Friday, April 21, 2023

3rd Sunday Easter - Emmaus &- The Holy Mass


Just as Jesus opened the eyes of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus my hope is that today, your eyes will be opened to Jesus at Mass and that you will recognize Him in the explanation of the scriptures (the Liturgy of the Word) and the breaking of the bread (the Eucharistic prayer).

The first Mass was the Last Supper, when Jesus took bread and wine and changed them into His body and blood. But when was the second Mass? The second Mass was with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus when Our Lord took bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it them and at that moment, the recognized it was the Lord.

Before meeting Jesus on the road, the eyes of the two disciples were downcast as they had hoped for the redemption of Israel. They were disappointed Jesus died on the Cross. However after their encounter with Jesus, they returned to Jerusalem to tell everyone they had seen Him.

Here is an explanation of the Mass. Before Mass we bless our self with holy water to remind us of our baptism and we should pray, “O Jesus, wash away my sins, by your precious blood.” Before being seated we genuflect because we enter into the presence of the King of heaven and earth in the tabernacle.

Mass begins with the Penitential Rite, as we ask for God’s mercy. If we approach the Sacrifice of the Mass in a humble manner, we will all the graces and gifts God wants to give us. When we examine our conscience, we must truly bring them to mind and ask the Lord for forgiveness.

When we sing the Gloria, we are singing the words of the angels at the birth of Jesus, Glory to God in the Highest and peace to His people on earth. The priest then collects all the prayers of the people and offers them to God in the opening prayer called the Collect.

As Jesus explained the scriptures to the two disciples, so the priest explains the scriptures to us at Mass. We stand for the Gospel because we believe Jesus Himself speaks when it’s proclaimed. Our hearts burn within us, when the scriptures are explained during the homily. We must want to hear what God has to say and be willing to do whatever the Lord is asking through the homily as the priest speaks on behalf of Jesus. When we pray the Creed, we are all publicly united together in what we believe. The intercessions help us to pray for the world, our country and our own needs.

The offertory is incredibly important. There is great symbolism in people walking down the aisle with hosts, wine and the collection. What we are supposed to do, is offer our works, our good deeds, our sacrifices, our sufferings, our daily duties and especially give our self to God with the bread and wine given to the priest. Then later during Mass, the priest will offer the bread and wine with all your sacrifices and His to God the Father, through Jesus. That’s why the priest says, “Pray brethren, that my sacrifice and yours will be acceptable to God our almighty Father.”

The Eucharist is the new and everlasting covenant. A covenant is the total giving of one person to the other. Just as the marriage covenant is a total giving of one person to another, so at Mass, we give our self totally to God and God gives Himself totally to us in Holy Communion. The offertory is the moment we are to give our best to God, which is the gift of our self.

We then sing the Holy Holy Holy. We believe by faith that during the Holy Holy Holy, heaven is opened and angels descend from heaven to surround the altar. St. John Chrysostom said, “When Mass is being celebrated, the sanctuary is filled with countless angels who adore the divine victim immolated on the altar.”

The priest then begins the Eucharistic prayer and we invoke the intercession of the saints, asking them to pray for us. We kneel because incredible things begin to happen on the altar and we kneel out of reverence for what God is doing at the altar. We kneel because when the priest prays over the gifts, which is called the epiclesis, the Holy Spirit descends from heaven onto the bread and wine, and sanctifies them. So we should try to visualize the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending upon the gifts of bread and wine on the altar.

We kneel at Mass because when the priest utters the words of Jesus at the Last Supper, the re-presentation of Calvary occurs on the altar in an un-bloody manner. Not representation, but re-presentation. Jesus is not re-crucified, but rather that one crucifixion becomes present on the altar, which is why the Church requires every altar to have a crucifix on the altar or near the altar as reminder as to what truly happens on the altar. That’s why the Mass is called the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

I like to tell children, the Mass is kind of like a time machine. Instead of us going back 2000 yrs., the crucifixion event is made present to us today.

We are also present at the Last Supper. The bread and wine is really and truly changed into the body and blood of Jesus. It’s really a double miracle. The first miracle is that bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Jesus and the second miracle is that they continue to take on the appearance of bread and wine, though they have truly substantially changed, which is why we call it transubstantiation. Jesus does not come inside the bread, which is what Protestants believe. No. We believe the bread no longer bread at all and that is why we treat the Eucharist with the greatest reverence possible, as God. This is why we wear modest clothing and dress up for Mass because God is physically present in the Eucharist.

So when you hear the priest say this is my body and when the priest elevates the chalice above the altar, with your mind’s eye see Jesus hanging from the Cross. And when you gaze upon the Eucharist, look beyond the veil of the white Host and see the face of Jesus.

Then when you come forward to receive Holy Communion. As the priest says, “the Body of Christ”, see the risen and resurrected Jesus standing before you. You are not merely receiving a hunk of flesh. The Church says we are receiving the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus, which means the whole and entire person of Jesus in the Eucharist.

When we respond saying “Amen”, we are saying “I believe”. Just as Jesus physically walked through the walls and appeared to the Apostles in the upper room, Jesus will walk through the wall of our body and in our heart in Communion.

When we receive Holy Communion, it’s called “communion” because we have “union” with the Lord. He gives Himself to us and we give our self to Him. There is an exchange of love. His heart and our heart beat in unison together as we share our love with each other. We receive spiritual gifts from our union with Jesus to endure pain and sufferings and to carry our crosses.

One of the primary purposes of the Mass is to atone for our sins and the sins of others. Did you know it’s more important to offer Masses for the living, than for the dead? St. Anslem said, “A single Mass offered for oneself during life may be worth more than a thousand celebrated for the same intention after death.”

Do you miss loved ones who have gone before you? Many people will visit the grave of a loved one often because they miss the person who has died. Yet, at the grave is only the body. If the person lived a good life, the soul is either in purgatory or in heaven. And during the Mass, all in heaven, in purgatory and those on earth are mystically together worshiping God around His throne. If you miss your husband or your parents, or any of your relatives—remember that at Mass they are your side worshiping God.

When we sing the Lamb of God, it’s a reminder the Mass is the Passover because Jesus is the unblemished sacrificial lamb we are to eat in Holy Communion. He is the lamb who takes away the sins of the world due to His blood being smeared on the posts of the cross, so that all of us can Passover from death to heaven.

The Methodist Church, the Lutheran Church, the Congregational churches all have, what they call, a communion service. But they would agree with me, they do not have the Holy Sacrifice, there is no re-presentation of Calvary, heaven is not opened, angels and saints are not praying with them at their service. They believe Jesus comes inside the bread, but leaves after their service is over. That is why they don’t have tabernacles. They do not have apostolic succession, because they don’t have the laying on the hands from bishops to priests for over 2000 years like the Catholic Church. The truth is, they say the words of Jesus at the Last Supper, but nothing happens.

The Mass is the holiest and most sacred event that happens on the face of the earth. That is why out of reverence, we bow, genuflect, and kneel during Mass. We give our reverence by dressing up for Mass, by wearing our Sunday best. We shouldn’t wear shorts to Mass or when we come to Eucharistic Adoration. I realize its not as cool, as we would like it, but our ancestors for over 1,900 years did not have conditioning, and they dressed up for Mass. We can make a little sacrifice, to show Jesus we love and respect His true presence.

Because Jesus, who is God, is in the tabernacle, the church itself should be a place of silence. I visited with pastor Kenton Abbot from the Lutheran church in Lyons. When I came to see him, his weekday service was going on, and the lady who met me, said, “Shhh, we shouldn’t talk now.” I was amazed they have altar rails and the people come up and kneel at their altar rail and receive communion on the tongue. And yet, they don’t believe what we believe. They don’t have the real physical presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, as we do.

We know the Catholic Church is the one true Church founded by Christ because it has four marks none of the other churches have. We are One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. Should we not have a fire burning in our heart to help our non-Catholic friends to discover the truth? Don’t we want them to be able to be at such a holy event, as the Mass, to really receive Jesus in Holy Communion. We need to evangelize them by sharing with them the truth. There are booklets in the back of the church. When you leave take 2 or 3 of them and give them to fallen away Catholics, and to non-Catholics.

So now, at this Mass, and every Mass you attend in the future. Open your eyes to the spiritual reality of what happens during Mass. Allow your heart to be burning within you, when the scriptures are proclaimed and the homily is given. Give yourself to God with the bread and wine during the offertory. See the Holy Spirit come down upon the gifts. See the myriads of angels who come to gather around the altar to worship Jesus on the altar. See heaven opened as we adore the Blessed Trinity with the angels and saints and all our loved ones who have gone before us. At the consecration, see Our Lord hanging from the Cross above the altar. See the face of Jesus in the Eucharist. See the risen Jesus come inside your heart in Holy Communion. Then thank Jesus, pray to Jesus and ask Our Lord for all the graces and gifts you need and pray for the needs of others. Holy Communion is the greatest of all gifts because it is the gift of Jesus Himself. And then when Mass is don’t be afraid to tell everyone you had an encounter with the Lord. You heard His words at Mass as He explained the scriptures to you. You saw Him hanging from the Cross and seen His face in the Eucharist and now you desire to tell everyone He is risen and He loves us and wants us to come to Him often at Holy Mass and receive Him in Holy Communion.

And may the Virgin Mary, help us to be witnesses to the truth, to help everyone to come to know and love the truth, who is Jesus, the way, the truth and the life.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Divine Mercy Sunday


This weekend is the Feast of Divine Mercy, given to us by Jesus through St. Faustina. The readings today speak about God’s mercy. But, what is mercy? The Latin word, “misericordia” is the word that means “mercy”, but the word is actually two words. “Miseri” stands for “misery” and “cordia” stands for “heart”. To be merciful is to open one’s heart to the misery of another and to relieve that misery by a deed of kindness. Whenever someone performs a deed of mercy, their heart is moved to compassion to relieve the misery of another person.

In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, the early Christians devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles, to the communal life and the breaking of the bread (the Mass) and to prayers.

In just this one sentence we have a number of deeds of mercy. For example the Apostles were teaching the early Christians and therefore, instructing the ignorant, and through the offering of Mass, helped the people to be present at one of the fonts of mercy. Through prayers, the people were praying for the living and the dead, which is a spiritual work of mercy.

The early Christians sold their property and possessions and divided them among them to those in need. In another words through corporal works of mercy, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, caring for the poor, the widows and orphans, they early Christians did deeds of mercy, as an example for future Christians, including us.

In the first letter of Peter, the head of the apostles, in the second reading, it states, that God in His great mercy gave us new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. This new birth came about through the sacrament of baptism, which is a tremendous act of mercy. God opens His heart to relieve the misery in the souls of the unbaptized, and washes away original sin, personal sin, makes us children of our heavenly Father and a member of God’s family. Even before our baptism, the very act of creating us in our mother’s womb was an act of mercy.

The second reading today, also speaks about trials and sufferings being more precious than gold or silver. Even trials and sufferings can be act of mercy, because they purify us and help us to become holy.

In the Gospel today, Jesus gives multiple deeds of mercy. First, He forgave His apostles who abandoned Him during His Passion. When He first appeared to them, after He rose from the dead, He could have corrected them, for failing to stand beside Him in His hour of need, but He didn’t. Rather, He said to them, “Peace be with you!” Then He commissioned them to give mercy, when He said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” Our Lord then counseled the doubtful, by saying to Thomas who doubted Jesus rose from the dead, “Peace be with you!” and said to him, “Put your finger into the nailmarks, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.”

At the general judgment, we will be judged on mercy. In Matthew 25, Jesus said, “When I was hungry, you gave me food, when I was thirsty you gave me drink, when I was naked you clothed me, when I was ill or in prison you visited me.’ What you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me”. But, He also said, “What you did not do to the least of my brothers and sisters you did not do to me. And they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

Jesus told St. Faustina now is the time of mercy, but soon will come the day of judgment. He said, He wants to prepare the world for His second coming, and so, He demands deeds of mercy. He said,"I demand from you deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to excuse or absolve yourself from it.”

Jesus explains the importance of the feast of divine mercy. Our Lord told St. Faustina, "My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and a shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day are opened all the divine floodgates through which graces flow. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity. Everything that exists has come from the very depths of My most tender mercy. Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity. The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness. It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My mercy."

A priest from Poland, Canon Rozycki, came to the conclusion that the extraordinary grace promised by Jesus on the Feast of Mercy is a gift of grace equaled only by the grace of Baptism. Therefore, on Divine Mercy Sunday, our soul becomes like it had been at the moment it was baptized and after receiving Holy Communion, if we would die, we would go straight to heaven.

Through the chaplet of Divine Mercy, Jesus wants us to pray for mercy for our self and the whole whole world. St. Faustina saw an angel about to execute God’s punishment on a city. She prayed for mercy but her prayers were without effect. Then suddenly she heard this prayer, “Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.” which caused the angel to lose its power to punish the city. It was later revealed to Sr. Faustina, the reason why God was going to punish the city, was because of the sin of abortion. With this prayer, as well as the prayer, “For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us, and on the whole world”, it’s called the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Jesus said, “Say unceasingly this chaplet. Anyone who says it will receive great mercy at the hour of death. Priests will recommend it to sinners as a last hope. If the most hardened sinner recites this chaplet even once, they will receive grace from my infinite mercy. I want the whole world to know my infinite mercy. I want to give unimaginable graces to those who trust in my mercy.” Jesus also said, “I desire the confidence of my people. Let not even the weak and very sinful fear to approach me, even if their sins be as numerous as all the sand of the earth all will be forgiven in the fathomless pit of my mercy.”

Jesus said, “Paint a picture according to the vision you see and with the signature, ‘Jesus I trust in You!’ I desire that this picture be venerated first in your chapel and then throughout the whole world.” Later Jesus explained, “The rays represent the Blood and Water which gushed forth from the depths of my Mercy when My agonizing heart was pierced on the cross. The pale rays symbolize the water which cleanses and purifies the soul: the red rays represent the blood, which gives new life to the soul.” Today, we come to understand, the white rays represent baptism, and the red rays represent the Eucharist as fonts of mercy. The Divine Mercy picture we have in the church is the image Jesus wants venerated, especially on the Feast of Divine Mercy.

To forgive one another can, at times, be exceedingly difficult. I have known someone who, by the grace of God, forgave a murderer. Others to forgive a parent, who abandoned their children. How difficult it must be to forgive a sibling for stealing the family’s inheritance. Some had to forgive their boss, for ruining their reputation. Some had forgive someone who physically and emotionally abused them.

To forgive, another person, is an act of the will. Its a choice. So, when we say in our heart, “Jesus, I forgive.”, then we have forgiven. Because we are human, our emotions can fool us into thinking we haven’t forgiven. We can still have thoughts of anger or revenge. When we forgive someone, we expect the hurt feelings to disappear, but they don’t. But, that does not mean, we haven’t forgiven, it means our emotions have been wounded and it takes time for them to be healed. To forgive the other person, is to wish the ultimate good for them. Its to wish, that when they die, they will go to heaven. At times, we need to ask Jesus to help us to forgive and Our Lord teaches us how to forgive on the Cross, when He said, “Father, forgive them, for the know not what they do.” He taught us to make an excuse for them and to pray for them. If we pray for them, it help them to change their life and it will soften our heart and heal the wounded emotion.

Since we receive mercy, through Confession, we are expected to give that mercy to others. As Jesus said in the Lord’s prayer, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. In another words, the forgiveness we receive from God, is conditional based upon, if we forgive others. For if we do not forgive them, God will not forgive us.

Today, let us resolve to everyday be fonts of mercy, by accepting God’s mercy, who forgives us and be doing deeds of mercy for those whose misery we see and therefore desire to alleviate their misery, by an act of love.

If you have gone to Confession sometime since Lent started, up today, and when you receive Holy Communion, thank Jesus for washing away all your venial sins and the punishment due to your sins, in the ocean of God’s mercy. As the psalm for today said, “His mercy endures forever.” And let us thank the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Mercy, for interceding for us, to obtain this special grace.

Easter Saturday


In the Gospel today, we see how difficult it was for the apostles to believe the witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection. First, they fail to believe Mary Magdalene, who had seen the Lord near the tomb. Then they failed to believe to the two men who were on the road to Emmaus and their account of how Jesus revealed the scriptures to them and how Jesus vanished from them at the breaking of the bread, the 2nd Mass. The apostles failed to believe them.

Try to recall the last time you told someone something, that you were certain was true and they did not believe you. How did you feel when they did not believe you?

First, you would be upset because they don’t take your word for what you are saying. Then you may become angry because they discount what you are saying as though it’s not true. Finally, you may wonder what kind of friend are they if they don’t believe what you are saying. Are they failing to believe what you are saying, out of pride? Or could be a lack of faith on their part and if it is a lack of faith, we should have pity on them, rather than become angry with them.

St. Mark tells us: “But later, as the Eleven were at table, He appeared to them and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart because they had not believed those who saw him after he had been raised.”

Jesus rebuked them for their lack of faith and hardness of heart. He also rebuked them for their lack of faith when He walked on the water and calmed the storm. Back when He was with them long before His crucifixion, He had told them if they had faith the size of a mustard seed, they could move mountains.

Hardness of heart is something that prevents one from seeing what is true. It is not open to the truth, because the heart is not seeking the truth, but rather wallowing in circumstances from the pain and emotional distress of Jesus’ death.

Jesus wants them and us to go beyond the darkness of life’s experiences, and open our heart to the truth, that He is with us and loves us because He rose from the dead.

May the Virgin Mary, the woman of great faith, help us to always be open to seeing Her Son in the midst of our daily lives, most especially in the difficult and dark moments, because He said, I will always be with you.

Easter Friday


 The apostles went to Galilee because Jesus told them to go there. They were expecting to see Him, and were likewise expecting to be clothed with power from on high. Until these things would happen, Peter and the disciples decided to go fishing.

The apostles had been fishing all night and caught nothing. But when Jesus told them to throw out their nets, they caught 153 fish. Like true fisherman, they counted each fish, one by one, so they could tell others, how many had been caught.

Immediately, when the nets were filled with fish, John recognized the Lord. He said, “It’s the Lord!” Peter’s reaction is a bit humorous. He put on his cloak and jumped into the water to go and meet Jesus on the shore.

Much to their surprise, Our Lord had been cooking breakfast for them. He gave them baked fish to eat. They were probably hungry and tired-- since they had been fishing all night and had caught nothing.

All of the apostles knew beyond doubt, that they were not responsible for catching the fish. It was the Lord who told them to throw the nets over the side of the boat. They had fished all night and had caught nothing. They come to understand, they would become an instrument of the Lord--- catching something other than fish.

Just as Jesus would use the apostles to catch a large number of fish, so Our Divine Lord would use the apostles to catch, not fish, but men and women, who would become His followers. Today, let us pray that we will recognize the Lord and jump into the water of our faith--- and follow the Lord, so that we too may become fisher’s of men.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Easter Thursday


What would we do, if a deceased friend had been buried for three days, and suddenly they stood near us for everyone in the room to see?

First, we would think that we are seeing things. Then we would wonder if what we were seeing was a ghost. In order to prove it wasn’t a ghost we would have to touch them and perhaps watch them eat something, because a ghost would not have a body nor could it eat.

When Jesus suddenly appeared to the apostles in the upper room, the Gospel states, “they were startled and terrified and thought they were seeing a ghost.” But what they were seeing wasn’t a ghost. It was the real body of Jesus. Not just an apparition or a spiritual image. But rather, His entire person, His resurrected body and soul--- stood before them.

In order to prove He wasn’t a ghost, He encouraged them to touch Him, and to let them watch Him eat something. He said, “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.”

When He showed them His hands and feet, they were overcome with joy and were amazed. Then He said, “Have you anything here to eat?” at which time, they gave Him a piece of baked fish. He took it and ate it in front of them.

By seeing the wounds in His hands, touching His body, and watching Him eat; they came to understand it was really Jesus, whom they knew, and loved, and not a ghost.

After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to hundreds of people. And 40 days after His resurrection, He went to heaven on a cloud.

Today, many believe Jesus is physically present only in heaven. But this is not true. Yes, Jesus is physically in heaven, but Jesus is also, physically on earth, in a very unique way.

The same Jesus, who rose from the dead on Easter Sunday; who ascended into heaven; who has wounds in His hands and feet and side the apostles touched; who appeared to His Mother Mary, to Mary Magdalene, is the same Jesus, who is now really and truly present in the Eucharist, and whom you will receive today in Holy Communion.

In the Eucharist, many people think they are receiving only the spiritual presence of Jesus, but this not correct. Some treat the Eucharist-- as though it were only bread-- and that Jesus is in the bread. But this not what the Church teaches. Jesus is not in the bread. He is not only spiritually present, but is physically present in the Eucharist. What appears to bread and tastes like bread, is not bread at all. What was the bread-- has totally and completely changed into the entire person of the risen Christ. The Church describes the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist by stating, He is present body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist. This does not mean only His body, only His blood, only His soul, and only His divinity. Rather, this is a way to describe His presence, as wholly and entirely present.

The Eucharist is not a hunk of flesh. Rather, Jesus is really truly sacramentally present in the Eucharist, totally and completely, just as He appeared to the apostles. He is fully present in His human nature and in His divine nature in His resurrected body.

Today, when you hear the words, “The body of Christ,”-- imagine and believe, for it is truly the resurrected Jesus, who will truly stand before you. Listen to Him, perhaps you may hear Him say, “Peace be with you!”

Easter Wednesday

 I Spy Salvation's Story, Lesson 12: Road to Emmaus - Seeds of Faith Podcast

Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”

Today’s Gospel presents one of Our Lord’s resurrection appearances on Easter Sunday. Having lost all hope, because Jesus, in whom they had placed their trust, had been crucified and was now dead, the two disciples were making their way toward Emmaus.

With eyes downcast, the met a traveler along the road began to walk with them. Not recognizing the traveler, as Jesus, they began to discuss with Him what had happened in Jerusalem. With great sadness and discouragement, they speak of Jesus in the past. They said “We had hoped that He was the one to redeem Israel.” & (He) was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and the people.” The reality of His death caused them to say, “He was”.

After Our Lord interpreted for them the Scriptures, which referred to Himself, and how it was necessary, that the Christ would suffer, and enter into His glory. Jesus then acted as though He was going a different direction, but the two disciples, said to Him, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”

Our Lord had no plans to leave them. He wanted them to ask Him to stay, with them.

And “While He was at table, He took bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them.” It was at the breaking of the bread, within the context of Mass at “the Eucharist” when their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.

During times of tragedy and suffering, do we not, do the same? Aren’t’ our eyes downcast, and we are saddened as we feel like the one, whom we trusted is no longer with us? But in reality, Jesus is beside us, encouraging us, and giving us hope. When we feel abandoned by God, it is then that Jesus is nearest to us. He is always at our side, and desires to fill our heart with the fire of His love. Even though we feel as though He is not with us, we should do as the two disciples, and say to Jesus, “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”

When we come to Mass, do not our hearts burn within us, as the Scriptures are opened for us? At the breaking of the bread, at the consecration, do we not also realize, He is with us in the Eucharist, and has not left us, as orphans?

In the Eucharist, our eyes are opened to His love for us. In the Eucharist, He takes away our discouragement, and gives us hope. In the Eucharist, He gives us courage to face life’s difficulties. And when we receive Holy Communion, we will cry out with His Mother Mary, Rejoice, O hearts that seek the Lord, for He remembers His new and everlasting covenant, given to us the Last Supper, and here today at the Mass.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Tuesday of Easter


 In today’s Gospel, Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and much to her amazement discovers two angels sitting there. One angel sat at the feet of where the body of Jesus had been laid and the other at the head. Can you imagine seeing two angels in a tomb? First of all, it would be scary to go all alone inside of a tomb and early in the morning, no one would expect to find two angels sitting there.

The angels said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She responds, “They have taken away my Lord, and I don’t know where they laid Him” Certainly, they would have known why she was weeping. After all, they were sent there by God to help her discover that Jesus had risen. Yet they wanted her to recall that Jesus had said He would rise on the third day. However, she had not yet understood that Jesus had risen. Mary Magdalene turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not recognize Him. Perhaps, she failed to recognize him for several reasons. First, she wasn’t expecting to see Him alive. Second, her eyes may have been filled with tears—such that it would have been difficult to see clearly who was standing there. Third. Our Lord would have looked different, because now He had a resurrected body.

Our Lord lovingly asked the same question as the angels. He said, “Woman, why are you weeping?” Who are you looking for?” She thought Jesus was the gardener of the cemetery, and so, she said, “Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you laid him, and I will take Him.”

Can you imagine, a frail woman offering to carry the body of a dead man? There is no way she could not have carried the body of Jesus herself. Yet, she had spoken with her heart and not with her mind; because all she was thinking about--- was the One she loved.

When Our Risen Lord, spoke her name, “Mary!”, it was then-- Mary Magdalene finally recognized Jesus. She was very familiar with the way Jesus said her name-- because she was a friend of His. Ever since Our Divine Lord forgave her many and very grievous sins, she followed Him whenever it was possible to do so.

Until Jesus forgave her sins, Mary most likely was the worst of sinners. However, once forgiven, she become a faithful disciple, and even stood at the foot of the Cross. Because she had been forgiven much, she in return--- loved Him much.

It was most likely for this reason; Our Lord appeared to her first. He didn’t first appear to Peter, the head of the apostles, or to the other apostles, but to Mary Magdalene. And then He asked her to announce to the apostles, that He had risen, and was going to His Father and their Father.

Today, after we come forward to receive Holy Communion, and then return to our pews, let us silently close our eyes and listen to Jesus—who will be within our heart.

And perhaps, we may hear, Our Risen Lord call us by name---- because we desire to love Him as Mary Magdalene loved Him, by being a faithful disciple, —even to standing at the foot of His Cross.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Monday of Easter


There are two groups of people in the Gospel today. One group approached Jesus, embraced His feet and did Him homage. The other group include soldiers who took bribe money and chief priests and elders who gave the soldiers money to lie.

The women who came from the tomb, worshiped Jesus, while the soldiers and chief priests were all about lying and trying to defame the resurrection of Jesus.

There are people today, who, if they receive a large sum of money would do almost anything and even lose their soul in the process. The soldiers most likely also feared losing their job or even worse feared they may die if they did not obey the chief priests and the elders.

The women, who stood at the foot of the Cross of Jesus were not afraid to be there. They were not afraid of what could happen to them. They overcame their fear, out of love. In the world, there is a constant battle between love and hate, between lying and truth, between fear and being courageous.

All of us are weak and like the apostles, we are all human and can flee when there is danger. But out of their love for Jesus, the Apostles overcame their fear and would all end up dying for Jesus, except John, who they tried to kill, but were unsuccessful.

As we come before Jesus in the Eucharist at Mass and in Eucharistic Adoration, we like the women, who saw Jesus on the day of His resurrection, fall to our knees and give Him, who is God, homage, because we love Him and pray, that He will help us to overcome all fear and to be faithful to Him until death.

Friday, April 7, 2023

Easter Sunday - Ways We Can Tell Jesus is Risen

Jesus Christ is risen from the dead, alleluia!

After His death, Jesus’ body taken down from the Cross by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. St. John the Apostle, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the women who stood at the Cross, accompanied Joseph and Nicodemus. Before they placed Jesus in the tomb, they had wrapped Our Lord’s head in a cloth napkin and placed His body in a shroud of fresh linen.

The men rolled a large rock in front of the opening of the tomb. The soldiers sealed the tomb so if the tomb was tampered with, it would be known. It doesn’t take long for a body to begin to decay. Although the body of Jesus had been dead for three days, there was no stench, because God preserved His body from corruption. As the Acts of Apostles states, “You will not let your Holy One undergo corruption.”

But something incredible happened. There was a miracle that had never occurred in the history of mankind. When Jesus was alive, Our Lord worked the miracle of healing the blind, and the crippled. He had worked the miracle of walking on the sea and calming the storm. He had multiplied the loaves and the fish. He had expelled demons. He turned water into wine. He even raised to life a dead man and a little girl. But now He surpasses all these miracles and gives His definitive proof He is God. He predicted His own death and resurrection when He said, “The Son of Man will be handed over and killed, but three days later He will rise.” He fulfills His own prophecy.

By His resurrection, He proves everything He had said is true: bread are wine are changed into His body and blood; He truly is the Son of the Eternal Father; all the sacraments truly give grace and all His promises will come true, that we will have eternal life if we believe in Him and we too will have a resurrected body. That He is the way, the truth and the life.

Early in the morning before sunrise, as His body lay in the tomb, there was a violent earthquake, most likely caused by an angel. The rock in front of the tomb rolled away. The guards stationed to keep watch were dumbstruck and could not move because of the immensity and power of it all. When able, they immediately reported what they saw but were given bribe money to say the disciples had stolen the body.

By His own almighty power, Jesus rose from the dead and at that instant His body was made new and resurrected. His body immediately burst through the shroud, and as He stood there, He removed the napkin, around His head and rolled it up and placed to the side. With His new resurrected body, He is still able to eat and drink and be touched, yet His body can walk through walls. He walked through the walls of the tomb and through the walls of the upper room when He first appeared to the Apostles.

According to Catholic tradition, Jesus first appeared to His Blessed Mother. Our Lady had expected Jesus to rise from the dead. She had recalled Jesus say, “In three days, He would rise.” Yet, She did not know it would be so early in the morning. Her heart must have leapt for joy to see Her Son. How beautiful the embrace between the Mother and the Son.

Mary Magdalene and the other women who came to anoint the dead body of Jesus early in the morning, would be rewarded for their love, and would see the angels in the tomb, who would announce, “He is risen. He is risen Indeed”.Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” They told the women to go and tell the apostles and they quickly ran to tell them.

Out of excitement and disbelief, Peter and John ran to the tomb. John who was younger, outran Peter, waits to go in the tomb, out of respect for Peter’s authority. John follows Peter into the tomb. They look inside and see the napkin rolled up by itself in a separate place and they believe.

On that Easter Sunday Jesus appeared to the 10 apostles, without Thomas. He appeared to two men on the road to Emmaus. 8 days later He appeared to the 11 with Thomas and showed Thomas His hands, His feet and His side. He appeared on the side of the shore while the apostles were in the boat and cooked fish for them on a charcoal fire. He appeared privately to Peter and privately to James. He appeared to over 500 people at one time in Jerusalem. He appeared to the Apostles during 40 days instructing them. Then He appeared to the 11 apostles and the Virgin Mary on the top of a mountain before He ascended into heaven. A year later, He appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus.

After Jesus ascended into heaven, how do we know these things are true today over 2000 years later? Here are some true stories we can see Jesus is risen from the dead.

About 5 years ago, I visited a patient in a hospital. The man’s feet were terribly infected and I noticed one foot had an open wound on the top of foot. I thought of the wounds in the feet of Jesus and told the man, he was experiencing some of the pain Jesus felt on the cross. The man said, “Yes, I know, I have thought about that too”. He said, “I am in constant terrible pain, but I know Jesus is with me through this”. He said, “If it wasn’t for Jesus, I could not being going through this.” The man said, “Despite my suffering, I have peace because Jesus is always with me.” The man endures his suffering because he believes Jesus is risen and is with Him.

When I was a pastor at a particular parish, one weekend, I decided to preach on marriage and said to the people, that sometimes when we are young, we don’t realize we make wrong choices, and perhaps some couples may not have been married in the Catholic Church. I said, “If that happened, then your marriage is invalid and you should not be receiving Holy Communion, until you first get married in the Church. Otherwise, you commit a sacrilegious Communion, which is a mortal sin.” I said, “Don’t be afraid, I can help rectify your marriage and then after you have gone to confession and get married in the Church, you can receive Holy Communion. And by doing so, you will have peace and your marriage will be a sacramental marriage, and so you will receive sacramental graces to live out your marriage.”

Within a week, several couples called and said they wanted to be married in the Church. Both couples needed to get annulments. I had meetings with each couple.

One of the couples, the man wasn’t Catholic, but his wife wife was Catholic. She immediately discontinued receiving Holy Communion. We filled out the annulment papers and within 6 months, the couple received notification of their annulments, and their wedding was scheduled. The morning of the wedding, she went to confession. Later, the man decided to go through RCIA and he became Catholic a year later.

The other couple was easily able to obtain an annulment because the previous marriage, of the Catholic was not married in the church, and all that was needed was to fill out some forms and obtain the baptismal record and marriage license. They had their annulment in just a few weeks and were then married in the church about a month later.

Both couples believe Jesus is risen and wanted Him to be part of their marriage. Jesus helped them to overcome sin in their lives and they began to live a life of grace, flowing from the sacrament of marriage. Jesus helped them to be reconciled with God and procure a valid marriage, so He could be part of their married life.

Another example of proof of Jesus resurrection. One day, 21 year old Ryan Penney, from Alabama jumped off of a cliff into the water and broke his back. The doctor said he would never be able to walk again. The man hadn’t been going to church nor had he gone to confession for years. He was beginning a successful career as an actor, and a few weeks before the accident, he said he told God, he will do things his own way and not God’s way. But then after the accident he found himself turning to God seeking answers. He eventually went to confession and did several years of therapy. Though he was gradually improving, he could not walk. One Sunday, after He attending Mass, he told his mother, “I am going to get up from this pew and walk to the car.” He got up and slowly began to walk and he walked all the way to the car. His parents and the people were astonished. He said, “This happened at Mass, and so it was Jesus who helped me walk again.” Today, Ryan gives inspirational talks to young boys explaining the meaning of manhood. To be a man, he said one needs to be a Christian, who believes in Jesus and lives His life as a true Christian.

A few years ago, a woman told me she was carrying a grudge for a long time, but just could not get rid of it. One day, she said she went to the adoration chapel of her parish, and as she was thinking and praying about the grudge, she said she heard a man’s voice, “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Startled by the voice, she said she turned around and saw a man in the back of the chapel, but his eyes were closed and he was in prayer. She looked and saw a woman, a few pews from her, but knew it wasn’t her. She suddenly realized it was Jesus in the Eucharist, who spoke to her and immediately she had peace and the grudge disappeared.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson was an abortionist who admitted to killing 75,000 unborn babies. He was raised a Jew, but was really an atheist. Until one day, he watched a real time abortion by ultrasound and seeing the reaction of the unborn child, who died, he swore he would never do abortions again. He soon accepted Jesus and decided to become Catholic. He was baptized at St. Patricks’ Cathedral on Dec. 8th, 1996 on the feast of the Immaculate Conception by Cardinal John O’Conner. Because he was baptized, he did not have to confess his sins to a priest in confession, because when the water was poured over his head, not only were his sins washed away, but the punishment due to his sins washed away in the ocean of God’s mercy. By seeing the horror of an unborn child who struggled to live, the resurrected Jesus touched his heart and changed his life. He became a strong pro-life advocate and developed a movie called Silent Scream, which shows the horror of abortion. The story of Bernard Nathanson shows the beauty of the sacrament of baptism and God’s infinite mercy and love for each of us.

Jesus is risen! Jesus is with us! If we are looking for proof that He is risen from the dead, all we need to do is to see how Jesus changed the lives of those around us. All we need to do is to gaze upon the Eucharist, because in the Eucharist, is the divine person of Jesus really and truly present in His resurrected physical human body.

On this happy Easter Sunday, let us rejoice and give thanks to God with Mary, His Mother, who saw Him first, for He is risen, He is risen indeed alleluia, alleluia!

Easter Vigil - Pope St. John Paul II


"You have a guard of soldiers; go and secure the tomb as best as you can".

The tomb of Jesus had been closed and sealed. At the request of the Chief Priests and the Pharisees, soldiers were placed on guard, lest anyone steal the body. This is the event from which the liturgy of the Easter Vigil begins.

Those who had sought the death of Christ, those who considered Him an "imposter", were keeping watch beside the tomb. They wanted Him and His message to be buried for ever.

Not far away, Mary Magdalene was keeping watch, and with her the Apostles and a few women. In their hearts they pondered the distressing events which had just taken place.

The Church keeps watch this night, in every corner of the world, and she re-lives the principal stages of salvation history. The solemn liturgy which we are celebrating is the expression of this "keeping watch" which, in a way, evokes the watch kept by God himself. The Book of Exodus tells us: "It was a night of watching by the Lord, to bring them out of the land of Egypt. This night is a night of watching kept to the Lord in every generation".

In his provident and faithful love, which transcends time and space, God keeps watch over the world. As the Psalmist sings: "He sleeps not nor slumbers, Israel’s guard.... The Lord is your guard.... The Lord will guard you ... both now and for ever".

God the Father "is working still" for the salvation of the world, and through his Incarnate Son he leads his people from slavery to freedom, from death to life.

Bethlehem and Calvary evoke the same mystery of the love of God, who "so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life".

As she keeps watch on this Holy Night, the Church closely scrutinizes the texts of Sacred Scripture. They portray God’s plan from Genesis to the Gospel and, together with the liturgical rites of fire and water, give this remarkable celebration a cosmic dimension. The whole created universe is summoned to keep watch this night at the tomb of Christ. The history of salvation passes before our eyes, from Creation to the Redemption, from the Exodus to the Covenant on Mount Sinai, from the Old to the New and Eternal Covenant. On this Holy Night, God’s eternal plan reaches fulfillment, the plan which embraces the history of humanity and of the universe.

At the Easter Vigil, "the mother of all vigils", everyone can likewise acknowledge their own personal history of salvation, which has its basic moment in our rebirth in Christ through Baptism. 

In a very special way, this the experience too for new Catholics all over the world (China, Japan, Australia, Germany, Ireland, Peru, the United States, etc…) who tonight are receiving the Sacraments of Christian Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. 

The variety of countries points to the universality of the salvation brought by Christ. Those who are entering in the Church, like us, become intimate sharers in the mystery of the love of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. We pray that their lives become a song of praise to the Most Holy Trinity and a witness of love which knows no limits.

"Behold the wood of the Cross, on which hung the salvation of the world: come, let us worship!". Yesterday the Church chanted these words, lifting up the wood of the Cross, "on which hung Christ, the Savior of the world". "He was crucified, died and was buried", as we say in the Creed.

The tomb! Behold the place where they buried him. There the community of the Church throughout the world is spiritually present. We too are there with the three women going to the tomb before dawn to anoint the lifeless body of Jesus. Their loving concern is our concern too. With them we discover that the large tombstone has been rolled away and that the body is no longer there. "He is not here", the angel proclaims, pointing to the empty tomb and the winding cloth on the ground. Death no longer has power over him.

Christ is risen! So the Church proclaims, at the end of this Easter night, even as yesterday she proclaimed Christ’s death on the Cross. It is a proclamation of truth and life. 

"Christ is risen from the tomb, who for our sakes hung upon the Cross. Alleluia!". The Lord, who for us was nailed to the Cross, is risen from the tomb!

Yes, Christ is truly risen and we are witnesses of this. 

We proclaim this witness to the world, so that the joy which is ours will reach countless other hearts, kindling in them the light of the hope which does not disappoint. Christ is risen, alleluia!

Mostly Taken from a homily of Pope St. John Paul II

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Good Friday - 7 Last Words


 In 2007, I was able to be the chaplain of a pilgrimage group to the Holy Land. As a chaplain, it was free for me. One of the most touching and emotional places I went was the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which contains Calvary, the place where Jesus was crucified, and also the tomb of Jesus, where He actually rose from the dead. 

At Calvary, underneath an altar is a hole in the ground believed to be the actual place the Cross was implanted. When I placed my hand in the hole, I was overwhelmed with sorrow for my sins as it occurred to me, and began to weep, because it was there Our Savior died for me. Then about 20 feet away, I offered a Mass on a different altar. During that Mass, I preached on the 7 Last words of Jesus.

    On Good Friday, there is no Mass offered anywhere in the world, to remind us that if it was not for Jesus suffering and death on the Cross, we would not have the Mass. In fact, the Mass is the re-presentation of Calvary. Not representation.

Here on the altar we receive the same graces as the people who were actually present at the Crucifixion of Jesus.

    At the Church of the Holy Sepulcher I placed my hand in the hole where Jesus was crucified and then in my hands, I held the Body and Blood of Jesus and by the power of the sacred priesthood, and through the words of consecration, Calvary became present on the altar in the same place where Jesus died for all of us.

By God’s grace and power, and through the Holy Priesthood, Calvary becomes present on every altar of the world during Holy Mass. So, if you ever wanted to be at Calvary, know you are at Calvary at every Mass.

As we commemorate the Passion of Jesus, let us focus on Our Lord’s Last Seven words.

After He had been stripped of His garments, and nailed to the wood of the Cross, Jesus cried out, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!” Can you imagine looking down from the Cross from which you are dying and seeing those who are mocking you? They cried out, “If you are the Son of God, get yourself down from there.” Yet, with great love Jesus forgave them, and forgave us, who nailed Him to the tree by our sins. Not only did He forgive our sins, but He also made an excuse. He said, “for they know not what they do.”

One of the thieves crucified next to Jesus said, “If you are the Son of God, save your self and us.” But the good thief said, “Lord remember me, when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus responded, “Today, you will be with me in paradise Today, we pray that when we sin, we too will admit our guilt like the good thief, and with trust ask Jesus if we may enter His kingdom.

Jesus then said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!” These words came from the depth of Our Lord’s heart. Our Lord said these words for three reasons. The first reason-- was to reveal the mystery of His humanity, which felt abandoned by His Father. Yet, He trusted. He knew His Father was with Him. The second reason was to give us courage, when we too feel abandoned by God. But, it is only a feeling and not what is true. God is always with us. He will never leave us alone. The third reason, why Jesus said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!”, caused the Jews to be struck with terror. The Jews prayed the psalms everyday. They knew He was quoting the first words from Psalm 22, which refers to suffering Messiah. They knew the rest of the psalm, which said, “I am a worm, not a man, the scorn of men, despised by the people. All who scoff at me; they mock me with parted lips, they wag their heads: “He relied on the Lord; let Him deliver Him, let Him rescue Him, if he Loves them.” “My throat is dried up like baked clay, my tongue clings to my mouth. Indeed many dogs surround me, a pack of evildoers closes in upon me; they have pierced my hands and feet. I can count all my bones. They gloat over me; they divide my garments among them, and for my vesture they cast lots.”

Can you imagine, being a Jew and knowing this psalm, and gazing upon Jesus, who is fulfilling it. They would have said to themselves, “We are looking at Him, whose hands and feet are pierced. Did we not wag our heads, scoff at Him, and mock Him? Did we not witness the soldiers cast lots for His clothes. O God, creator the universe, what have we done, are we killing your Son, He who is the Messiah?

From the Cross, Jesus cried out, “I thirst”. Yes, He thirsted, because His mouth was parched, for loss of blood. His body was burning from the heat. But, He had a deeper spiritual reason, to say, “I thirst.” He thirsts for our love. He thirsts for our souls, that we may come to Him in this life, and be with Him forever in paradise.

How difficult it must have been for Our Lord to look down from the Cross and see the tear filled eyes of His Mother, and see John, the beloved, holding Her close to Him. Both were weeping. And if you were His Mother, can you imagine gazing upon your Son, as He hung from the tree. The same hands and feet the mother kissed-- when He was an infant are nailed and bleeding. The same face She kissed every night before going to bed, is dripping blood from the crown of thorns.

When the mother looked at the son, and the son looked at the mother, Jesus said, “Woman, behold thy son.” And to John, “Son, behold thy mother.” He knew He was about to take His last breath, and after He giving us His very body and blood on the Cross, He had one more gift, the gift of His Mother. When John took Mary into His home, we received our spiritual mother, who would pray for us, and look after us, to lead us to Her Son.

Then Jesus then cried out, “Father, into Your hands, I commend My spirit.” Moments before His death, He entrusted Himself and His spirit to the Father because He wanted to give us an example of trusting the Father in our of agony despite our intense suffering.

And when Jesus said, “It is finished.”, He bowed his head and died. With these words, Our Lord accomplished the task He came upon earth. The primary reason, why He came down from heaven in the womb of Mary, to take upon human nature, had arrived. His crucifixion, would conquer, sin, death, and the devil. By His death on the Cross, He would open for us the gates of paradise, while at the same time reveal God’s infinite love for us.

Tonight, when we come forward to venerate the Cross, may we remember Our Lord’s last words, and gently and humbly kiss the wood of the Cross, from which hung the Savior of the world.

Holy Thursday - Eucharist & Priesthood

Today we thank Jesus for giving us the Eucharist and the priesthood. Saint Pope John Paul II said in one his Holy Thursday Letters to priest, “There can be no Eucharist without the priesthood, just as there can be no priesthood without the Eucharist.”

You see priests involved in many different activities. No matter what type of good work a priest does the high point of the priest’s ministry is celebrating the Eucharist. It is the most important moment of the day for the priest. And so the Pope writes, “The ordained ministry…enables the priest to act in persona Christi (in the person of Christ) and culminates in the moment when he consecrates the bread and wine, repeating the actions and words of Jesus during the Last Supper.”

Before this extraordinary reality we find ourselves amazed and overwhelmed, so deep is the humility by which God “stoops” in order to unite himself with man! If we feel moved before the Christmas crib, when we contemplate the birth of God, what must we feel before the altar where, by the poor hands of the priest, Jesus makes his Sacrifice present in time? We can only fall to our knees and silently adore this supreme mystery of faith.

To come to Mass is a privilege. To receive the Eucharist is a privilege. To come to adore Jesus in our Eucharistic Adoration is a privilege. These are privileges because the Eucharist is the greatest gift God gives us on earth, because the Eucharist is the gift of God Himself.

The price of the Eucharist was very costly. Every time Mass is offered we hear how much it cost Jesus to give Himself-- to us-- in the Eucharist. Jesus said, “This is my body, which will be given up for you.” And when He had taken the cup, He said, “This is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant, to be shed for you, so that sins may be forgiven.” Our Lord gave His body and blood on the Cross, so that He could give us His body and blood in the Eucharist.

At the Last Supper the apostles were ordained priests so that Our Lord could give Himself. At the Last Supper, the apostles made their first Holy Communion. Yet one of them would betray Jesus. Even though Judas was ordained a priest by Jesus and even though Judas made his first Holy Communion at the Last Supper. Scripture tells us that Satan entered his heart and then he took the morsel, which was the Eucharist. Judas received the Eucharist in the state of mortal sin, and what did he do, but left the Last Supper early before it was over.

The eleven apostles would ordain other men as bishops, priests and deacons. These eleven men would offer Mass, hear confessions, and preach the Gospel wherever they went.

All of them, but John would be martyred. John would take care of the Blessed Virgin Mary and watch over Her until She was assumed into heaven.

The succession of priesthood is past down to us today through the sacrament of Holy Orders. That’s why today, bishops are considered apostles and priests and deacons are ordained by the bishops. One of the primary purposes of the priesthood is to make available to the people the priceless gift of the Eucharist in every time and place until Jesus comes again.

At the Last Supper, Jesus took a towel and tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and dry them with the towel around his waist… So when he had washed their feet and put his garments back on and reclined at table again, he said to them, "Do you realize what I have done for you? You call me 'teacher' and 'master,' and rightly so, for indeed I am. If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do."

Deacon Keith Founier said, “This God, before whom all the Nations will one day bend the knee, bends His human knee and washes feet.” He said, “How extraordinary! The God who fashioned the entire universe, who dwells in inaccessible light, is now present as a Man among men; serving the very humanity that had been created through Him. This God, before whom all the Nations will one day bend the knee, bends His human knee before the ones He had chosen to carry His redemptive mission forward until He returns in glory.”

Jesus washed the feet of the apostles to remind them that as priests, they were to carry on the redemptive work of Jesus by serving the people, especially by offering the Mass.

Lay people cannot offer the Mass, but lay men, women and children are also called to serve their neighbor. That’s what the stewardship way of life is all about. It is about serving God and serving our neighbor, which finds its source and its strength from the Eucharist. That’s why Eucharistic Adoration in our parish is so incredibly powerful, because the more we come to adore Jesus, the more we want to serve others, and serve God by our time and talent.

On this Holy Thursday, let us praise God for the wonderful gifts of the priesthood and the Eucharist. May we thank Jesus every day for the precious gift of Himself, the Eucharist, given to us at the Mass, which comes to us through the hands of the priest. Because without the priesthood, there can be no Eucharist and without the Eucharist there can be no priesthood.

Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday)


On this Holy Wednesday, today is called “Spy Wednesday” because Judas, one of the twelve apostles, secretly went to the chief priests in order to turn Jesus over--- for the selfish desire of money.

He said, “What will you give me, if I hand his over to you?” Because the chief priests wanted to arrest Jesus in order to kill him, they paid Judas 30 pieces of silver. Since that moment, Judas was looking for an opportunity to hand him over.

Jesus and His apostles had just eaten the Passover meal and after Our Lord instituted the first Mass, at His Last Supper, He reclined at the table with His twelve apostles and said, “Amen, I say to you, one of you will be betray me.” Jesus knew the future and knew the heart of Judas, his betrayer.

All of the apostles became deeply distressed. They must have looked at each other wandering-- who it might be, but then became fearful that Jesus might be speaking about them, and so each apostle said, “Surely it is not I, Lord?”

Peter, the head of the apostles, motioned to John, who was leaning near the chest of Jesus. Peter wanted John to ask Jesus, who was going to betray Him. Judas, in order to hide his wicked intentions likewise said, “Surely, it is not I, Rabbi.”

Our divine Lord then said, “Whoever dips his hand into the dish with me is the one who will betray me.” Did you know the action of giving a morsel to Judas was Jewish tradition as a sign of special love and tenderness? But Judas maintained his callousness and hardness of heart. And it was at this moment Judas dipped his hand in the dish, the same time Jesus did. Another Gospel states that after “Judas had taken the morsel Satan entered him.” Satan long ago found entrance into the heart of Judas; but now, as the tempter persuaded him to reject every effort of the Divine Master to win him back, each resistance to grace produced an increase of hardness, blindness, and malice. The father of lies was now his undisputed master.

We now know how the sad ending would occur. Judas lead the soldiers and the Jews to Jesus to have Him arrested in the garden and would even kiss him, in what should be a sign of greeting and affection would instead be a sign of betrayal.

Later, Judas would regret handing Jesus over and would return the 30 pieces of silver and throw them in the temple at the chief priests.

But because he did not trust in Our Lord’s mercy, he never asked Jesus for forgiveness. He fell into despair and committed suicide, by hanging himself, and the action would even cause his bowels to be opened. Apparently, after his death, his corpse fell from the tree, and when it landed on the ground his stomach burst open.

Imagine if Judas, would have repented and came to Jesus telling Our Lord that he was sorry, how that would have greatly delighted to Heart of Jesus to have forgiven the man who betrayed him. But how could Jesus forgive Judas, if Judas would never ask to be forgiven?

Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? Many of us know what it is like for a friend to betray us. And perhaps we too betrayed a friend. It hurts when someone we trust hands us over, or perhaps tells on us. Perhaps, we may tell a friend or family member not to tell anyone, and we ask them to not tell anyone. But later, we find out they told someone anyway, and we are embarrassed because now others know our secret. Perhaps the reason why they broke the secret was for their own selfish reason, to make themselves look better. Remember, Judas betrayed Jesus for selfish reasons.

On our part, we must be like Jesus and forgive, those who betray us, and pray for them, that God in His mercy, will help them to seek forgiveness and if we have betrayed someone, we should ask the person whom we betrayed to forgive us and ask Jesus in Confession for His mercy.

As we prepare to receive Jesus in Holy Communion, may we resolve to keep true secrets, to not betray a friend for selfish reasons.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Holy Monday


How would you feel if someone wanted to kill your friend? How would you feel if you knew people wanted to kill you? And how would you feel if you knew one of your friends was going to betray you? You would feel much anguish and sadness, wouldn’t you?

Would you pour perfume, that costs 10 months worth of wages on the feet of Jesus? That’s what Mary Magdalene did, which was 300 days wages. Was she rich to be able to afford that or was she exceedingly generous giving only the best for Jesus, who she came to believe was God and who was so thankful that He forgave her many sins?

How beautiful was her faith and her love for Our Lord especially when healing with men who wanted to kill Lazaraus, who Jesus raised from the dead. If they were to kill Lazarus, surely Jesus could raise him from the dead again a second time. But they thought about killing Jesus too. Not in their wildest imagination would they think if they killed Jesus, He would raise Himself from the dead. It must have pained the Heart of Jesus to know the wickedness of these men. Likewise, it would have pained the heart of Jesus to know Judas was not interested in helping the poor as he said he was. But, rather interested in the money bag used for contributions given to the Apostles to help the poor and take care of their needs.

Today, let us try to imitate the faith and love of Mary Magdalene and therefore console the Heart of Jesus, so afflicted by the wickedness of the world today.

14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection