of kings. David’s mother was a queen and Solomon’s mother was a queen, therefore the Mother of the King of kings, is a queen, as well. Jesus was no ordinary king. Jesus is King of heaven and King of earth. And so, His Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary is also the Queen of heaven and Queen of earth. In heaven are billions of angels & millions of saints. Mary is therefore the Queen of angels, and the Queen of saints.

When Mary was led forth by the King of kings, into heaven at the moment of Her assumption, there was a great company of exalting angels and rejoicing archangels, while heaven was ringing Her praise, and so the prophesy of David’s psalm was fulfilled, “At your right hand stands the queen, clothed in gold.”

We should pray to Mary, as our Queen. May we pray to Her everyday, and speak to Her as a child, speaks to his mother. We should talk to Mary, ask Mary questions, ask favors from Her, and just plain love Her, and treat Her as a queen.

And if we do this, as a queen, She will ask the King of heaven, to obtain all we need. She will comfort us in our sorrows; protect us from danger; and bestow upon us the gifts only a queen can give. She will keep us safe under Her care, and watch over us, Her children. As the queen of angles, She will send angels to guide and protect us. As the queen of saints, She will send saints to help us. She will encourage us in our suffering. And most importantly, She will take us by the hand, and lead us to Her Son.

Let us begin today, to pray to Mary every day, as our Queen and Mother, who loves us. And so, when we make that final journey, as we leave this world of woe, we will have a queen waiting for us, who will take us by the hand, and lead us to the throne of the King of kings, and we will forever sing Her praises, for She will have helped us obtain heaven’s goal.

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