Sunday, April 9, 2023

Monday of Easter


There are two groups of people in the Gospel today. One group approached Jesus, embraced His feet and did Him homage. The other group include soldiers who took bribe money and chief priests and elders who gave the soldiers money to lie.

The women who came from the tomb, worshiped Jesus, while the soldiers and chief priests were all about lying and trying to defame the resurrection of Jesus.

There are people today, who, if they receive a large sum of money would do almost anything and even lose their soul in the process. The soldiers most likely also feared losing their job or even worse feared they may die if they did not obey the chief priests and the elders.

The women, who stood at the foot of the Cross of Jesus were not afraid to be there. They were not afraid of what could happen to them. They overcame their fear, out of love. In the world, there is a constant battle between love and hate, between lying and truth, between fear and being courageous.

All of us are weak and like the apostles, we are all human and can flee when there is danger. But out of their love for Jesus, the Apostles overcame their fear and would all end up dying for Jesus, except John, who they tried to kill, but were unsuccessful.

As we come before Jesus in the Eucharist at Mass and in Eucharistic Adoration, we like the women, who saw Jesus on the day of His resurrection, fall to our knees and give Him, who is God, homage, because we love Him and pray, that He will help us to overcome all fear and to be faithful to Him until death.

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14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection