Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Nov. 18th -St. Rose Duchesne

  Rose Philippine Duchesne - Wikipedia

 Born on Aug. 29, 1769, in Grenoble, France, Rose Duchesne was the second of eight children. Five of the six sisters would become visitation sisters.

She briefly joined the Grenoble Visitation sisters until the government closed all women’s religious communities due to the Enlightenment.

After a pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Francis Regis in 1800, she resolved to dedicate her life to the teaching of the poor. She and four nuns adopted a new name “Daughters of the Propagation of the Faith” on Mar. 3, 1803, and the following year sought admission into the Society of the Sacred Heart, founded by Madeleine-Sophie Barat.

In 1817 Louis DuBourg, bishop of Louisiana visited France. Because of the urgent plea for missionaries and a personal meeting between the bishop and Mother Barat, permission was obtained for Mother Duchesne and her first nuns to go to America. After spending 10 weeks at sea, the missionaries landed in the US on May 25 in 1818. They stayed with the Ursulines at New Orleans for several weeks before heading by boat to St. Louis. The bishop ordered the sisters to take up residence at St. Charles Missouri.

After Pope Gregory XVII urged the society to engage in missionary activity among the Native Americans, three sisters were appointed to this task. Due to her advanced years, Mother Duchesne was not chosen. The intercession of her priest friend called Mother Duchesne to be included. Their destination was a Potawatomi Indian village at Sugar Creek, KS.

Mother Duchesne arrived in Sugar Creek in July of 1841. Her age, her inability to master the Native tongue, and her ill health, combined to limit her material support she could offer to the missionary effort. She spent long hours nursing sick tribe members and the reputation of her sanctity grew. The Indians called her “woman who prays always”, in honor of her extensive periods of time she spent kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament.

After being sent to St. Louis by her superiors, she died Nov. 18, 1852 having attained her eighty-third year.

Mother Duchesne’s remains were interred in the community cemetery at St. Charles. After lying in the ground for three years, encased in a plain wooden coffin, her body was exhumed and the corpse was found to be incorrupt at this time, although later it decomposed. Mother Rose Duchesne was beatified in 1940 and in 1988 was pronounced a saint of the Church by Pope St. John Paul II. Today, if we have never prayed to St. Rose of Duchesne, a saint who walked, worked and prayed in Kansas, let us beseech her to help us to pray before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

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Nov. 17th - St. Elizabeth of Hungary

  Dun Giljan's Blog: St Elizabeth of Hungary

Today, we celebrate the memorial of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. Elizabeth was daughter of the noble king of Hungary, and was of noble lineage, but her greatest nobility was her faith and religion than by her right noble lineage. For when she was yet but five years old she would often go to the church to pray, and would invite her young friends to come as well. As she grew in age, she grew in devotion, and chose the blessed Virgin as her lady and her advocate, and Saint John the Evangelist to be her protector of her virginity.

At the age of 14, she married Louis IV, and they had three children. Elizabeth is said to have stolen bread, which she gave to the poor and later distributed grain during famines. It is believed once when she met her husband unexpectedly on one of her charitable errands; the loaves of bread she was carrying were miraculously changed into roses. This transformation convinced him of the worthiness of her kind endeavors. He had been chastising her for donating to the poor.

When she was 20 yrs. old, just after giving birth to her third child, her husband died. Due to his death, she moved to Germany and there she renounced all her goods and gave them to the poor, for whom she founded a hospital. She began to follow the way of St. Francis of Assisi, in his whole hearted life of poverty. She dedicated herself to serving the most underprivileged and died at the young age of 24. After her death, she would become one of the patrons of the Third Order of St. Francis.

St. Elizabeth is the patron saint of bakers, countesses, death of children, falsely accused, the homeless, nursing services, tertiaries, widows, and young brides. Her symbols are alms, flowers, bread, the poor, and a pitcher.

Today, let us pray to Elizabeth, may we seek to grow in our devotion to Mary ask St. John to watch over our purity, and to always be aware of the needs of the poor and help them in any way we can.

Monday, November 15, 2021

33rd Tues. Zacchaeus

  Going out on a limb for Jesus with Zacchaeus | Zacchaeus, Jesus, Jesus  pictures

When I went to Medjugorje about 6 years ago, a large number of people gathered around a visionary, who was going to have an alleged apparition of the Virgin Mary on the side of a hill. The number of people was so great, many could not even see the side of the hill where the visionary was going to have her vision. As I was leaving, another priest and I noticed a short man, who had climbed a tree and was laying on one of the branches. He was rewarded for his ingenuity, by getting closer than 90% of the people who came. He had clear view of the event. I pointed to the man in the tree and said, “Zacchaeus” and both of us chuckled.

Zaccheus wanted to meet Jesus even if it looked ridiculous in the eyes of the world. He climbed up a tree not to get the attention of Jesus, but see Him personally.

There are many ways we experience Jesus at Mass. We experience Jesus in those sitting near us in the pew. We experience Jesus in the priest, who is ordained and who acts on behalf of Jesus, especially through the sacraments. We experience the words of Jesus through the Word of God, the Gospel and homily. With the eyes of faith, we see Him at the moment the bread is changed into His real and true presence. To the eyes of the world it looks ridiculous to kneel before what appears to be bread but in fact is the risen Jesus. We experience His tender love when we receive Him in Holy Communion.

We can also learn from Zacchaeus is he didn’t let the people’s perception of him block his way nor stop him to see Jesus. As a tax-collector, he couldn’t avoid the common perception that he was a cheater, a traitor for the Jews, an extortionist. He wanted to get to know Jesus and he wanted to change his life.

Listen to Jesus’ words ‘Come down and I will have dinner at your house.’ This is a call for us to make a place for Jesus in our homes, in our lives, in our hearts. This means we let God in our life. This means we look to God for answers to the questions in life.

Today, let us turn to the Virgin Mary and ask Her to help us to make an effort to see Jesus around us, to accept the way God created us and make a place in our home for Jesus, for by doing these three things, Zacchaeus will be a good example for us in getting to know and love Jesus.


Vaccine Side Effects




Sunday, November 14, 2021

Nov. 15th - St. Albert the Great

  St. Albert the Great

Today, we celebrate the memorial of St. Albert the Great. He was born in 1206 in Germany. His father was a military lord in the army of Emperor Frederick II.

Albert joined the Dominican Order, the Order of Preachers and studied and taught philosophy in Cologne and Paris, where he became one of the most famous philosophers of his day. He was known as the "teacher of everything there is to know," and was a scientist long before the age of science. His works were extremely extensive. Besides biblical and theological works and sermons, he also had treatises on logic, metaphysics, ethics and science. His interests included physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, physiology, geography, geology, and botany.

St. Albert always knew that all of his wisdom and knowledge came from God, and out of humility, he always thanked God for these special gifts.

After several teaching assignments in his order, he came in 1241 to the University of Paris, where he lectured in theology. There he gathered around him a small band of young theologians, the chief of whom was St. Thomas Aquinas his greatest pupil.

In 1260, he was appointed bishop of Regensburg. In his latter years, he resided in Cologne, took part in the Council of Lyons in 1274, and in his old age traveled to Paris to defend the teaching of his student Thomas Aquinas.

It was in Cologne that his reputation as a scientist grew. He carried on experiments in chemistry and physics in his makeshift laboratory and built up a collection of plants, insects, and chemical compounds that gave substance to his reputation. He was friend and adviser to popes, bishops, kings, and statesmen and made his own unique contribution to the learning of his age.

He died November 15, 1280 and is buried in St. Andrea's Church in that city. He was canonized and declared a Doctor of the Church in 1931 by Pope Pius XI. His writings are remarkable for their exact scientific knowledge, and for that reason he has been made the patron saint of scientists.


Friday, November 12, 2021

33rd Sunday - Medjugorje 10 Secrets

 Pope allows pilgrimages to Medjugorje

In the Gospel for today, Our Lord describes what it will be like before His Second Coming. “In those days after the tribulation the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.”

There is a short book written in 1884 by a priest, Rev. P. Huchede, who taught in a seminary. Its entitled Antichrist. It explains that these events are both literal and symbolic. The author said for example the sun will be darkened is symbolic of the Church being eclipsed. It will not be a light in the world as though the world has overcome the Church. And he said the stars falling from the sky represent (bishops who are fallen from grace). A different commentary from the St. Ignatius Catholic Study Bible said these events are only symbolic and represent a shock to the world.

I spoke about Medjugorje several times, where the Virgin Mary is allegedly appearing. The Church has not given approval of the apparitions, but has not condemned them either and we may believe them, as long as we adhere to any future pronouncement by the Church on the apparitions. This week I would like to explain what we know about the 10 Secrets, given to some of the visionaries. Not all of them have received all 10 secrets but they will.

Some believe its possible the Virgin Mary's appearances have something to do with Second Coming of Jesus. But what we do know is the Virgin Mary told the visionaries She would impart to Ten Secrets to them. Our Lady said after the first two secrets She will leave a permanent sign on apparition hill where She first appeared. All the secrets are for the world.

Mirjana was the first visionary to receive all ten secrets. Our Lady has given her the responsibility of revealing the secrets. Mirjana knows the day and date of each of the secrets. Our Lady told Mirjana to choose a priest to reveal the secrets to the world. Mirjana chose Father Petar Ljubicic. Ten days before the first secret is to be revealed, Father Petar will be given a parchment containing the Ten Secrets. When he receives the parchment, he will only be able to read the first secret. During the ten days, Father Petar, along with Mirjana are to spend the first seven days in fasting and prayer. Three days before the event takes place, he is to announce it to the world. At the proper time, he will be able to see and read the second secret, and then the third, etc., according to the schedule of Heaven. Mirjana said that Father Petar doesn’t have the right to choose whether to say or not to say them. He accepted this mission and he has to fulfill that according to God’s Will.

Fr. Peter has spoken to Miriana about the secrets. He said the first three secrets are encouragements from God.

In an interview with Mirjana, she said, the first secret “will not be a pleasant thing” It will be something people will hear about for a long time”The first secret will make abundant talk about oneself” and therefore will not need many explanations to precede it. It will be something,that everyone, everywhere, will immediately hear of it”. During the appearance of October 25, 1985 Mirjana saw the first secret as if they were images projected on slides: This shook me more than anything else. This was, of course, due to seeing the first secret. If people saw the first secret, as was shown to me yesterday, everyone would certainly be shocked enough to look at themselves and everything around them in a completely new way.

Mirjana told P. Petar the day after the vision.It will last for a while. It will be visible, it is necessary to shake the world a little. It will cause the world to stop and think.”

Without knowing for certain and by using the words of Miriana it would seem it is possible, the first secret would be something like an illumination of conscience, where the person will see all their sins and how their sins have negatively affected others and its purpose would be to help the person to try to lead a different life more in accord the way God wants each person to live.

The third secret will be a visible, lasting sign that will be miraculously on Apparition Hill. The visionaries say they have seen this sign in a vision. It is very beautiful, permanent and indestructible. It will be given in Medjugorje for all humanity and many miracles will be connected with it.

Five of the visionaries know the date on which the sign will occur: all of them stress that this period until the appearance of the visible sign, is a period of grace and for the strengthening of faith. Everyone will see that human hands will not have made it. People will be able to photograph and film the sign, but in order to comprehend it and experience it with the heart, they will need to come to Medjugorje seeing it live with the eyes will be far more beautiful. After the sign it will be difficult for even the most skeptic atheists to doubt the existence of God and the authenticity of the apparitions.

Mirjana and Vicka have stated part of the seventh secret no longer exists. It was something evil, but due to the prayers and fasting it has been averted. That’s why the Virgin Mary is stressing to now pray and fast to decrease some of the future chastisements.

The night and tenth secrets are serious. They concern chastisement for the sins of the world. Punishment is inevitable, for we cannot expect the whole world to be converted. The punishment can be diminished by prayer and penance, but it cannot be eliminated.

Three of the visionaries, Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov, have all ten secrets and no longer see Our Lady on a daily basis. Ivan, Marija and Vicka, each have 9 secrets and still see Our Lady on a daily basis.

Miriana said this about the 10 Secrets and what the Virgin Mary is doing. “Our Lady is planning on changing the world. She did not come to announce our destruction. She came to save us and with Her Son, She will triumph over evil. If our Mother promises to defeat evil then what do we have to fear.”

I would like to encourage you to fast on Wed. and Fri., to pray the Rosary daily and to read the bible daily. To go to Confession monthly, to pray with the heart and to attend Mass as often as you are able. And continue to open your hearts to Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration when you make your Holy Hour. This way, you and your family will be prepared and not worry about the future, but rather will trust that Mary will walk with us and hold us by the hand each day.

Finally, next Saturday at 6:30pm, I will give a presentation on the 2nd Coming of Jesus, the Antichrist, the three days of darkness and the illumination of conscience at the parish hall. Hot dogs and chips will be provided.

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News Article: Jesus is There! Perpetual is fuel for the Parish!

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 Adoration and Eucharist | 12 best free adoration, eucharist, catholic and  worship photos on Unsplash

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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Nov. 12th - St. Josaphat

  I am a Catholic because of St. Josaphat – Catholic World Report

Today, we celebrate the memorial of St. Josaphat, bishop and martyr, who was born in 1580 in Poland to Orthodox parents. His mother raised him in the fear of the Lord and in his tender heart formed longings for virtue. As a child, he would separate himself from the games of his companions in order to pray. He learned a large section of the Divine Office by heart and was faithful in praying it everyday. He became Catholic of the Byzantine Rite. He studied philosophy and theology under two famous Jesuits.

In 1604, he took the religious habit when he entered the Order of St. Basil, at twenty years of age, and thoroughly reformed the order, giving the order a more active character. He was ordained a priest and began to preach in various churches to many dissidents. Through his boundless charity and powerful preaching, he established unity with the Uniate Church. So well known, did his wisdom and knowledge become, that he was recommended, to the Pope by his own people to rule over them as archbishop in 1617. In this office he campaigned intensively for the conversion of the schismatics, and reform the clergy in his diocese. He restored five major cathedrals, aided the poor and maintained total frugality in his residence. Soon, St. Josaphat had an enemy, who made himself bishop of the same city in which Josaphat was bishop. In a very short period of time, many of the people of the city began to follow the false archbishop, who sought power over the people. An uprising occurred which resulted in the archdeacon being wounded on the head and left for dead. When Bishop Josaphat went to calm the turmoil, he knew it would be the end of his life. At the age of 44, Josaphat they cruelly assassinated him and profaned his body.

After five days, when his mortal remains were recovered from a river, and exposed for 9 days, his body constantly emitted a fragrance of roses and lilies. One of the councilors, who had abandoned the faith, immediately came back to the Church, when he saw the countenance of the St. Josaphat. The archbishop gladly went to his death in order to reunite the schism. About four years after the death of Josaphat, the false archbishop repented and consecrated his life to penance and prayer. Such changes of heart are the result of the sanctity of St. Josaphat. About 5 years after his death, his body was found incorrupt, though his clothes had rotted away. Again, in 1637, his body was found white and supple. After a hundred forty years in 1767, the body was still found incorrupt. It was eventually taken to St. Peter’s basilica in Rome and he was canonized in 1867, as the first Eastern saint by Pope Leo XIII.

Pope Pius XI said, “St. Josaphat is rightly looked upon, as the great glory and strength of the Eastern Rite Slavs. Few have brought them greater honor, or contributed more, to their spiritual welfare than Josaphat, their pastor and apostle, especially when he gave his life, as a martyr for the unity of the Church.”

Today, let us pray for unity among all Christians, especially between the East and West. And if necessary, and if God so ordains it, may we lay down our life for truth and unity, in imitation of St. Josaphat, the martyr.

Nov. 11th - St. Martin of Tours

 Saint of the Day – 11 November – St Martin of Tours (c 316-397) – AnaStpaul

 Today is the feast of St. Martin of Tours. He was born about the year 317AD. His parents were not Christians. They were pagans, who worshiped idols. His father was a soldier, who wanted his son, Martin, to follow in his footsteps, as a soldier. After becoming a soldier, he met a poor man in the street, who was cold. Martin cut off a piece of his own military cloak, and gave half of his cloak to the poor man. That same night he had a vision, which helped him to understand that the poor man was really Jesus in disguise. This caused Martin to become Catholic. And after his baptism, he led the life of a hermit, and later converted his mother to the Catholic faith as well.

St. Martin and St. Hilary built a monastery and lived there, until he was chosen bishop of Tours in 371. Even though he was elected bishop, he continued to live the same humble and mortified life as before. As bishop, at first, he lived in a little cell near the church, but afterward laid the foundations of a new monastery. A number of followers flocked to his monastic way of life, and he therefore became the founder of monasticism in what is now today, France.

As bishop, he succeeded in getting rid of idolatry from his diocese of Tours. He and St. Ambrose protested against those who were putting heretics to death.

The life of St. Martin was one of constant prayer and his virtues were rewarded by an extraordinary gift of miracles. Living more than eighty years, he died peacefully in 397. As we prepare to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, let us ask Our Blessed Mother to give us the grace to live a holy life in imitation of St. Martin of Tours.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Nov. 9th - St. John Lateran

 Audio guide ARCHBASILICA OF ST. JOHN LATERAN - Square - Tour Guide | MyWoWo

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica, which is the cathedral of Rome. There is an inscription on the outside of the church, which states, “The holy church of the Lateran, mother and head of all the churches of the city and of the world.”

After the church was constructed by the emperor Constantine and given to pope Sylvester I, it was consecrated in 324. The pope lived at the Lateran palace for about 1000 yrs, before moving to St. Peter’s Basilica. The church also possesses the relics of the heads of Peter and Paul and the holy table our Lord used at the Last Supper.

We celebrate the dedication of the physical structure of the Lateran Basilica, not so much because it is old, or that it was the resident of the pope for centuries, but most importantly, because of who is in the Church. Our Lord Jesus Christ truly present in the Eucharist now resides in the Lateran Basilica and every Catholic church in the world.

Recall that previously St. Francis heard the voice of Jesus at San Damiano, which said, “Build my house, which as you can see is falling into ruin”. Heeding Our Lord’s voice, he went about restoring churches. Later, when he went to obtain approval of his rule, Pope Innocent III, had a dream, in which he saw St. Francis of Assisi, holding up the Lateran Basilica, which seemed to be falling down. The pope came to understand that the Franciscan way of life, would build up the temple of the mystical Body of Christ—the Church.

In the second reading today, St. Paul said, “Do you not know you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you.” Saint Caesarius of Arles when speaking of St. John Lateran he said, “Do you wish to find this basilica immaculately clean? Then do not soil your soul with the filth of sins. Do you wish this basilica to be full of light? God too wishes that your soul be not in darkness, but that the light of good works shine in us...”

By coming to Mass today, we recognize our need to drive those things in our heart, which prevent the temple of our soul from truly being the Father’s house. We need to be like Jesus, and have holy zeal, to drive out the sheep, oxen, and money changers within our heart (which are our sins).

Regular confession in a particular way, cleanses the temple of our heart and when we receive Jesus in Holy Communion, He comes to dwell within our temple, giving us graces and gifts to endure life’s daily difficulties, and drive out our sins and gives us peace.

Today, let us therefore honor and praise St. John Lateran Church, the mother church of all Christians, let us with zeal strive to make our soul immaculate in imitation of Mary, the image and model of the Church and in this way, Our Lord will find within us a miniature palace, a little tabernacle and a home He can dwell.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

32nd Mon. Scandal vs. Martyr

  December 15 - Blessed János Brenner. Martyr of the Eucharist –

“Things that cause sin will inevitably occur, but woe to the one through whom they occur. It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.” Adults can cause children to sin by their scandalous behavior. Adults who cuss at sports events or become intoxicated at home or parents who don’t take their children to Mass or Catholic politicians who promote abortion can scandalize children and cause them to sin.

Last week Joe Biden met with Pope Francis and claimed the pope said he could continue to receive Holy Communion despite promoting abortion more than any other president in the history of our country. A politician who aggressively promotes abortion is not permitted to receive Communion, unless he publicly repents of his sin and goes to confession. One who “obstinately perseveres in manifest grave sin” cannot receive Holy Communion.

The day after Biden met the pope, he sacrilegiously received Holy Communion at St. Patrick’s church in Rome and the priest who gave him Holy Communion said he had no problem giving President Biden the Eucharist. All of this is scandalous. The priest should have refused Biden Holy Communion by following the laws of the Church. By not giving Communion, it would have prevented Biden from committing a sacrilegious communion, prevented scandal, protected the Host from desecration, reminded Mr. Biden he is no longer in communion with the Church’s teachings. It would have best for Biden’s soul.

No one has the right to receive Communion. The Eucharist does not belong to anyone nor to any priest, but rather is the property of the Church and subject to the laws of the Church. It’s our faith. How opposite it is for those who died for their faith in the Eucharist, as opposed to those who cause scandal.

1957, Father János Brenner, a Cistercian Hungarian priest, was called to give Last Rites and final Eucharist to a dying man. The call was a lie. The priest was being set up by Communists. As he went to the fake sick call carrying the Host and the oil of the sick, he was stabbed 32 times. When his body was found, he was still clutching the pyx with the Eucharist in it, because he refused to relinquish it to the killers.

Today let us pray for adult Catholics. May receive the gift of faith and live by it, like the martyrs. Children need examples of adults with faith and not adults without faith, who scandalize them by their non Christian behaviors.

O Mary, woman of faith, pray for all adult Christians, especially parents and government leaders, help them give good example, as an expression of their faith, so they can help children obtain heaven, rather than cause them to sin and lose their faith.

Friday, November 5, 2021

32nd Sun. If Widows Gave God Everything. We Should Do the Same Including Sins

  My Widow's mite: The "this" keyword in Javascript - DEV Community

Are we giving all we can to the Lord—not out of a sense of duty, but in a spirit of generosity and love? The widow in the first reading isn’t a Jew, yet she trusts the words of Elijah and the promise of his Lord. Facing sure starvation, she gives all that she has, her last bit of food—feeding the man of God before herself and her family. The Lord does not disappoint her, but miraculously provided everything for her and her son to live on.

The widow in the Gospel also gives all that she has, offering her last bit of money to support the work of God’s priests in the Temple.

In their self-sacrifice, these two widows embody Jesus’ love. These two widows mirror the Father’s love in giving His only Son, and Christ’s love in sacrificing Himself on the cross.

When we die, we will be judged, not by how much we give—for the scribes and wealthy contribute far more than the widow. Rather, we will be judged by the degree of love and sacrifice we will have given and the punishment due to our sins that remain on our soul.

St. Jerome lived in a cave in Bethlehem where he translated the bible into Latin and wrote commentaries on scripture. The cave he lived was very close to the cave where Jesus was born.

One day, on Christmas, the Child Jesus appeared to St. Jerome. The conversation went like this: Jesus said to St. Jerome, Jerome, what are you going to give Me for my birthday?” Jerome said, Divine Infant, I give thee my heart.” Jesus said, That is very good, but give Me something else.” Jerome responds,I give thee my prayers and all my heart’s affections.” Jesus said, “That is also good, but give Me something else.” Jerome said, I give Thee all that I have and all that I possess.Jesus said, “Very good, but I desire you give Me still something more.” Jerome: But Divine Infant, I have nothing, what dost thou desire me to give Thee?” Jesus said, Jerome, give Me your sins!” Saint Jerome said, But what wouldst Thou do with them?” Jesus: Give Me your sins in order that I may pardon them all.” Jerome said, O Divine Infant, Thou makest me weep for joy.” A few years later St. Jerome died with his head lying in the manger in Bethlehem.

Don’t wait till Advent. Don’t wait to just before Christmas to give Jesus everything, especially your sins. The widows gave God all they had and so did St. Jerome. Jesus wants to pardon our sins and wash them away now. In a few weeks the PSR children will be going to confession during class, but what about parents?

Most children are all excited to make his or her First Confession and First Communion. They were so happy they confessed their sins, they were so proud, they learned how to confess and learned their prayers and it felt so good to experience the mercy of Jesus. But after that-- mom or dad has not taken the children to confession very often and sometimes not years. And now they don’t know how to confess and they might be afraid because they don’t know what to do or what to say and they can’t remember their prayers. Sometimes parents need to be reminded about their role in helping their children to get to heaven. Today, let us start anew. Parents every month bring the family to confession. We don’t neglect to feed our children or educate them at school. Their spiritual welfare is most important. Saint Augustine said “the good of the soul is greater than the good of the body.”

During the lock down last year, people were denied attendance at Mass and the sacraments all over the world for the sake of health reasons. People have a right to the sacraments and they should never have been denied them.  We should be very concerned about serious diseases and viruses. But its wrong to place our health or even our life above the needs of the soul such as having our sins forgiven in confession, attending the Holy Sacrifice of Mass and to receiving Jesus in Holy Communion. We need these to get to heaven.

Many saints through Church history could have saved their lives by being more concerned for the body, rather than the soul. But they chose to lose their body, rather than their soul.

For example, in the 1940’s, 30 Franciscan monks near Medjugorje could have saved their lives if they would spit on a crucifix as requested by the communists. But they chose to die, rather than to offend the Lord and all were martyred.

During World War II, Communists took over churches, broke into tabernacles and sacrilegiously threw Hosts on the floor. But a young Chinese girl snuck in her parish church to pray a Holy Hour every day in adoration of the Hosts scattered on the floor. When the guards weren’t looking-- she knelt down and with her tongue received Holy Communion every day for 34 days, until the last Host was consumed. She risked losing her life to to daily adore Jesus for an hour and to receive Him in Holy Communion. When she received the last Host, she was caught and the guard killed her. She overcame the fear of losing her body, by her deep desire to adore Jesus and Him receive Him in Holy Communion. And so because she was martyred she went straight to heaven.  Are we willing to risk our lives for Holy Communion & Confession?

Some may be think, Why do I need to confess monthly, I’m not in the state of mortal sin, so if I die-- I will go to heaven”. But we are forgetting about purgatory and the need to make up for the punishment due to our sins.

Most were not taught by priests-- the penance we receive in Confession-- is only a token of how much penance we should actually do for our sins. There is no way a priest can know how many prayers will remit the punishment due to each of the sins confessed. Some don’t understand the need of our soul to be purged from the temporal punishment due to sin in this life or in purgatory after we die. Nor do they understand the suffering associated with purgatory. St. Augustine said, “In purgatory, the soul experiences intense suffering, due to the kind of flame, more painful than anything one may suffer in this life.” Slowly getting crushed by a machine, getting burned while trapped in a house,being tortured by prison guards and many other kinds of sufferings are less painful than purgatory. Who wants to go to purgatory? We should rather suffer in this life and make an effort to remit the punishment due to our sins.

A plenary indulgence can eliminate all purgatory time. In the bulletin there are ways to obtain a plenary indulgence, including visiting a cemetery, making the Stations of the Cross, praying the Rosary as a group or by yourself in church before the Eucharist or reading the bible for 30 minutes. One must also go to confession and receive Holy Communion with that intention as well as pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be for the pope.

 The Lord wants us to give Him our heart, our prayers, our affections, our works, our very self and He wants us to give Him our sins. If we look at St. Jerome as an example, we come to understand how great God desires to wash away our sins. Won’t you give Him your sins and help your children to give their sins to Him?

All of us, young and old, should confess monthly to prevent us from falling into mortal sin, to help us to overcome sins and to have our sins washed away in the ocean of God’s mercy. And we can strive to regularly obtain a plenary indulgence so as to avoid as much purgatory time as possible. This way, when we die, we can more quickly go to heaven. Let us therefore keep our eyes on heaven, because heaven is our goal and to obtain our goal we need to do our best to avoid sin and make up for the punishment due to sin.

Will you be like St. Jerome and give your sins to Jesus? Our Lady Queen of Peace keep help us to have peace in our hearts, in our families and in the world. Amen.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Nov. 3rd - St. Martin De Poress

Today, we celebrate the memorial of St. Martin de Porres, who was born in Lima, Peru in 1579. At the age of 15, he became a lay brother at the Dominican Friary in Lima. Following in the footsteps of St. Dominic, he spent his whole life there, as a barber, farm-laborer and infirmarian, who takes care of the sick brothers.

In his spare time he would feed the mice in the back yard and they would come when he called them.

He had a great desire to go off to some foreign mission and be martyred. Since, he would not receive this grace, he martyred himself by devoting himself to severe penances.

Whenever he would contemplate the sufferings of Jesus, he began to weep. He had an exceptional love and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and spent long hours in prayer before Jesus truly present in the tabernacle. He desired to receive the Eucharist as often as possible. As a religious brother, he was very obedient, and dealt with his religious brothers with profound love which comes from pure faith and humility of spirit. For the poor, he provided food, clothing and medicine. Many called him, “Martin the Charitable” because he looked at everyone as his own brothers and sisters, and considered them to be better and more righteous than himself. Just as Padre Pio, was able to fly in the air, and bilocate, so Martin de Porres, bilocated, and was seen in flight, yet he lived 400 yrs. before St. Padre Pio. St. Martin, the charitable, in a special way came to follow the way of charity.

In 1639, he died at the age of 60 and is pictured with a broom as a reminder how he enjoyed menial tasks and He is pictured with mice because they would harken to him when the called them.

Today, let us imitate his example, by spending extra time with Jesus truly present in the Eucharist, so that we may truly live a life of charity.


What Does Abortion Look Like? Movie Clip Unplanned

 What Does Abortion Look Like?

Click Picture Below -  Or Click "Movie Clip of Unplanned"

Unplanned': Bad Drama But Good Propaganda (For the Pro-Life Choir) - Variety

Monday, November 1, 2021

Nov. 2nd - All Souls Day

 Today is all Souls Day. As Catholics we believe in purgatory as mentioned in the book of Maccabees: “It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins". (2 Maccabees 12:43-46) We also believe no one may enter eternal life-- without being purified from all sin. A soul stained by venial sin cannot enter the dwelling place of heaven, because God’s dwelling place is perfectly pure.

At the moment of our judgment, our soul will go to one of three places, heaven, hell or purgatory, and if we go to purgatory we will eventually go to heaven. At our judgment, we will gaze upon the face of the most holy and pure Lord Jesus Christ and see the imperfections of our soul and the need for our soul to be purified before entering heaven. We will see how all our venial sins have hurt God, hurt others and hurt our self and our need to make reparation for our sins.

When we go to confession and receive a penance, the penance we receive is just a token to help us make up for what we have done. That’s why we are to do penance for our sins throughout our entire life.

The moment of our death can be very scary. If we failed to do the penance necessary, which would have purified our soul to enter heaven, we could suffer in purgatory for a long long time, or worse yet, if we have committed a mortal sin, and are unrepentant of it, we will be lost for all eternity. Are we ready for our judgement?

The souls in purgatory were somewhat ready for their death. When they went to their judgment they had a glimpse of heaven and are suffering in the flames of purgatory, their greatest desire is to be with Jesus.

Some say if I just make it purgatory I will be happy, but St. Augustine said, “In purgatory, the soul experiences intense suffering, due to the kind of flame, more painful than anything one may suffer in this life.” And St. Teresa of Avila said, “How sweet will death be for the person who has fully repented of all personal sins and can leap over purgatory”.

To bring refreshment to the souls in purgatory and shorten their time, we can offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for them on special days of our faithful departed. We can also offer up our Holy Communions for particular souls. We can pray personal prayers for them, especially the rosary or making the Way of the Cross. We can also offer up our works, sacrifices and sufferings for particular souls.

Once I visited a homebound parishioner who was in great pain. She told me she offers up all her suffering for the poor souls in purgatory. She said, “I pray to Jesus and say, Lord I offer up all my pain and suffering for the poor souls in purgatory, that they may enjoy heaven.” I told her that her suffering and prayer were powerful and they are praying for her as well.

We can also obtain indulgences for them. We can offer up our daily duty done with love and devotion. We can offer up our little sacrifices, annoyances and the accepting our crosses, for particular souls. The ancient practice of sprinkling holy water to relieve their suffering is praiseworthy.

I think if the souls in purgatory could speak to us, they would tell us, “When you come to Mass think of me, when you receive Holy Communion offer it up for me and please most especially offer the intention of the Holy Sacrifice for my soul, that I may have relief from my terrible sufferings. How I wish I would have done penance for my sins. You cannot know the joy you will have at your judgment for the penance you did while on earth.”

During this month of November dedicated to the Holy Souls of Purgatory strive every day this month to pray for them and be assured they will be praying for you. May Our Lady, Queen of the Holy Souls, deliver them quickly from their torments and May perpetual light shine upon all them, and may the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace!

Sunday, October 31, 2021

All Saints Day

 Today, we are celebrating all saints, not just the saints whose names are mentioned in the Mass texts, not just those were canonized saints by popes, but all those who enjoy the happiness of heaven, whether canonized or not--- and we hope that our loved ones, relatives and friends are among the saints in heaven.

We view the church as being in three states, the church Triumphant are the saints who are in heaven, The Church suffering are the souls in purgatory and the church militant, who are those on earth striving to become saints as they are God’s army battling against the forces of evil. We believe that all three are united around Jesus’ cross & resurrection. We profess our faith the Communion of Saints in during the Apostle’s Creed: We say, “I believe in the Holy Spirit---the holy Catholic Church---the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins---the resurrection of the body---and life everlasting.”

Believing in the communion of saints means believing the saints in heaven are praying for us so that we too may someday share fully in the happiness of God’s kingdom.

To become a saint we need to desire to become one. We need to accept all our crosses and sufferings in this life. We need to have a heart full of love to forgive everyone, to pray and love all our enemies. We need to have a personal relationship with Jesus through prayer. We need to have total abandonment to God’s will trusting He will take care of everything. We need to practice our faith as Catholics through regular confession, attend Mass as often as possible, to spend time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration, to read the bible and pray the Rosary daily. Today, let us ask All the Saints in heaven, canonized and unknown saints to pray for us, so that we can imitate their life of virtue so when we depart this life, we will enter our eternal home with them. O Mary, Queen of All Saints, pray for us, who have recourse to thee.

Friday, October 29, 2021

31st Sunday Medjugorje

 Today, I am going to speak on the alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje. Recall the Vatican Commission voted 13 out of 14 in favor of the apparitions for the first week and while the rest of the apparitions up today the commission was evenly divided. In the past 40 years the Church has not condemned them. We are able to believe if we want. The pope will make a declaration on their authenticity. If the apparitions are approved by the Church, we would not be required to believe them because they are private revelation.

Today I will explain some of the first week apparitions and then give some of the messages. In the future, I hope to tell you about the 10 secrets and the permanent sign to be left on the hill of appartions.

On June 24, 1981, the feast of St. John the Baptist, six children (Ivan, Maria, Viscka, Mariana, Jakov, Ivanka) ages 10 yrs. to 19 yrs. were walking along the road and in the sky they see a figure of a beautiful and luminous young woman with a child in her arms. The apparition does not speak, but made a gesture to approach Her, but frightened, they run away.

The next day, June 25th, Mary appeared on a cloud and without a child. The visionaries ran fast among rocks, brambles and weeds towards the top of the mountain. They did not even get a scratch and said they felt “transported” by a mysterious force. Our Lady appeared smiling, dressed in a shiny silver-gray dress with a white veil covering her black hair; She has loving blue eyes and is crowned by 12 stars. Our Lady says: “Praised be Jesus!” Ivanka’s mother had died several months before and she speaks: “Where is my mother? Mary replied: She is happy. She is with me.” The visionaries ask: “Will you return tomorrow?” Mary nod’s her head. Mirjana interjects: “No one will believe us. They will say that we are crazy. Give us a sign!” The apparition responded only with a smile and departs.

On June 26, 1981, more than 3,000 people gathered, and all were attracted by a bright glow. At the request of her grandmother, Vicka sprinkled holy water on the apparition. Viscka said “If you are not of God leave, if you are of God stay.” Our Lady smiles. Ivanka then asked why Our Lady is here. Mary responded: "I have come because there are many true believers here. I wish to be with you to convert and to reconcile the whole world." Mirjana asked: "Who are you?" The lady said, "I am the Blessed Virgin Mary." Why are you appearing to us? We are no better than others.” "I do not necessarily choose the best." While Marija goes down the mountain, she sees the Virgin again. Our Lady is carrying a wooden cross crying. "Peace, Peace, Peace! Be reconciled! Only Peace. Make your peace with God among yourselves. For that, it is necessary to believe, to pray, to fast, and to go to confession."

On June 27th the 6 visionaries are summoned to the police office and undergo interrogation including medical-psychiatric examinations, after which they are declared perfectly sane. They run to the hill not to miss the fourth Apparition. When Mary appears She says, “Praise be Jesus" The children said, "How must we pray?" "Continue to recite the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be seven times, but also add the Creed. Good-bye, my angels. Go in the peace of God."

On June 28, 1981 more than 15,000 people were waiting for the Apparition. The visionaries asked Mary what do you want of us? And Mary said, "That people believe and persevere in the faith."

On June 29th the six young visionaries are picked up again by the police and taken to a psychiatric ward at the Mostar hospital. The doctor who leads the medical team, a Muslim, declares the kids are not crazy, but rather those who led them there. 10 yr. old Jacov, said he is willing to give his life rather than deny the apparitions.

The parents of a handicapped child Danielle Setka ask the visionaries to intercede on behalf of the child. They ask the Virgin to cure the child so people will believe them. "Have them believe strongly in his cure. Go in the peace of God." By the end of the summer the child can walk and talk. Since then there has been a long series of miraculous healings.

Between June 30, 1981 and December 31, 1981, the visionaries were being tracked by the police. They had to find discreet places for the apparitions. Here are some of the messages of Our Lady.

August 2, 1981 From Marija's room, Our Lady said, "A great struggle is about to unfold. A struggle between my Son and Satan. Human souls are at stake." "Everyone here may touch me." When Our Lady's dress became stained, Marinko invited all to go to confession.

August 8, 1981 "Do penance! Strengthen your faith through prayer and the sacraments."

November 16, 1981 "The devil is trying to conquer us. Do not permit him. Keep the faith, fast, and pray. I will be with you at every step."

July 21, 1982 "The best fast is on bread and water. Through fasting and prayer one can stop wars, one can suspend the natural laws of nature. Works of charity cannot replace fasting... Everyone except the sick, has to fast."

July 24, 1982 "Whoever has done very much evil during his life can go straight to Heaven if he confesses, is sorry for what he has done, and receives Communion at the end of his life. August 6, 1982 "Monthly confession will be a remedy for the Church in the West."

Nov. 21St 1985 “What I want from you is to show me your love by coming to Mass, and the Lord will reward you abundantly. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Oct. 8Th, 1984 Dear children, Let all the prayers you say in your homes in the evening be for the conversion of sinners because the world is in great sin. Every evening pray the rosary.”

October 18, 1984 "Dear children, today I call you to read the Bible everyday in your homes and let it be in a visible place so as always to encourage you to read it and pray." (February 14, 1985) "Every family must pray family prayers and read the Bible."

(April 25th, 1987) "Today also I am calling you to prayer. You know, dear children, that God grants special graces in prayer... I call you, dear children, to prayer with the heart."

To love the Lord your God with all your heart, you will put Him first in your life, making Sunday Mass the most important thing we do and come to daily Mass when we are able. If we love Him with all our soul, we will watch over and protect our soul by avoiding sin and going to Confession monthly. If we love God will all our mind, we will pray read about God in the bible daily, and meditate on the life of Jesus and Mary daily praying the Rosary. If we love God will our strength, we will fast on Wed. and Friday to strengthen us and protect us.

Today, let us ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to pray for us that we may love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, as She did throughout Her life, that we may enjoy heaven at the end of our life.

14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection