Saturday, September 28, 2024

26th Sunday, Pluck Out Eye, Cut off Hand


When our Lord tells us in the Gospel, that if a particular part of the body causes us to sin, we are to cut it off or pluck it out. Obviously, Jesus does not mean this literally, but it is better, Jesus says, to enter life with something missing than to be condemned with everything intact.

Jesus is saying sometimes, we need to take drastic measures our self to turn away from sin. Here are some examples:

About 15 years ago, I knew of a man who was struggling with pornography and became so upset with himself, he took his computer and threw it in the trash. Since, then he never did it again.

Another drastic measure to cut our self-off from the serious sin of pornography is to use a flip phone, or install Covenant eyes, on the computer and phone which blocks images.

If we are in high school and have a friend that is constantly tempting us to take drugs, or do something that is sinful, even after we told them we are not interested, sometimes, we need to cut off our relationship with them.

The year after I graduated from high school, a friend tempted me to take drugs. And I told him, that if I find out that he keeps taking them, he will no longer be my friend, because I don’t have any friends that are druggees.

The result of that conversation, was that he never took drugs after that, and we remained friends. So, if we stand up for our self and for our friend, we can help them.

Or if we have job and the boss wants us to do something unethical, we may be forced to quit our job, even if it means we will have a less paying job.

Or if a man has a female friend constantly trying to get him to be unfaithful to his wife, he may need to make the resolution, he cannot have this woman as his friend.

You may have heard how Israel placed an explosive in about 4000 pagers of Hezbollah terrorists. When the pagers when off, it caused many of them to lose a hand and eye. There seems to be symbolism with regard to today’s Gospel.

Israel did this action, to prevent the Hezbollah terrorists from doing a similar attack like Hamas, another terrorist group, did last year on Oct 7th. God does not want war. He does not want terrorists. God wants us to live in peace and harmony.

Perhaps, the losing of one’s hand and eye would cause the terrorist to give up terrorism. It is better to lose an eye and a hand, then to go into Ghena (Hell), after one dies.

The fault does not lie with the hand, the foot or the eye. The problem is in the will.

We have to choose to do what is good and right. We have to choose to cut off our pride and pluck out our selfishness.

We have to remember that as members of the body of Christ we are not living for this world. Instead, we have to live in the world for a time, but our focus needs to be on the next world. Recall that the decision of where we will spend eternity is made in this life and it is demonstrated in our choices.

We need to cut off our pride and selfishness and pray for charity and humility.

And we turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary and ask Her to help us to do everything possible, even drastic measures to cut off serious sins from our life. By daily praying Her Rosaries, She will give the grace to be detached from sin and attached to Jesus, Her Son.

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