Sunday, October 30, 2022

Fast, Pray the Rosary, Adore Jesus on Halloween


Today is Oct. 31st, the day before All Saints Day. It is also Halloween. All Saints Day is the celebration of all unknown saints that are in heaven. Halloween is the day of the devil. Its the day real witches, warlocks, and all sorts of people cast spells that can very much harm other people. It’s the day, people play occult games such as the Ouji Board, do seances, do Tarot Cards and watch horror movies. Children dress up as demons, ghosts and witches. Its also a day, Eucharistic Hosts are stolen and are desecrated. Its a day, Satanists do horrific things using pentagrams, human sacrifices, worshiping Satan, abuse of children, abortions, curses and attacks on Christian churches, priests and bishops.

I have seen possessed people. There was a young man, who played the Tarot cards just a few times and he became possessed.  

I met Zachary King who raised Baptist, but then became a Satanic high priest, but had a conversion, thanks to a Miraculous Medal, he became Catholic. You should watch his YouTube videos, which clearly explain the terrible things satanists do.

Often times, children dress up as firemen, or dinosaurs, or scare crows, which are all seem innocent. But a former Satanist said when we dress up as a mermaid, or some other costume, we take on a different identity, which is something other than the identity that God has given us.  Children should certainly not dress up as witches, warlocks, ghosts or demons, because these costumes glorify Satan.

There is a movement in many Catholic churches to have All Saint parties on Halloween, where the children dress up as saints and play games and have candy. This is something very positive and we should pray more parishes will do it. If Halloween is to be celebrated by Christians, it should be celebrated as the "all hallow eve" (holy eve), the evening or vigil before of All Saints Day.

It was on Oct. 31st 1517, Martin Luther nailed his proclamation of his 95 Thesis beginning the rebellion to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral in Germany. Its called Reformation Day by the Lutherans, which caused millions of Catholic to fall away from the Catholic Church. Would not the devil want millions of Catholics to fall away from the one true church?

Did you know that for hundreds of years, many Solemnities and feast days were preceded the day before with a fast? According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, in the United States, up to the middle of the 20th century, there were four feasts in which Catholics are encouraged to fast the day before the feast day: Christmas, Pentecost, the Assumption, and All Saints.

On this day, the day before all Saints Day, I would like to encourage you to offer your Holy Hour, pray as many Rosaries as possible today, and to fast, which is one regular meal, and if necessary you can eat smaller meals, that don’t equal a meal to counteract all this evil.

May, the Virgin Mary, protect us, our families, our children and our community from evil.

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