Friday, May 5, 2023

5th Sunday Easter "Do You Not Know Me?"


In the Gospel today, we heard Jesus preparing His disciples for the time when He would no longer be with them and He didn’t want them to be troubled or to worry. He said to His Disciples, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.” (John 14:1-3)

Why are our hearts troubled and worried so much? And what is it that we need in order to not have anxiety about the many difficult and stressful situations of life? The answer to these questions can be found in getting to know Jesus.

After Philip asked Jesus to be able to see the Father and Our Lord responded, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? To have seen me is to have seen the Father.” (John 14:9)

If Jesus were to ask the same question to us that He asked Philip, I think we would all answer that we do know something of Jesus, but we don’t know him as well as we ought.

And because we don’t know Jesus as well as we ought, that is the reason why we worry so much. If we knew Jesus better we would not focus on problems and difficulties, but rather focus on Jesus instead, who gives peace when we are worried & troubled.

May be we can hear Jesus say to us, “Have I been with you all this time and you still do not know me?” “In prayer, I am with you and still you do not know me as you should.”

Have I been with you all this time in the Mass and still you do not know me? My two Disciples on the way to Emmaus recognized me in the Breaking of the Bread. Can you not recognize me at the moment of the consecration?

When I come into your heart in Holy Communion still do you not know me?” “Do you pray to me when you receive me in the Eucharist?” “After you have received me in Holy Communion, have you stopped to listen to me, as I am trying to speak with you? Or are you distracted and ignore the good God, who gives Himself and His graces to you?” “In the Eucharist, I give you peace. I calm your fears and I give you courage to endure your life’s difficulties.”

Have I been with you all this time when you come to Confession and still you do not know me? It is I-- behind the screen. It is I-- who give you advice. It is I-- who absolves your sins and give you mercy. The priest is a mortal man, but through the sacrament of ordination, his words are My words. Do you still not know Me and do you not comprehend My compassion and mercy?”

Have I been with you all this time in the Word of God--- (the Bible) and you still do not know me?” “How often do you read the Gospels, about my life, about my miracles, and my sermons, about the way I treated sinners--and still you do not know me?” “The scriptures reveal my infinite love for you, especially when you contemplate my Sacred Passion, My Sufferings and My Death.” “Read Sacred Scripture everyday and you will come to know me, not only as your God, but as a your friend. And you will come to know my desire that you come and live with me forever in heaven.”

I have been with you all this time throughout your life, from the moment of your conception, I gave you a soul. Even before you were created I knew you. From the moment of your birth, I gave you parents to reveal my love for you. I educated you. I fed you. I clothed you. I walked by your side, especially during your difficult times. Remember the time, I saved your life and protected you from danger. I gave you catechists to teach you about me. Look back over your life, and discover my intimate friendship with you, even when you turned away from me and failed to even think of me. See how I drew you back to me, and I sought you out as a lost sheep and how I now hold you close to my heart?

Why then-- are you afraid? Why then-- do you worry? Why then are you anxious? Do not expect to feel my presence. For feelings come and go, but my love always remains.”

My child, pray, hope and do not worry. I hold you in the palm of my hand. Do not let your heart be troubled. Have faith in God. Trust me! While it is true, I may not remove your trials and difficulties, I will never leave you orphan. I will always be at your side. All things are possible with God. My grace is sufficient for you and I will never give you anything, you and I cannot handle together. I will always be with you, even to the end of the age.

For if you come to know me and come to know my sweet Mother, I will come to take you to the Father’s house, so that where I am, you also may be. And on that day—the day of your judgment, you will have no more fear, no more worries and no anxiety, because you will look at me face to face and say “Lord, I knew you.” And we will walk together as friends, because we will know each other in my heavenly kingdom forever and ever.

And where I am, so also is my Mother. Call upon Her and ask Her motherly intercession. Some of your prayers, I will not answer, unless you first come to Her, because I want to honor my Mother and you honor Her as well. Amen.

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