Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Mary, Mother of God - Jan 1st


Today, we celebrate with great joy, the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God.

Have you ever wanted to hold the baby Jesus in your arms? Or kiss His sweet little face? Or touch His tiny little fingers? Have you ever wanted to talk to Jesus face to face in conversation, knowing you could literally hear His words, and He would answer your every question? Have you ever wanted to feel His comforting hands, on your shoulder, or feel His embrace with a hug? Have we ever wanted to sit down, and have dinner with Jesus? Have ever wanted to see Jesus face to face, and so, gaze upon the face of God, as a man?

Mary, His Mother, did all these things, and more, for 33 years of His life.

Even before Jesus was born, Mary was known, as the Mother of God. Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit, said, “Who am I, that the Mother of my Lord, should come to me?” She also told Mary, “Blessed are you among women”. Mary was certainly blessed, to carry God in Her womb. How many mothers, would have loved to carry God in their womb? Mary did. Filled with joy, She felt Him kick in Her womb, as the babe moved within Her. And with great excitement, She prepared for His birth.

St. Paul said, “When the fullness of time had come, God sent His Son, born of a woman.” And that woman is Mary, the Mother of God, to whom God sent His only Son. He was born that cold night in a stable, in Bethlehem of Judea. And so, Mary was the first to gaze upon the face of the Son of God, who was sent among us, as a tiny infant!

The night of His birth, the shepherds, who watched over their flocks, came upon Mary, His Mother, with Joseph, and the Infant lying in the manger. They too gazed upon the face of God, as a little Child, as He shed His face upon them, and was gracious to them.

Later in Mary’s life, a woman in the crowd cried out, “Blessed is the womb, who bore you, and the woman, who nursed you!” Mary was most blessed, because, as His Mother, She first held the baby Jesus in Her arms! She wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger! She was blessed, because She adored the face of God, kissed His chubby cheeks, touched His tiny nose, and grasped the little fingers of God. As His Mother, She nursed Him, made His clothes, bathed Him, and changed His diapers. What joy for Her to cook His food and eat with Him, every day, for 30 years! As the Mother of God, what a thrill She had, to help Her Son, take His first steps, and hear His very first words! Perhaps, Our Blessed Lord’s first words were, “Mamma”, or “Daddy”, or “Abba”, “Father”! She cared for His every need, with great love and attention! Perhaps, when Her Divine Child may have fell down while playing, and so hurt Himself, His Mother would have rushed to His aid, wiped away His tears, kissed His wounds, and consoled Him, with Her sweet comforting words!

As His Mother, She taught Her Son, the Torah, which She knew and pondered in Her Heart. As His Mother, She taught Jesus Jewish traditions passed down from Abraham and Moses. She took Him to the temple and the synagogue-- to pray. She spoke to God, Her Son, in Her everyday conversation, and must have come to understand the most profound mysteries about God! She heard Her Son, preach to the poor, and watch Him heal the sick, forgive sins, raise the dead, expel demons, comfort the sorrowing, and change water into wine--- at Her Motherly request. She would have rejoiced knowing She is the Mother of God, the Mother of the Savior, and the Mother of the Redeemer!

At the foot of the Cross, with what intensity, did She take all of us, Her spiritual children into Her Heart, as Jesus said, “Woman behold thy Son and Son behold thy Mother!” And so, became the Mother of us all! With what pain She endured, as She watched helplessly, as He bled upon the gibbet, and took His last breath! What pain in Her Motherly Heart, as She watched His Heart pierced with a lance! And, O what tears did She shed, as God, Her Son, was placed in Her arms, beneath the Cross! How tenderly She kissed the wounded hands and feet of Her dead Son, just as She tenderly kissed, Him as a Child! She wrapped Him not in swaddling clothes, but rather burial cloths. She placed Him not in a manger, but in a cold tomb! O Mary, What an exchange! What price did You pay, to become the Mother of God, and the Mother of us all!

O Holy Mother, many believe, Jesus first appeared to You, the morning of His Resurrection. And You watched, as He ascended to the Father, on the clouds of heaven!

From the moment, He came into Your womb, to His birth, His childhood, and adulthood, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, You, O Mother, reflected upon all these things, and pondered them in Your Motherly Heart!

Now, O Sweet Mother, take Your children into Your Heart! Help us, to love you, and honor you, as our Mother. May every family pray as a family, before Your picture, or statue in their home. Remind us, You love us, care for us, watch over us! Look down from heaven upon Your children. O Holy Mother of God, pray for our families, that we may live together, as a family of love, united around the one true God, your Son, Jesus Christ, the Lord! Amen!

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