Friday, January 31, 2025

Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, Feb 2nd


And the Lord you are seeking will suddenly enter His Temple; and the angel of the covenant whom you are longing for, yes He is coming, says the Lord of hosts.”

Today Holy Mother Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Jesus, “the light to the nations and the glory of Israel” arrives in the Temple in the arms of His Mother Mary. According to Jewish law, the first-born male had to be presented to the Lord forty days after his birth.

It was also the rite of purification for mothers who had just given birth. After giving birth, women were considered unclean and could not worship in the temple or touch sacred objects until they were first purified by having a lamb or a pair of turtle doves or pigeons sacrificed. Since Mary and Joseph were poor they offered pigeons or turtle doves.

The circumstances of Mary’s Immaculate Conception and the miraculous birth of Jesus did not render Her impure, it would not have been necessary for Her to follow the purification law, but She obediently followed the law out of humility, waiting 40 days before She could go to the temple.

The presentation of Jesus in the temple was public redemption for any first born son of any other tribe other than the tribe of Levi. The parents would symbolically give their son to God and buy him back by a small monetary offering.

Due to action of the Holy Spirit, Simeon and Anna are the only people who recognize the Messiah in what appeared to be an ordinary Infant.

Simeon prophesied Jesus would be a sign of contradiction and that now was the time for Simeon to die, since he finally saw his salvation in the form of child who would someday bring about the salvation of all those who were longing for it. He sees Jesus as the light to the nations for the glory of the people Israel.

But with His glorious entry into the Temple, the sword of sorrow predicted for Mary announces Christ’s perfect and unique oblation on the Cross, which will impart the salvation God has “prepared in the presence of all peoples”. And so, as the Light came in the world, and departed the world, the tears of His Mother fell upon the ground in sorrow. The result of the sword piercing the Virgin Mary, would be the cause of the thoughts of many hearts to be revealed.

In today’s responsorial psalm the Church recalls, how the Jewish people celebrated the entrance of the Ark of the Covenant, and these words fitting apply to Jesus the New and Everlasting Covenant entering the Temple, “O gates lift up your heads; grow higher ancient doors. Let him enter, the king of glory.”

Today is also commonly called “Candle Mass Day” in which is customary to bless candles for the church and also for the faithful. Lit candles represent Jesus, the light of the world and light to the nations entering the temple for the first time in His sacred humanity as a child. The candles of wax remind us of Mary, whose spotless virginity gave forth to the world, the everlasting Light, Our Lord Jesus Christ. The flame from the candles therefore symbolizes Christ, who said, “I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me walks not in darkness.” The lighted candles are a sign of the divine splendor, of the one who comes to expel the dark shadows of evil, and to make the whole universe, radiant with the brilliance of His eternal light. Our candles also show how bright our souls should be when we go to meet Christ. The Mother of God, the most Pure Virgin, carried the true light in Her arms and brought Him to those who lay in darkness.

As Holy Mother Church blesses the candles today, She prays that the Holy Spirit may enlighten all of us, and so inflamed with His charity, we may truly recognize, faithfully love, and courageously serve God.

Through Mary, the Mother of the Light, may we bring the light of Christ to the world, by all we meet and may the action of the sword that pierced Her soul reveal the thoughts of the hearts of many.

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