Monday, July 18, 2022

16th Tuesday "Mary Perfectly Did the Father's Will"


In the Gospel, when someone told Our Lord His Mother and brothers wanted to see Him, Jesus said, “Who are my brothers?” And stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, “Here are my mother, and brothers. For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister and mother.”

Protestants, often use this passage to disclaim Mary’s perpetual virginity. Scripture states, “His brothers wanted to see Him”. However, Protestants do not know Hebrew and Aramaic languages spoken by Christ and His disciples at that time, do not have separate words for “brother”, “cousin” or “near-relative”. For example, in Hebrew, Lot is called Abraham’s brother (Gen. 14:14), yet we know Lot was his nephew (Gen. 11:27). In another words, Jews used the word “brother” for a “near relative” without necessarily meaning “blood-brothers”.

Protestants also claim Jesus ignores Mary, and His cousins and so puts them down. Jesus stated, “Here are my mother, and brothers. For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister and mother.”

Jesus was not putting Mary down; rather, He did the opposite. He glorified His Mother, because She perfectly did the will of the Father.

Because of the merits of Our Lord’s passion, death and resurrection, granted to Mary, before He was born, at the moment of Her conception, Her soul was not touched by sin, and was preserved from sin, as She perfectly did the will of the Father all Her life, until She was assumed body and soul into heaven.

Today, let us pray for Protestants that they may come to accept Mary’s perpetual virginity, accept Her Immaculate Conception, accept the one true Church’s interpretation of scripture, and accept the Blessed Virgin Mary, as their loving Mother.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

St. Camillus de Lellis - July 18th


 Today is the feast St. Camillus de Lellis the patron of doctors, nurses and the sick. Born in Italy, he fought for the Venetians against the Turks. At one time, he was addicted to gambling, and by 1574 was penniless in Naples because of his gambling.

From the time of his youth, St. Camillus led a loose life. One day when he was on the road returning from San Giovanni Rotondo, by an inner illumination he saw the wretched state of his soul. It was like being struck with lightning. Such fear seized him that he fell on his knees and began to weep and sob loudly for a long time. He said, “What a wretch I am! What a miserable wretch! Why did I not know the Lord before? Why have I been so deaf to His calls?”

For a full hour he was beside himself, plunged in purifying tears of grief. He understood the priceless value of that ardent repentance. He tried to reflect back to see how he happened to receive such an immense grace on that day, and he remembered that it was February 2nd, the day honoring the Blessed Virgin’s Purification. Then he exclaimed, “Oh! Today is February 2nd, the Feast of Our Lady’s Purification. Now I know who won this great grace for me.”

Although he became a Franciscan Capuchin novice, he was unable to be professed due to his diseased leg which was caused by his fighting the Turks. He devoted himself to caring for the sick, and became director of St. Giacomo Hospital in Rome. He received permission from his confessor (St. Philip Neri) to be ordained and decided, with two companions, to found his own congregation, the Ministers of the Sick (the Camellians), dedicated to the care of the sick. They ministered to the sick of Holy Ghost Hospital in Rome, enlarged their facilities in 1585, and used the latest medicines and techniques saving the lives of many. He founded a new house in Naples in 1588, and attended the plague-stricken aboard ships in Rome's harbor. And in Rome, in 1591, the Congregation was made into an order to serve the sick by Pope Gregory XIV, and so, Camillus sent members of his order to minister to wounded troops in Hungary and Croatia, the first field medical unit.

Gravely ill for many years, he resigned as superior of the Order in 1607. On his deathbed, thoughts of his sins committed during his youth assailed him. The saint took a picture of the crucifixion with Mary at the foot of the Cross and, with ardent passion, prayed to the Virgin of Sorrow to intercede for him. He died in Rome on July 14th, contemplating serenely the Mother of mercy. He was canonized in 1746, and declared patron of the sick, with St. John of God, by Pope Leo XIII. He was then declared patron of nurses and nursing groups by Pope Pius XI. Today, may we turn to Mary, the Mother of the Sick, and with the humble prayers of St. Camillus, the patron of doctors, nurses and the sick to obtain healing and mercy for all the sick.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

16th Sunday - Mary Has Chosen the Better Part


What is most important in your life? Doing secular activities with our family members is important. But doing spiritual activities with our family at the feet of Jesus is most important.

In the first reading, we have a glimpse of what kind of priority was given to guests. Abraham notices three men walking past his tent; he runs over to them and asks them to stay. He prepares a meal for them, provides some water for their feet and shade so they can rest and enjoy their meal. As we hear about Abraham running around to get everything ready, we have to remember he was ninety-nine years old at the time.

In our day, if someone stops by unexpectedly, we usually ask them if they want something to drink such as water or coffee or a beer, or maybe a snack. In the case of Abraham, we heard about him making rolls, slaughtering a calf, and preparing it, which would require a substantial amount of time before they could be served.

With this as part of the cultural norm, Jesus would certainly not have chastised Martha for her acts of charity. Instead, He is reminding Martha, that good deeds are pleasing to God, but to just be with God is most pleasing to Him. Jesus also wanted Martha to know Mary wasn’t doing anything wrong, and in fact it was pleasing to Him that she just be with Him.

Martha welcomed Jesus into her home and began to prepare the meal. However, Mary sat at Jesus’ feet listening to him. Sitting at someone’s feet, was the traditional position a student would take listening to the teacher. It is very obvious Jesus is teaching Mary and she is his student devoted to him.

Martha, like Abraham in the first reading is providing the hospitality by preparing a meal for Jesus, which is an act of love for Him. However, Martha is so busy that even though she welcomed Jesus into her home, she doesn’t even have time for Him now. Not only is she too busy to spend time with Jesus, but she even tries to boss Jesus, and tell Him what He should do: “Tell [my sister] to help me.” She is obviously far too busy, too busy to spend time with Jesus and that busyness has warped her thinking and now she is even bossing God around! Jesus’ response was to help her get the balance in her life right again. He said, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.”

Today, many people are too busy to be with Jesus, and too busy to spend time with Him. They fail to make practicing our faith as the highest priority. Our activities should revolve around our faith. Not our faith revolving around our activities causing our faith to take a back seat.

How much joy and peace would be in your heart and in your home, if we were to put God first. Do we find our self trying to squeeze in time, for our faith, or in doing spiritual things, such as squeezing in going to Mass or in going to Confession, squeezing in doing a Holy Hour, spending personal time in prayer?

At various times during the day, Jesus can be the forefront of our day when we pray to Him. For example, it might help to read a paragraph from the Bible, especially one of the four Gospels. You could imagine yourself sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to him and conversing with him just like Mary in the Gospel today. You can watch Fr. Mike Schmitz's bible study on Youtube.

Jesus would like our day to be built around Him: “Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.” When you live your entire day centered around Jesus, even when you have to step into Martha’s kitchen to do some work, you are already experiencing some little bit of heaven here on earth. If you live your entire day from morning until night centered around Jesus, you have peace in your heart and everything else falls into place.

What is keeping us from Jesus? Turn off the TV, put away the phone and video games, get off the computer, and pray together as a family, or if you can’t, can you go to your room or to the church? If you want to listen to Jesus, you have to create space in your day for Jesus. 

At times, there are youth and family activities that help us to stay focused on Jesus. There is Totus Tuus at Lyons, this year. Adoration Under the Stars, TEC (Teens Encounter with Christ), the Midwest Family Conference, which has youth speakers and adoration for children and adults. This is not just for our diocese, people come from other states to attend the family conference. We can also pray a Rosary together at home with our family.

When we make our Holy Hour, we sit at the feet of Jesus in prayer listening to him. Time spent in prayer is never wasted. It is the most fruitful time of all. For beginners, prayer may not be easy, but for those who persevere, it is certainly rewarding. We live such busy lives that sometimes we might not even be aware of what is really going on deep within us. May be the Lord is trying to tell you and your family to slow down, to enjoy Him and make Him your priority.

Praying to Our Lady is also very helpful; she is your mother. Even if your prayer is distracted, the important thing is to give the time to Jesus; he will understand and appreciate your love for Him and the time you give him. He said to the apostles in the garden, “Stay here and keep watch with me.” He would also like us to keep watch with Him and sit at His feet listening to Him.

Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Our Lady of Mount Carmel July 16th


 Today, we celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. On July 16th, 1251, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to a religious brother by the name of Simon Stock. At that time, there was a group of men living as hermits in a religious community on top of Mount Carmel, who were dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Carmelites claim their religious order began at the time of the prophets Elijah and Elisha, as a group of men dedicated to living ascetical life, who were expecting the promised virgin, on top of Mount Carmel in Palestine.

In the 1200’s, many of the brothers in the community at that time had become lax and were in danger of losing their souls. In addition to this-- the order was persecuted. Some were accusing the brothers of not being dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, but rather men dedicated to Mary of Egypt.

Because the situation seemed dire, Simon Stock, the General of the Order, fell at the feet of Mary and said, “Most holy Virgin! Beauty of Carmel Virgin Flower forever in bloom! Bright Ornament of Heaven! Thou Virgin-Mother of a Man-God! Mother of holy love! Mother of mercy and meekness! Star of the sea! O Mary, show us thou art our Mother! O Virgin most holy, give me a sign of thy predilection for thine Order of Carmel which will astonish our adversaries, and confound our detractors!”

It was at this moment, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Simon Stock and gave him the scapular, which was a long woolen cloth that covers the front and back of the habit. She told him, “whomsoever wears this scapular will not suffer eternal fire”. The men in the community began to wear the scapular, which renewed their devotion and helped them to once again become more fervent religious. Laymen and women also began to wear the scapular, but because it was so long, it was problematic to wear during work. The scapular become smaller as it is worn today, so that everyone may easily wear the scapular.

About 50 years after the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Simon Stock, she appeared to Pope John XXII, and promised “She would assist and console the children of Carmel detained in Purgatory and also speedily release them on the first Saturday after death”, which would become known as the Sabatine privilege.
Interestingly, the last apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes was on July 16th and Mary appeared to the children of Fatima at the last apparition as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Sister Lucia said, “Our Lady appeared holding the scapular in Her hands because She wants everyone to wear it.”

Today, if we don’t wear the Scapular, may we once again put it on trusting the Blessed Virgin Mary will help us to get to heaven and protect us from the evil one.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

July 15th St. Bonaventure


Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Bonaventure. He was born in 1221 in Italy and given the name John. At the age of 4, he had a very dangerous illness. His mother, who gave up on physicians, became fearful he might die. She heard of St. Francis of Assisi, and took little John to him, to pray over her son. And instantly and miraculously, he was healed. St. Francis seeing his future greatness, exclaimed, “O buona ventura” --O Good Fortune! And from then on, the child was called Bonaventure.

At the age of 22, he entered the Franciscan Order. Having made his vows, he was sent to Paris to complete his studies. While in Paris, he became good friends with St. Thomas Aquinas. One day, Thomas went to visit him, while Bonaventure was writing a biography of St. Francis of Assisi. As he came upon him he noticed Bonaventure was raised in ecstasy above the earth, and remarked, “Let us leave a saint to write about a saint”.

Because of his external knowledge, he was appointed as professor of a college, and so, St. Thomas asked Bonaventure, from which books, he obtained all his knowledge. St. Bonaventure pointed to the crucifix, indicating the crucifix was his library. He devoted many hours contemplating the sufferings of Jesus, and was very zealous toward Our Blessed Lady.

A Eucharistic miracle happened to St. Bonaventure as well. Once, out of humility, he abstained from consuming the Eucharist. Consequently, an angel placed a consecrated host on his tongue, because the Lord had desired to come to him in Holy Communion.

Ordained a priest, he devoted himself with extraordinary zeal for the salvation of souls.

Even though he was chosen as General of his order, at the age of 35, he undertook the lowliest duties at the convent. He mandated the Angelus bell be rung daily in all Franciscan churches. This custom soon spread throughout the world. He also restored calm after internal dissension in his Franciscan Religious Order. He eventually became a bishop and cardinal.

Due to his efforts; at the Council of Lyons, the east Greek schismatics were reunited with Rome. However, he fell ill, and died in 1274, before the Council was completed.

Although he is, “The Seraphic Doctor of the Church”, he made this simple statement, “The wounds of Jesus are arrows, that wound the hardest hearts, and flames that kindle the coldest souls.”

Monitor Journal of Little River - America the Beautiful - Life is Beautiful

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 America the Beautiful Life is Beautiful

As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day, we are able to look back over the last 50 years and see how abortion caused our country to not be so beautiful. 

Mother Teresa of Calcutta is known for s thought provoking quotes: “Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women. Half of the babies and all the mothers.” “It is poverty to decide a child must die so that you may live as you wish.” “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love is abortion.” 

Many are rejoicing and giving thanks to God for the overturning of the Roe vs. Wade decision by the Supreme Court. For almost 50 years people have prayed, sacrificed, fasted for this monumental day. Over 63 million unborn Americans have died since Roe vs Wade. In 2020, the Kansas Department of Health recorded 7524 abortions in our state. That’s the same as killing the population of 15 cities the size of Little River or half the size of the population of McPherson or two cities the size of Lyons every year. 

Due to the Kansas Supreme Court ruling of 2019, stating there is “a fundamental right to abortion in the state of Kansas”, there is currently unlimited access to abortion in Kansas. Based upon the 2019 Kansas Supreme Court ruling, abortionists can perform live dismemberment abortions up to the moment of birth (9 months pregnant) in Kansas. All previous abortion laws in Kansas before 2019 can be struck down. There will be no parental notification required for any child under the age of 18. No informed consent required. No waiting period prior to scheduling an abortion. No protection from Tax payer dollars funding abortions. No sanitary rules and regulations as required by doctors offices, hospitals and surgical clinics. By voting, No (against the Value Them Both Amendment) on August 2nd, the voter wouldn’t mind if women from other states such as Texas and Oklahoma (who no longer do abortions) come to Kansas for abortion and our state becomes a haven for abortions. A Kansas director of Planned Parenthood said there are so many women wanting abortions, that can’t do them all. 

Did you know the beating of a baby’s heart begins just 5 ½ weeks from conception? A blob of tissue? Hardly! A person is not a blob of tissue. Some say, “Well, the child feels no pain if its an early abortion”. What does that have to do with anything? So if a person is put under anesthesia, since they don’t feel pain, is it okay to kill him? If a paralyzed person can’t feel pain, is it okay to kill him? No one has the right to choose to kill an innocent human being. A person is a person no matter how small. From the moment we are conceived in our mother’s womb, we have our own DNA and have an immortal soul give to us by God. God is the author of all life and no one but Him has the right to take another person’s life. 

Some think the Value Them Both amendment doesn’t go far enough, because the amendment in it self, would not outlaw abortions in Kansas. However, it would once again permit lawmakers the authority to create laws and maintain current ones. Kansas will be the first state to vote on abortion after Roe vs. Wade. All eyes will be on Kansas. What happens here can very well spread throughout the US. If we fail, we fail big time. Its not just about ending abortion, the greatest evil of our time. 

Its about loving and caring for babies and their mothers. Its about living out our Christian discipleship as a follower of Jesus Christ. Christians want to help anyone in crisis, especially expectant mothers. “Love your neighbor as yourself”. If you have moved since the last election or if you have not registered, you must register before July 12th, in order to vote. You can register at the City Office in Little River. Vote Yes, on August the 2nd. It’s a Christian duty to vote. 

By voting yes, you vote to make America beautiful again! Pray much everyday for all who will vote in the election. Pray for abortion supporters, that they light of Christ will open their hearts to love. Pray lawmakers will first and foremost follow God’s laws. Pray God will give shed His grace on our state and our country. And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. 

America is becoming beautiful again because we are finally seeing LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. Pope Saint John Paul II said, “America you are beautiful . . . and blessed . . . . The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless. If you want equal justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace, then America, defend life.” “Freedom is not in doing what we like, but having the right to do what we ought.”

July 14th - St. Kateri Tekakwith - Lily of the Mowaks


 Today we celebrate the memorial of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha known as Lily of the Mohawks, who was born in 1656 in northern New York State, near Auriesville near where St. Isaac Jogues and companions were martyred.

When she was four years old, her Christian mother, an Algonquin and her father a pagan Mohawk chief died of small pox. The disease also attacked Kateri and scarred her face and injured her eyesight. Because of her poor vision, Kateri was named "Tekakwitha", which means "she who bumps into things."

She was adopted by her two aunt and an uncle. Due to Jesuit priests, she converted to Catholicism as a teenager and was baptized at the age of 20. Persecuted for her faith, she stayed firm in it.

She spent much of her time in the woods and was considered a mystic. She made a vow of virginity and asked to become a nun, but was not allowed because she was not European. Two years later, she escaped to Canada to live in a settlement of Christian Indians near Montreal and in the Christian colony she lived a life dedicated to prayer, penitential practices, and care of the sick and aged and helped missionaries convert Indians to the Christian faith.

Every morning in the bitterest winter, she stood before the chapel door until it opened at 4am. She remained there until after the last Mass. She was devoted to the Eucharist and Jesus Crucified. When she died April 7th, 1680 at the age of 24, witnesses who attended her death, said her body glowed and the scars on her face disappeared and became like that of a healthy child.

In 2006, a 6-year-old boy cut his lip during a basketball game in Washington state. Jake Finkbonner developed a flesh-eating bacteria. Over the next few weeks, it destroyed his lips, cheeks and forehead. Doctors told the family the boy was going to die. The family's priest asked his congregation to pray to Kateri on Jake's behalf. A representative from the Society of Blessed Kateri placed a pendant of Kateri on the boy's pillow. The next day, the infection stopped progressing and Jake recovered. Investigators from the Vatican approved the miracle attributed to Kateri's intervention. She was canonized in 2012. As we prepare to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, let us ask Saint Kateri to intercede for the American Indians. May they have child like trust, in imitation of the Indian who bumped into things and is called the lily of the Mowhawks.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

July 11th - St. Benedict


 Today, we celebrate the memorial of St. Benedict, the father of western monasticism. Born in Nursia in 480, he is the patron of Europe, because of his enormous contribution of establishing Christianity on the continent. It was a time in the Church, civil society, and Christian culture itself, were in great danger. Through his sanctity and accomplishments, he drew the barbarians from paganism toward a civilized and truly enhanced way of life.

When he was young, the corruption of the world caused him to live a hermit’s life of penance and prayer in a cave in the mountain Subicao, near Rome, where St. Romanus instructed him in Christian asceticism. He lived in solitude striving for religious perfection, self-conquest, mortification, humility, prayer, silence, retirement, and detachment from the world. His reputation for sanctity gathered a large number of followers, for whom he erected monasteries in which they lived a community life under a prescribed rule. He founded the great Abbey on Mount Cassino, which became the center of religious life in Europe. The principles of the rule written by St. Benedict became the basis for religious life for all western religious orders after his time.

We may be familiar with the St. Benedict metal, which is very powerful against the devil. On the medal, St. Benedict holds a cross in his hand. A broken chalice, and a crow are pictured behind him.

St. Benedict’s power over the devil can be understood by these two examples: A community of monks, whose abbot died, asked St. Benedict to accept the office as abbot, of their community. He first refused, but later conceded. However, after instituting a strict monastic discipline. But because they were lax, they wanted to kill him by poisoning his wine. He made the sign of the cross over a cup of poisoned wine, which immediately broke. St. Benedict replied, “God forgive you brothers. Why have you plotted this wicked thing against me? Did I not tell you beforehand my ways were not in accord with yours. Go and find an abbot to your taste…” With that he left and returned to Subiaco.

On another occasion a black bird began to fly around his face, and came so near to him that he could have grabbed it, if he wanted. When he made the sign of the cross, the bird flew away. Immediately he experienced severe lustful images of a woman, as he had never had before. He recognized it coming from the devil, and so immediately tossed himself in thorns, and was rescued from the temptation.

Today many nations are heading for a new kind of barbarism considerably worse than any other in history. Materialism is imposed on everyone. The sacred principles that guide the individual and societal behavior are being comprised. The attack against the sanctity of life, the indissolubility of marriage, and same-sex ideology.

In response, we need to turn to St. Benedict to combat the devil, and once again bring about a renewal of Christianity of the west, as in the days of St. Benedict.

Friday, July 8, 2022

15th Sunday Good Samaritan (Baby on the Sidewalk)



In the Gospel today, we have the parable of the man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, who was robbed, attacked and left half dead. As a result, he must have lost confidence in humanity. None of his fellow Jews, not a priest or Levite stopped to help him. However, a non-Jew, a Samaritan, stopped to help.

Jews and Samaritans had nothing to do with each other. So for a Samaritan to stop and help an injured Jew, rather than a fellow Jew, to help would have been a surprise to him.

The Good Samaritan brought healing not only to his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them, but even more importantly the Good Samaritan poured love on the injured man’s psychological and emotional wound, of feeling rejected by those who should have helped him.

Love is just as important for healing, as bandages, oil and wine. The best medicine of all is love. If we don’t love those who need help, they remain wounded and hurt.

When I was a Seminarian, I went on a mission trip to Calcutta, India for a month during the summer. It was an amazing experience.

One day, in the hot weather, over a 100 degrees, I was walking down a busy sidewalk, when I ran across baby, about 6 months old, laying on the ground. The baby was laying on his back and crying. Everyone just kept walking past the baby, as though the child was not there. I wondered, “Where’s the mother of this baby?”. And, Why is the baby just lying on the sidewalk?”

Mother Teresa’s sisters, the Missionaries of Charity, received abandoned babies from parents. They had a house for abandoned children, where they took care of them.

I didn’t know how to speak Hindi, the language of most of the people in the area. I didn’t know if I should pick up the baby and take it to the Missionaries of Charity.

Rather than picking up the baby, I decided to grab the attention of people walking by. So I waved at people and pointed to the baby. Some stopped, but nobody understood what I was trying to say. I kept saying, There’s an abandoned baby on the sidewalk. The baby looks sick, he needs to be taken to Mother Teresa’s sisters. Can you help me?” Before long more and more people were gathered around me and the baby. I desperately tried to explain I found the baby alone on the sidewalk and the child looked sick and needed medical care.

Finally, a Hindu man, spoke English, said, “What’s going on here?” I told him, “I found the baby laying on the sidewalk and there was no mother to help the baby. He’s skinny and look like he needs medical care”. I suggested, we take the baby to the sisters for help. The man said, “You don’t realize what commotion you just caused. The people here thought you were trying to steal the baby and they were just about ready to attack you and beat you up.” He explained to the people my concern, and one by one, they all walked away.

Finally, about a half a block away, a woman with a water jug came. It was the baby’s mother. She had laid the baby on the sidewalk and walked half of a block to get some water from the hand pump well. I had no idea why she left the baby so far from where she went. The Hindu man who spoke English told the mother of the baby, that I suggested she take her child to the sisters for medical care, and she did.

When the scholar of the law tested Jesus by asking him, “Teacher, what must I do to gain eternal life?” Jesus responded, saying, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” But to justify himself, the man asked, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied with the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Jesus knew the Jewish scholar of the law had nothing to do with Samaritans, but the Lord wanted to open his heart to love them, because everyone is to love their neighbor as themselves by helping anyone who may be injured, including Jews and Samaritans.

What are you doing to help pass the Value them Both Amendment?

We get busy with our every day life, we forget about some very important things going on around us. Everyday we should pray a Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the passing of the amendment. Are you daily praying the Fr. Kapaun prayer? Or are we like the Levite and priest and aren’t paying attention to those in need? If this amendment fails Kansas will become an abortion center for all of the United States and for a very long time. The Guttmacher Institute says that there will be a 1000% increase of abortions in Kansas if the amendment fails. The rural areas of Kansas are more pro-life than the larger cities like Kansas City, Lawrence and Wichita. Its going to be up to pray and out vote them.

Most certainly you care, if children in our state, are dying everyday by abortion. To help you understand the reality of abortion. A couple days ago, I received a text from a woman. She told me about a coordinator of Eucharistic Adoration in her parish, whose daughter is thinking about having an abortion. She’s 3 months pregnant. We need to be aware this happening now. The unborn child and her mother need your prayers now.

Allow the love within your heart, to motivate you to do something about it. Our prayers make a big difference. Let’s not allow unborn children to be abandoned, to abortionists. Let’s help pregnant mothers in crisis, to get the help they need. Let’s pour the wine and oil of your prayers on the hearts of those who are tempted to have an abortion, on those who support abortion and support unborn babies in danger of death. Offer the graces you receive from being at Mass, offer your Holy Communion, offer the graces from your Holy Hour to help them.

Pray for all these injured souls, for by doing so, love will flow from your heart. Jesus said we are to love our neighbor as yourself. And, if we love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, we will see Jesus in the disguise of the unborn and do something to help them. Voting is important, but it is much more important to love them all, by praying for them and by financially supporting crisis pregnancy centers. O Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe, inspire us to love, as You love all Your children.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

14th Monday - Raising the Dead


In the Gospel today, Jesus raised Jarius’ daughter from the dead. Recall also that He raised his friend Lazarus from the dead, who had died four days earlier and whose body would have even had a stench to it. Jesus raised the son of a widow from Nain. Jesus told Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live and anyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” When Jesus died on the Cross, scripture tells us that saints who were dead, were raised to life and came out of the tombs. After Our Lord’s own death on the Cross, He raised Himself from the dead, to show us, He has power over death and power over life.

As Catholics we believe at the end of the world, there will be the resurrection of the dead, which we pray in the Apostle’s Creed. At the end of the world, whether anyone is living or dead, will receive a new resurrected body. And those who have died will rise out of the ground. All in heaven and even those in hell, he will receive their resurrected body. In heaven, it will be their glory, but those who are in hell, it will add to their torture.

Do you recall God used Elijah to raise a man from the dead? St. Peter raised a woman by the name of Dorcas from the dead. St. Paul raised a man from the dead, who fell out of a third story window.

Fr. Albert Hebert, wrote a book called Saints Who Raised the Dead, 400 True Stories. Some saints who have raised people from the dead include St. Francis Xavier, St. Patrick, St. Don Bosco, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Rose of Lima, St. Teresa of Avila, Blessed Margaret of Castello.

In Lisbon, Portugal, a boy called Parrisio decided to go on a boat trip with other boys, but without telling his parents. Suddenly, a violent storm breaks out and the boat capsizes. The older boys knew how to swim, managed to save themselves, but Parrisio drowned. Upon hearing this tragedy, the boy’s mother ran to the beach and pleaded with the sailors to recuperate the body. They lowered their nets and soon were able to draw out Parrisio’s lifeless body, which they gave to the desperate mother. On the next day the family wanted to take the body to church for the funeral and subsequent burial, but the mother did not allow this. She continued to pray to St. Anthony of Padua, promising that if her child were brought back to life she would consecrate him to the Franciscan Order. On the third day, in front of his parents and relatives, the boy suddenly awoke as though from a deep sleep; the mother’s prayers to the Lord, through the intercession of St. Anthony, had been answered. When he became older Parrisio entered the Franciscan Order.

In the United States, there was a miracle of raising a child from the dead, about 10 years ago, in 2011. A stillborn boy, from Goodfield, Illinois, was dead for 61 minutes and without any heartbeat, when his mother kept praying to Bishop Fulton Sheen and suddenly the boy’s heart began to beat. Today, the boy is 10 years old. This miracle of raising the boy from the dead through Fulton Sheen’s intercession has been approved by the Vatican, which will lead to his beatification.

Today, let us trust in God’s infinite power, that He can and will raise us all from the dead. May we turn to resurrected Jesus in the Eucharist and ask Him for special graces to help others to believe, that He truly is the Resurrection and the Life, and those who believe in Him, will live forever. As Our Lord said, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood will live forever, and I will raise Him on the last day.”

Saturday, July 2, 2022

14th Sunday - Roe vs Wade - Birth of a Nation

 America the Beautiful | Patriotic photography, Photography, Children  photography

Isaiah the prophet said, As nurslings, you shall be carried in her arms and fondled in her lap; as a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you;”

This weekend we are celebrating the birth of our nation. In 1776, we became our own country. Our nation is 246 years old and in four years we will be celebrating 250 years. Our country has had many battles, but the greatest battle we have had, is the battle for human dignity.

We called Indians, savages, with no rights. We looked upon blacks, as slaves. Did you know at the beginning of our country, Catholics were unable to vote? It was not until 1919, women could vote. But worst of all, we could legally kill our own children. We looked at unborn babies as genetic material, blobs of tissue. Even up to the moment of birth, a child has no right to life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

Indians are not humans. Blacks are not humans. Unborn babies are not humans. Good grief! Only the devil would come up with these lies and in our fallen nature, we believe them.

However, thanks be to God, last week Friday, June 24th was a historic day for our nation. The overturning of Roe vs Wade was a victory for life and for human rights. On June 24th every year its celebrated as the Birth of John the Baptist, but this year the feast was transferred to June 23rd, because the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart fell on the 24th. The day of the announcement was a day of rejoicing and thanksgiving to God.

On June 24th, the Heart of Jesus was moved with compassion and chose to honor the birth of John the Baptist to prepare the way for the Solemnity of the Heart of Jesus.

Recall, at the Visitation, when John was an unborn baby in the womb of his mother, St. Elizabeth, he became aware of the unborn baby Jesus in the womb of Mary. Jesus was only 5 days from conception, because that’s how long it took for Mary to travel to the town if AinKarem, where she lived. Scripture tells, Mary went in haste to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, who was with child.

We know Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant when Mary and the unborn Jesus came to her. John the Baptist had a beating heart, but the divine Child Jesus did not. Our heart begins to beat about 5 ½ weeks after conception. Yet, He was not a blob of tissue. He was not just genetic material. Jesus is a divine person. He fully took on our human nature from the moment of His conception. The unborn Jesus in the womb of His Mother, just 5 days from conception, blessed John the Baptist in the womb of his mother, Elizabeth.

The prophet, Jeremiah, speaks of John the Baptist, when he said, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations.John the Baptist would be the prophet, who would prepare the way for the Lord by calling people to repentance. He was sanctified in the womb of his mother, due to the presence of the unborn Jesus in the womb of Mary.

By the birth of John the Baptist feast day, preceding the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, it is clearly a call to repentance. God in His wisdom, chose the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as the day He overturned Roe vs Wade. What He is surely telling us, is that His Heart is beating, throbbing and is open, to bestow His mercy on everyone.

He wants the world to know He loves us with an infinite and unfathomable love and is ready to embrace us by pouring out His mercy into the soul of every sinner. He wants to heal the brokenhearted girl, who is confused and hurting. She was told lies, such as its a blob of tissue, or she pressured into getting an abortion by her parents or boyfriend or school counselor or friend.

Jesus wants to heal every broken heart. Not only those who have had an abortion, but also the abortionists, the nurses and staff who work at an abortion clinic.

He wants us to heal the hearts of those who are confused and find themselves promoting the killing of unborn children. Many have been duped by the devil with the slogan, “My body, my choice.” But, what about the body of the baby? What about the choice of the baby? Why is there no love or compassion for another human being? For a mother’s own child?

Perhaps due to one’s family circumstances, not having the father at home, or a single mother who works, and so a child is alone at home and becomes confused because he or she is not experiencing love at home. Or maybe the person was verbally or physically abused by a parent.

And so later in life, these people who suffer from emotional wounds from their family life, finds themselves not understanding how to love. Their pain causes them to overly self-focused on their own hurts and therefore are blind to the needs of others, especially the unborn.

Sometimes, one’s life revolves around pleasing oneself, and not making sacrifices for others. As Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, It is poverty to decide a child must die, so that you may live as you wish.” To choose to have an abortion, to have a larger house, to travel places, to go to college, to be free, to do whatever we want, is unbridled selfishness and totally self-focused. One lacks self-gift and self-sacrifice.

The baby boy, whose birth, we celebrated last Thursday, John the Baptist, is calling our nation to repentance, and at the same time the love of the Heart of Jesus is present to bestow His mercy on everyone. Jesus shows us, by the wound in His Heart, how to love and to love is at times painful.

A heart that loves, endures pain. It suffers pain when seeing another suffer. Who can stand to watch anyone suffer? Our heart is moved to do something. So, Jesus’ Heart is moved with pity for us because many in our nation are suffering from sin, especially selfishness and abortion.

Jesus’ Heart is like what Isaiah the prophet speaks. As nurslings, you shall be carried in her arms and fondled in her lap; as a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you;” Out of love for us, Jesus wants to pick up those who are hurting from their own sins, and hold us near to His Heart. He wants to fondle us, in His lap, as a mother comforts her child.

There is a temptation to think, the more children I have, the less happier I will be. But the opposite is true. The more children we have, the bigger our heart grows. When we care for children, we learn to love in new ways. Rather, than serving and pleasing, me, myself and I, we learn to please our spouse, our children and most importantly, to please God. Our heart moves from selfishness to self-sacrifice.

Think about what it was like when you had your first child. Oh, the joy, the amazing experience of seeing another you. A new person, you helped bring into the world. But then, in the middle of the night is the crying. At first, we run to see what’s wrong. Is the child hungry? Did he wet his pants? Does he want be cuddled? Or is he sick? Soon our heart grows to feeling empathy for the child. We wonder what’s wrong. Do you have a tummy ache? Are you in pain? We are moved by compassion to see the misery of the child and to console him. We want to comfort the child, to caress the child, to kiss the child, to hug the child, because our heart grows to love.

But, as the child grows older, he learns by making a fuss, he can get what he wants. Then we have to teach discipline, to say no. It is loving to say no. To teach the child to sacrifice, rather than to obtain instant pleasure.

Parents learn to sacrifice themselves for their families. Imagine for a moment the father of the home, who works for 40 years at the same job, and the entire time he works there, he can’t stand his boss or his job, but he doesn’t complain. He just keeps showing up and doing his job. Why? Because, he loves his family, and wants to provide for them. He is willing to suffer for them.

Our country is blessed because of all our freedoms. But, we didn’t just wake up one morning and have them. Many Americans died for them. People died for the rights of Indians and for the rights of blacks. Are we willing to die for rights of unborn babies, so they can live the American dream. So they can have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? The battle today is not in some foreign war. Its a battle in the womb. Its a spiritual battle caused by the forces of evil who hate human beings. But, Our divine Lord is here to pick up the pieces, by forgiving us, bestowing His mercy upon us, and loving us as His children.

A 33 day novena started on July 1st and will go until Aug. 2nd, the day of the election. During the novena everyone is asked to daily pray the Fr. Kapaun prayer. To daily pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, to offer your Holy Communions, your graces at Mass, your time with Jesus during you Holy Hour for the unborn.

Catholics are the powerhouse of the world, because we have the sacraments and the saints. Only we have the physical presence of Jesus in the tabernacle. Our Church was founded by Christ. Its up to us, and through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to lead our country to defeat the ruler of this world, Satan. So pick up the sword of faith and fight for life.

I would like to close with a quote from Pope St. John the Paul II. America you are beautiful . . . and blessed . . . . The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless. If you want equal justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace, then America, defend life.”

Friday, July 1, 2022

14th Sunday - Send Out 72 (Vocations)


Our Lord sent out seventy-two, whom He sent ahead of Him in pairs to every town and place Our Lord intended to visit. Jesus said, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the Master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”

Our Savior wanted the people to be ready to receive Him as Messiah and the announcement of the Gospel, which is why more disciples were needed to proclaim the kingdom of God. In every generation God provides the spiritual needs of the people by vocations to the priesthood because God’s flock needs shepherds to guide them.

The diocese of Wichita has a number of priests, while other dioceses do not. Our diocese is known for three aspects that draw vocations: Perpetual Adoration Chapels, Stewardship and Orthodoxy. Dioceses with these three elements have an abundance of vocations. But those who do not have adoration, stewardship or faithful priests-- have few vocations.

Eucharistic Adoration provides a place for many to come to Jesus for one hour a week, to receive graces from the Savior to live lives of charity and to be Christian witness and evangelizer in the world. In prayer young men hear the voice of Jesus calling Him to follow Him.

From adoring Jesus in the Eucharist, they are impelled to live lives of Stewardship using their gifts of time, talent and treasure-- out of love of God and to help their neighbor, especially the poor.

Priests are to imitate Jesus, who was poor, celibate, humble, prayerful, sacrificial, proclaim the truth of the Gospel and be loyal to His Church.

Our Lord wanted His disciples to be detached from the world and trust God to take care of all their needs. That’s why He said, “Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals and greet no one along the way.” He did not want them to be bogged down by material things. He wanted them to live lives of poverty, in imitation of Himself, who was so poor, He was laid in a manger in Bethlehem at His birth and had no place to lay His head as an adult. He was buried in a stranger’s tomb.

He never married and expected His disciples to abandon their family and promised those who do would be rewarded in heaven. Priests sacrifice not having a wife and children to be unhindered in serving God’s people.

Our Lord’s humility is seen by way of emptying Himself on the Cross. His body and blood were given up for us that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Priests are to be humble witnesses of sacrificial love willing to lay down their life for their sheep.

Just as Jesus spent time in a lonely place to pray, priests spend time with Jesus in prayer before His true presence in the tabernacle or in Eucharistic Adoration, for their they come to the feet of the Master and learn from Him on how to care and tend their flock entrusted to them.

And Priests are to be Jesus in the world, to bring about the kingdom of peace, through the sacraments and through their preaching and teaching of the Gospel and so are faithful and loyal to the Church. When priests faithfully proclaim the truth about Jesus and His Church’s teachings and fearlessly “rock the boat” when needed, the people are nurtured by truth, to help them to live authentic Christian lives.

Parents have an obligation to help their children obtain heaven. They do that first by their good example, by helping their children to live out their Christian faith, by teaching their children about God and the Church and to help them make moral decisions in their life, so as to avoid sin and to practice virtue.

Parents can help their child achieve the plan in their life. God has chosen for them to help them to get to heaven. If God is calling a boy to become a priest someday, parents should support them in their decision, because by responding to God’s call, it will be surest way for the young boy to get to heaven. Parents, don’t be afraid to ask your sons to pray about whether or not he has a call to the priesthood. Many times, parents, family and friends can at times see something within them that causes them to think that perhaps he may have a vocation. There were times in my life, I had people who told me they thought I had a vocation to the priesthood, but at the time, I myself did not see it, that is until years later.

O Mary, Mother of Priests, pray for priests and for more vocations to the priesthood, especially in those areas which need them the most.

14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection