Friday, July 12, 2024

Rosa Mystica, July 13th - Newly Approved Apparitions of Montichiari, Italy


About a week ago, the Vatican approved an apparition in Montichiari, Italy and today, July 13th is the feast of Rosa Mystica. There are 7 apparitions that occurred in 1947 and there were 3 miraculous healings.

The first apparition took place in the Spring of 1947 in the chapel of the local hospital. Pierina Gilli was praying in the chapel of the hospital when Our Lady appeared to her in a vision. She wore a violet dress and a white veil around her head and was surrounded by a magnificent light. But she appeared sad with tears in her eyes. Pierina noticed that Her heart was pierced with three swords, and Mary said “Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance” and was silent.

The swords were interpreted as – first sword represented the unworthy celebration of Holy Mass and Holy Communion being received in an unworthy manner. The second sword was for unfaithfulness of priests and religious and the third sword represented betrayal of faith.

The second apparition was on July 13th 1947. This time Our Lady appeared to Pierina in a white dress adorned with three beautiful roses in white, red and yellow colors that were in place of the three swords. The roses were interpreted as - the white rose represented the spirit of prayer, the red rose represented the spirit of sacrifice and the yellow rose represented the spirit of penance and conversion. 

Pierina asked Our Lady who she was and she smiled and replied: "I am the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of you. Our Lord sends me to bring a new Marian Devotion to all religious orders and institutes, male and female, and to the priests of this world. I promise to protect those religious orders and institutes who will venerate me in this special way, increase their vocations, and achieve a greater striving for saintliness among the servants of God."
"I wish that the 13th of each month be celebrated as a Marian Day. Special prayers are to be said during the preceding twelve days." Our Lady continued: - "On this day I shall pour out vocational holiness and abundant graces on those religious orders and spiritual institutes who have honored me specially." "I wish that 13th July be celebrated each year in honor of the 'Rosa Mystica' (the Mystical Rose)"
Pierina asked whether a miracle would follow. Our Lady replied:
"The most evident miracle will be this: Those who have given their souls to God - the religious who, for a long time now, have become indifferent thus betraying their vocation and as a result of their offenses have brought about the punishments and persecutions which are raging against the Church at the present time - will stop to offend Our Lord. They will again lead a life according to the original spirit of their saintly founders."

The third vision took place on October 22, 1947 in the chapel of the hospital, in the presence of many staff members, doctors, and lay people from the town. This time, Our Lady requested that the desired devotion be realized, and said: "I have placed myself as the Mediatrix between my Divine son and mankind, especially for the souls consecrated to God. Tired of the continuous offenses, He already wanted to dispense His justice."

Before leaving, Our Lady said: "Live out of love!"

The fourth vision took place on November 16, 1947 in the Basilica of Montichiari in the presence of lay people and priests. Pierina heard the words: "Our Lord can no longer watch the many grievous sins against purity. He wants to send a flood of punishments. I have interceded that He may be merciful once more! Therefore, I ask for prayer and penance to atone for these sins."

Pierina replied to Our Lady's request with a willing "Yes".

The Blessed Virgin added: "I lovingly ask the priests to express their great love and stop the people from committing those sins. Whoever will atone for those sins, will receive my blessing and graces." Pierina asked Our Lady "Will He then pardon us?" and she replied: "Yes, as long as these sins are no longer committed."

Our Lady appeared once more to Pierina in the Basilica of Montichiari on November 22nd 1947 in the presence of several people, and asked her to make the Sign of the Cross four times with her tongue on the tiles in the center of the church. Our Lady then descended onto the spot where Peirina made the sign of the crosses with her tongue, and said:

"I descend on this place, for many great conversions will happen here. - And in a sad voice continued: - The Christians of your Italian nation belong to those who offend most my Divine Son Jesus through their sins of unchastity. Our Lord demands, therefore, prayer, generous sacrifices and penance."

Pierina asked: "What do we have to do to fulfill your demands for prayer and penance?" Our Lady replied full of tenderness: "Prayer". After a short pause, She explained: "Penance means to accept every day all the little crosses and the duties too, in the spirit of penance."

She promised solemnly: "On the 8th December, at noon, I shall appear again here in the Basilica. It will be the Hour of Grace. This Hour of Grace will produce great and numerous conversions. Hardened and cold hearts resembling this marble will be touched by divine Grace, and they will become faithful to Our Lord in loyal love."
The sixth vision was on December 07, 1947 at the Basilica of Montichiari. Three people were present including the confessor of Pierina. Our Lady, wore a white cloak which was held by a boy at the right-hand side, and by a girl on the left-hand side. Our Lady said: "I shall show my heart tomorrow of which the people know so little. In Fatima I asked that the devotion to my heart be spread. I wanted to bring my heart into Christian families in Bonate (near Bergamo, Italy). Here, in Montichiari, I wish to be venerated as the 'Rosa Mystica' as already indicated so often, together with the devotion to my heart which must be specially practiced in religious institutes so that they may obtain more graces through my motherly heart."

Our Lady then confided a secret to Pierina with the promise that She would tell her the time for the secret to be made public. Pierina wanted to know who the children were. Our Lady replied: "Jacinta and Francisco; they will help you in your trials and sufferings. They too, suffered. I wish from you the simplicity and goodness of these two children." Our Lady then spread out Her arms as a sign of Her protection, lifted Her eyes to Heaven and disappeared with the words: "Praised be the Lord!"

The last and final apparition occurred on the feast day of The Immaculate Conception, December 8th 1947 countless priests and lay people were present in the Basilica. Pierina entered the Basilica and knelt in the center of the church, just where the other apparitions had taken place. During the recitation of the Holy Rosary, Pierina called out: "O, Our Lady!" Great silence ensued!

Our Lady appeared on a large white staircase, decorated with white, red and yellow roses. She said with a smile: "I am the Immaculate Conception. I am Mary, full of grace, Mother of My Divine Son Jesus Christ. Through my coming to Montichiari, I wish to be known as the 'Rosa Mystica'. It is my wish that every year, on 8th December, at noon, the 'Hour of Grace for the world' be celebrated. Many divine and bodily graces will be received through this devotion. Our Lord, my Divine Son Jesus, will send His overflowing mercy if good people will pray continuously for their sinful brothers. One should very soon notify the Holy Father of the Church, Pope Pius XII, that it is my wish that the 'Hour of Grace for the world' be made known and spread throughout the world. If anyone is unable to visit his church, yet will pray at noon at home, he will also receive graces through me. Whoever prays on these tiles and weeps tears of penance, will find a secure heavenly ladder and receive protection and grace through my motherly heart."

Then Our Lady showed Pierina her heart and said: - "Look at this heart which loves mankind so very much, but most people only shower offenses upon it. If the good and the bad unite in prayer they will obtain mercy and peace through this heart. The Lord is still protecting the good and is holding back a great punishment because of my intercession."

Our Lady smiled again and went on: - "Soon one will recognize the greatness of this Hour of Grace." When Pierina saw that Our Lady was going to depart, she said: "Dear Lady, I thank you! Bless my homeland Italy and the whole world, but especially the Holy Father, the priests, the religious, and the sinners."

Our Lady replied: "I have already prepared a flood of graces for all the children who listen to my words and keep them in their hearts." She assured Pierina that she would return at a suitable time when the Secret entrusted to her, would be made public through the Ecclesiastical authority.
On that day two miraculous cures occurred in the Basilica; a young boy, six years old, Ugo Senici who suffered from polio and had not been able to stand or walk suddenly ran around and jumped up and down excitedly. Another miracle reported was of a 26-year-old woman Teresina Magli, who had suffered for nine years from severe tuberculosis and was not able to speak a word, suddenly sang out a spontaneous song of praise in a loud voice. A third miraculous cure also happened during the same time as the other two, involving a mentally disturbed 36-year-old woman, Lauriana Zamboni, who was healed at home while her family members were praying for her inside Montichiari's Basilica.

Today, let us give thanks to God for the approved apparitions of the Virgin Mary, under the title of Rosa Mystica and let us pray, sacrifice and do penance for priests, that through Mary’s intercession, there will be flowering of vocations and a renewal of the priesthood in the Church and may Mary, the Mediatrix of All Grace flood the world with an ocean of Graces, on Dec 8th, during the Hour of Grace at 12 noon.

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