Thursday, September 14, 2023

Our Lady of Sorrows - Sept. 15th


Today, we celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Many of us are familiar with the book called the Imitation of Christ, written by Thomas A Kempis. He had also written some works on the Blessed Virgin Mary, which when compiled together are called the Imitation of Mary. He has a very beautiful meditation on Our Lady of Sorrows, that I will now quote. Thomas A. Kempis states:

“Be sorrowful, now my soul, with sorrowing Virgin, the weeping Mother, loving Mary. If you love Mary, you should share in Her sorrows with Her, in order that She may help you in your sufferings.

See, the Holy Mother weeps for Her only Son. Stop for a moment, therefore, and learn from the Virgin Mary how to mourn, for Her bitter tears can move your heart to its depths. See Her at the foot of the Cross, racked by profound sorrow, this woman who on a day long past was filled with heavenly music at the manger. She is overwhelmed by the cruelty of the soldiers, this woman what at one time was honored by the royal Magi. She is covered with the blood of Her Son, this woman who had been caressed by His candid gaze.

The radiant Star of the Sea is battered by many fearful storms, but Her mind, which remains fixed on God, is not overcome by human malice. No, She stands upright by the Cross with unwavering patience, with persevering love, without fear of those who threaten Her death, without fleeing from those who curse Her.

She endures everything with peaceful soul and endeavors to stand beside Her humiliated, Son, giving no answer to her cruel enemies. She says no words of contempt, makes no sign of indignation. She only utters deep groans, weeps bitterly, gives anxiously, shares closely in Her Son’s suffering, and is immensely afflicted. She does not grow angry with the crucifiers, but prays for the slanderers, She is saddened by those who deride and blaspheme Christ, and She prays for them. Thus, She stands by the Cross in a sea of tears, and by Her example of meekness brings a consoling patience to all in distress.

O all you who pass on the way to Calvary, look upon the sorrowful presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Look to the right of the Cross, and see Mary, the Mother of Christ.

There can be no sorrow like Hers; never in the history of the world was there a Mother who shared Her Son’s suffering with such love, for all the wounds inflicted on the limbs of Jesus She received in Her soul. She became a martyr every time She gazes on the bloody wounds of Her Son.

See to it, then, devout soul, that you imprint these things on your heart. Be meek and courageous when the moment of temptation comes. Do not be troubled and do not despair if you are deprived of something you greatly love or if you are denied something you think necessary for you. The friends of Jesus are often tried by serious afflictions.

Most merciful Jesus, Son of Mary, I ask you to grant me the gift of tears and to wound my heart with the deep compassionate love that I know tore at the heart of your faithful Mother. Look on me with your compassionate eyes with which You looked on your Mother and Your disciple John as they stood weeping by the Cross, at that time You when you entrusted each to the other and said farewell to them, “Behold your Son; behold your Mother.”

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