Monday, July 17, 2023

15th Wednesday - Moses Remove Sandals - Jesus in the Eucharist


In the first reading, Moses came before the presence of the burning bush and God asked him to remove his sandals because he was on holy ground.

About 8 years ago, when I was pastor of Sacred Heart in Halstead, a young boy about the age of 12, had an alleged vision during Eucharistic Adoration.

As he was doing a Holy Hour with his sisters and grandmother, he said, Jesus came out of the Host and stood before the altar. Our Lord told him to remove his shoes and ask the others to do the same. Jesus said, “You are standing on holy ground.” The boy said, Jesus was wearing a white garment with a gold sash. On his head was golden crown and had a scepter in his hand.

When questioning the boy, I discovered he had never heard of the story of the burning bush, where God asked Moses to remove his sandals because he was on holy ground.

While this story has never been investigated by the Church, the event at least reminds us, that Jesus is really and truly present in the Eucharist and when we come before Him in adoration, as a King, He gives us His love and can grant the desires of every heart.

May we come to Jesus in adoration, with great expectations, that our loving King and God wants to give us whatever we need, especially the graces we need to grow in love of Him and our neighbor. And may we also humble our self in reverence and in awe before His Eucharistic throne.

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14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection