Sunday, May 19, 2024

Mary, Mother of the Church


Today, the Church celebrates, the feast of Mary, Mother of the Church.

As a child, Florence felt her mother’s absence keenly. Her mom wasn’t physically absent, but she was emotionally unavailable. In fact, she often relied on Florence to help her with the household chore, to care for the younger children, and even provide a shoulder to lean on when she felt overwhelmed. Florence learned to silence her own needs in favor of her mother’s.

As an adult, Florence came to terms with this unhealthy pattern, and she was able to forgive her mom. Then, a few years later, she was able to make a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. There, she joined thousands of pilgrims in the evening procession. As they all sang, “Ave Maria”, she was overwhelmed by Mary’s maternal care for her. She wept as a flood of pure love washed over her.

Mary has a tender love for each of us. She is the Mother of tenderness, who is always near. On today’s feast when we honor Mary as Mother of the Church, we can point to tenderness as a hallmark of her motherhood—the kind of tenderness that Florence had been deprived of as a child. Mary’s love, given to us by her son at the foot of the cross, can be a source of comfort and peace for us.

So look to Mary to be near you in every moment of your life. She who said yes to God’s will at the Annunciation will stand beside you as you open your heart to God’s will for your life. She who experienced tremendous sorrow while watching Her Son suffer understands your pain when your own suffering comes. And She who stayed with the Apostles on the day of Pentecost, humbly awaiting the gift of the Holy Spirit, will pray for you to receive more of God’s love and gifts.

Receive Mary’s tenderness afresh today. Allow Her love to wash over you, filling any hurts or wounds you may still carry. Behold, your Mother!

Taken from Word Among Us

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