Monday, August 8, 2022

19th Tuesday - Guardian Angel


 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.”

When Our Lord said these words, He was speaking about guardian angel, who gazes upon the face of His Father, but also that each angel is also present with the child throughout the child’s life.

Guardian angels defend us from the assaults of the demons, endeavoring to preserve us from sin and the occasions of sin. They strive to keep us on the right path; if we fall they will help us to rise back up again. They encourage us to be more and more virtuous. They suggest good thoughts and holy desires. They offer our prayers and actions to God and above all they assist us at the hour of death. They also protect us from physical danger as well, but most importantly from moral danger.

The church teaches that each person has a Guardian Angel, who watches over us during the whole course of our life. It is also a generally accepted doctrine that communities, the Church, dioceses, and nations also have angels which watch over them. For example, the angel, who appeared to the three children of Fatima, was believed to the angel of Portugal, who identified himself as the Angel of Peace.

We know that some saints such as St. Padre Pio were able to see their angels and had conversations with them. Even though Padre Pio was assaulted by demons, he was also protected and comforted by his Guardian angel. He wrote a letter to his spiritual father in whom he speaks about his attacks from devils, but also his guardian angel.

Padre Pio said, “Saturday it seemed that the devils wanted to finish me off with their blows, and I did not know what Saint to turn to. Then I called upon my Guardian Angel, who after making me wait a while, was right there at last to help me, and with his angelic voice sang hymns to the Divine Majesty. Then, he told me, “I am always near you, dear friend. I will always walk near you…This love I have for you-- will not end, even when you die.”

Today, let us pray remember to pray to Our Guardian angel, asking his help to overcome temptations, but also to keep us safe from all harm. May we come to know how much we are loved for and cared for by our angel and may return our love back to him, who someday we will meet in heaven. Our Lady of the Angels, pray for us, who have recourse to thee!

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