Thursday, July 14, 2022

Monitor Journal of Little River - America the Beautiful - Life is Beautiful

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 America the Beautiful Life is Beautiful

As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day, we are able to look back over the last 50 years and see how abortion caused our country to not be so beautiful. 

Mother Teresa of Calcutta is known for s thought provoking quotes: “Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women. Half of the babies and all the mothers.” “It is poverty to decide a child must die so that you may live as you wish.” “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love is abortion.” 

Many are rejoicing and giving thanks to God for the overturning of the Roe vs. Wade decision by the Supreme Court. For almost 50 years people have prayed, sacrificed, fasted for this monumental day. Over 63 million unborn Americans have died since Roe vs Wade. In 2020, the Kansas Department of Health recorded 7524 abortions in our state. That’s the same as killing the population of 15 cities the size of Little River or half the size of the population of McPherson or two cities the size of Lyons every year. 

Due to the Kansas Supreme Court ruling of 2019, stating there is “a fundamental right to abortion in the state of Kansas”, there is currently unlimited access to abortion in Kansas. Based upon the 2019 Kansas Supreme Court ruling, abortionists can perform live dismemberment abortions up to the moment of birth (9 months pregnant) in Kansas. All previous abortion laws in Kansas before 2019 can be struck down. There will be no parental notification required for any child under the age of 18. No informed consent required. No waiting period prior to scheduling an abortion. No protection from Tax payer dollars funding abortions. No sanitary rules and regulations as required by doctors offices, hospitals and surgical clinics. By voting, No (against the Value Them Both Amendment) on August 2nd, the voter wouldn’t mind if women from other states such as Texas and Oklahoma (who no longer do abortions) come to Kansas for abortion and our state becomes a haven for abortions. A Kansas director of Planned Parenthood said there are so many women wanting abortions, that can’t do them all. 

Did you know the beating of a baby’s heart begins just 5 ½ weeks from conception? A blob of tissue? Hardly! A person is not a blob of tissue. Some say, “Well, the child feels no pain if its an early abortion”. What does that have to do with anything? So if a person is put under anesthesia, since they don’t feel pain, is it okay to kill him? If a paralyzed person can’t feel pain, is it okay to kill him? No one has the right to choose to kill an innocent human being. A person is a person no matter how small. From the moment we are conceived in our mother’s womb, we have our own DNA and have an immortal soul give to us by God. God is the author of all life and no one but Him has the right to take another person’s life. 

Some think the Value Them Both amendment doesn’t go far enough, because the amendment in it self, would not outlaw abortions in Kansas. However, it would once again permit lawmakers the authority to create laws and maintain current ones. Kansas will be the first state to vote on abortion after Roe vs. Wade. All eyes will be on Kansas. What happens here can very well spread throughout the US. If we fail, we fail big time. Its not just about ending abortion, the greatest evil of our time. 

Its about loving and caring for babies and their mothers. Its about living out our Christian discipleship as a follower of Jesus Christ. Christians want to help anyone in crisis, especially expectant mothers. “Love your neighbor as yourself”. If you have moved since the last election or if you have not registered, you must register before July 12th, in order to vote. You can register at the City Office in Little River. Vote Yes, on August the 2nd. It’s a Christian duty to vote. 

By voting yes, you vote to make America beautiful again! Pray much everyday for all who will vote in the election. Pray for abortion supporters, that they light of Christ will open their hearts to love. Pray lawmakers will first and foremost follow God’s laws. Pray God will give shed His grace on our state and our country. And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. 

America is becoming beautiful again because we are finally seeing LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. Pope Saint John Paul II said, “America you are beautiful . . . and blessed . . . . The ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless. If you want equal justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace, then America, defend life.” “Freedom is not in doing what we like, but having the right to do what we ought.”

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