Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Ash Wednesday


We begin Lent with Ash Wednesday. Ashes are placed on our foreheads as a sign of repentance, remembering that we are dust and to dust we shall return. It is a reminder life is short and we need to live everyday for heaven.

Lent is time to turn away from sin and to be faithful to the Gospel. We are to draw close to Jesus, who helps us go through 40 days of temptations by the devil.

The Gospel reminds us to fast, pray, and give alms to the poor, as we renew our efforts to live a life of virtue and holiness. Lent is a time of self-examination, where we look in our hearts to discover things that prevent us from being close to Jesus and confess them to Our Lord in Confession.

During Lent we practice self-discipline and self-denial. We make sacrifices out of love of Jesus and for the conversion of sinners. What are going to give up? Candy, desserts, smoking, alcohol, technology such as video games, movies, computers, YouTube, Facebook.

We are especially called to do our daily duties to the best of our ability. To not complain when we are told do something. To keep our room clean or our house clean. To do our job to the best of our ability. To get up in the morning and go to bed on time.

When I visited the 3rd and 4th grade class last week, I asked them what they were going to give up for Lent. To my surprise, a boy said he was going to take a cold shower every day during Lent. A girl said she was going to take short showers to save money for her parents. A boy said he was going to sleep on the floor every day during Lent. Another boy said he was giving up all technology: video games and computers. I never suggested any of these things. They said these things on their own.

Adults, have you done any of these things? How inspiring to hear what children are doing. Shouldn’t adults do much more? Such as fasting twice a week, praying more, giving donations to the poor or an organization such as crisis pregnancy centers.

We should especially give us sin, such as gossip, lying, disobeying parents. If we fail to attend Mass regularly, we should renew our efforts to come to Mass every weekend and receive Jesus in Holy Communion.

As I mentioned last week, one of the best things we can do during Lent is to attend daily Mass during the week, if we are able. To receive Jesus in Holy Communion is the greatest joy and the most special graces we can receive in this life. But, we must do so, only in the state of grace. If we have any mortal sin on our soul, we must first go to Confession before we receive Holy Communion, otherwise we commit a sacrilegious communion, which is an additional mortal sin.

How powerful it would be to pray the Rosary every day and at least once a week pray the Rosary as a family.

Another wonderful thing to do during Lent is to grow in your relationship with Jesus by spending more time in prayer, most especially during Eucharistic Adoration, but also in your home or before Jesus in the tabernacle.

Read a short paragraph from the bible everyday. You can spiritual reading such as reading the book Miracles of the Rosary or a book on the lives of the saints.

How blessed will your lent be if you knelt down every day before a statue or picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary and asked Her Motherly intercession to help you in your needs.

Finally, one of the greatest things we can during Lent is to accept suffering for love of Jesus and offer it for the conversion of sinners. That is why we make sacrifices and give up things, out of love Jesus and for the conversion of sinners.

Conversion of sinners means we pray that they will turn away from sin and come to know and love Jesus and allow Him to lead their life.

May your Lent be grace filled and joyful, as you practice self-denial, self-discipline and acts of charity towards others. as we look forward to celebrating Easter, when Jesus comes out of the tomb conquering death in order to give us life with Him in heaven.

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