Sunday, January 22, 2023

Anniversary Roe vs Wade - Legal Protection of Unborn


Today, is a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the unborn. Yesterday, Jan. 22nd was the 50th anniversary of Roe vs Wade, which caused millions of Americans to perish in the wombs of their mothers. Thanks be to God, Roe vs Wade was overturned last year and at least 13 states ban abortion. Poor Kansas has our own liberal supreme court justices, a pro-abortion governor and shockingly the people of Kansas voted to reject limiting abortion. A truly sad situation for our state. Yet, we are not defeated, we will continue to pray, to fast and love. Abortion is truly diabolical. Its called a satanic sacrament.

In the Gospel, Jesus responds to the scribes who said He was possessed by Satan because Our Lord was driving out demons. How can they call such a loving action of Jesus, to free someone from an evil spirit, as though He had done something evil by doing it? A person who is lost in their morality cannot tell the difference between a good or evil action. They cannot distinguish between the two. Their mind is clouded by their sins.

Politicians and other people call evil good. They say its a loving thing for a mother to kill her baby. So that the mother can live a life of freedom.

There are some saints including St. Edmund Campion, who spoke about a day when God will illumine the conscience of every person, so they can clearly see their own sins. It is sort of like a mini judgment. It’s a way to help people come back to God and to live in accord with natural reason. Due to the alleged apparitions of Garabandal, some claim it will occur this year.

The feast of Presentation of Jesus in the temple gives us an insight. In the Gospel for that day, it states, Mary’s heart will be pierced so that the thoughts of many may be revealed. I think if God would do such a thing, by illuminating the conscience of all people in the world at one time.

It would be very painful to endure, to see ourselves as God sees us

it was be very painful to endure. However, it would be an opportunity for everyone to grow in holiness. To know clearly the difference between good and evil, clearly in one’s mind, would be a great grace. And see how our sins hurt God, others, and our self.

Today, let us ask the Virgin Mary, to pray for the people of our state and our country, that our consciences will moved to love every human being from the moment of conception until natural death and treat them, with the God given dignity, that each and every person has. And let us pray for all those who through difficult circumstances in their lives, that they find loving hearts to help them care for their unborn children and let us pray for those who made the terrible choice of allowing others to kill their own child. May Our Lady of Guadalupe, once and for all stop the massacre of the innocents.

Today, is a day of prayer and fasting for the unborn. May our penances rise to heaven, beseeching the Lord to bestow His mercy on us all.

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