Saturday, October 16, 2021

Medjugorje Talk

Medjugorje is nestled in a valley in the country called Bosnia Herzegovina, which was part of former Yugoslavia. The largest mountain near Medjugorje there is a large stone cross constructed in 1933 in honor of 1900 years after the death of Jesus. Back then, the local people carried the water and cement up the rocky mountain to create the large cross that overlooks the valley. Every year near the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross Sept. 14th, the entire village climbs the mountain to have Mass on an altar next to the Cross. Most people, young and old will journey up the rocky mountain barefoot for penance. Its impressive to see so many people doing penance for their sins and the sins of others.

Below the mountain in the valley is St. James Church. The people in the area are very faithful Catholics and most all attend daily Mass. Because there are thousands of pilgrims who come to Mass, the Mass is celebrated outdoors under a large canopy over the altar. There are various Masses through the day for the various different countries in their language and these Masses are in the JP II center.

The international Mass at St. James starts at 6pm. The Mass is prayed in the local language of the people. The prayers of the Mass are prayed in Latin so all the priests can concelebrate. To prepare for Mass confessions begin at 5pm. There are priests from all over the world who hear confessions in their native language. Polish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, English are just a few. The priest will place a sign with the language he is able to hear confessions. The confessionals on each side of the church and priests also hear confessions on benches and using chairs. At 5:40pm, everyone stops praying the Rosary and the church bells are rung when the Virgin Mary is appearing to some of the visionaries usually in their homes. After about 5 min. the people continue to pray the rosary. After Mass they pray 7 Our Fathers, 7 Hail Marys and 7 Glory be’s for peace-- then another Rosary followed by the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

To the east of the church is the hill of apparitions where the Virgin Mary began to appear to 6 children in June of 1981. The Virgin Mary’s messages were peace, reconciliation with God and neighbor. To Pray from the heart, to attend daily Mass, to Fast on Wed. and Friday, to read the bible, daily pray three mysteries of the Rosary and to have Eucharistic Adoration. The children who are now adults, have been examined and tested during many apparitions. Every test has always concluded they are seeing something. Every 2nd of the month, the Virgin Mary gives a message for the world. There are 10 secrets which will all be eventually revealed before Mirjana before she dies. One of secrets Mary promises to leave a permanent sign on the location of the first apparition. Some secrets will encourage the people in their faith while other secrets are punishments by God for the sins of the world. The Virgin has said to not wait to convert before the secrets are revealed because by then-- for many-- it will be too late.

The parish has (veneration) of the cross every Friday. People gaze and pray before the cross for an hour as hymns are sung and a priest will give a meditation on the cross.

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays the parish has a Eucharistic Holy Hour at night at 7pm after Mass. Anywhere between 2,000 to 10,000 people will come to adore Jesus in adoration.

If I could describe Medjugorje with one word, I would say “Peace”. It could be felt wherever I went. I felt at home there. While I was there I was able to let all difficulties and problems go trusting Mary would take care of them. I went to confession several times in Medjugorje. One of the things that touched me the most was I felt like Mary loved me personally. All of us think about God loving us, but we don’t really think about our spiritual Mother loving us and this was my experience. I felt this was my personal message, that Mary truly loved me and She loves You!

Some highlights of the trip include being the main celebrant of the English speaking 10am Mass and I gave the homily. There were about 800 people in attendance. Mostly from Ireland, Great Britain and the US. Another highlight was hearing confessions. I heard confessions 3 evenings from 3 to 5 hours each night. They were the most beautiful confessions. Its wonderful to hear confessions of people from all over the world. There is a grace given to those who go there to open their hearts and confess sins they failed to confess from the past.

As a group we went up apparition hill and prayed the Rosary at each mystery on the way up. I also went up apparition hill several times by myself to pray including one time at night. The people keep respectful silence near the apparition site. During the night when I came by myself, I was surprised to see many couples (husbands and wives and or boyfriend and girl friends). I think they saw it romantic to be there at night in the presence of the Virgin Mary. Her statue was lit up by lights at night.

On another day, we went up Cross mountain and I lead the Stations of the Cross as we climbed the mountain. The mountain is very steep and rocky. Some from our group trekked up the mountain barefoot. Just before the last station a very popular priest, Fr. Slavko instrumental in helping the parish during the beginnings of the apparitions died on the mountain there about 10 years ago. The Cenaculo group of young men have a treatment house in Medjugorje. They are men are suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. They carried a 2 ton rock from the bottom of the hill to the place where he died as a memorial to him. Many people believe someday Fr. Slavko become a saint and we went to the cemetery and prayed at his tomb.

On Sept. 30th about 10 priests, myself and about 20 lay people were present during an apparition of Ivan at his personal chapel. As the apparition started, I immediately felt as though a burden was taken off my shoulders. During the apparition I prayed for all of you and especially for the intentions of those who asked me to pray give them to Our Lady. As the apparition continued, I slowly had a greater peace. It was a beautiful experience. I felt so honored to be in what I believe was the presence of Our Lady.

My group went to Jakov’s talk, but I didn’t go because I would not have been able to make my daily Holy Hour and so during the talk I prayed in the adoration chapel. I have his talk on a CD.

We attended the outdoor Holy Hour. Every day I either prayed at the outdoor Holy Hour, or the Adoration Chapel or in the church of St. James or the chapel of the two Hearts at the hotel.

On the feast of St. Faustina, on Oct. 5th, our group went to the Divine Mercy chapel, which is about 15 minutes from Medjugorje and we were chosen to have Mass at the 3 o'clock hour and just before Mass we prayed the chaplet of Divine Mercy. I offered the Mass and gave the homily. After Mass we venerated a relic of St. Faustina and also Pope St. John Paul II. The custodian of the divine mercy chapel gave a talk explaining the history of the miraculous icon associated with the healing of a Ugo Festa from Italy. He had multiple sclerosis. When praying before the image, he saw Jesus stretch out his arms and stood before him. Ugo was immediately miraculously healed.

Miranja’s house is sort of like a hotel and she waits on tables for the people come to stay at her house. Our group leader brought us to her house and we shook hands with her.

I was able to offer Mass and be the main celebrant at Sirki Briege, the Franciscan monastery the place where 20 Franciscans were martyred. We went to the underground cave where they died. The Communists asked the Franciscans to spit at the crucifix and remove their habits and if they did they would live. But all refused. They were shot, but some didn’t die immediately. The Franciscans were set afire and some were burned alive.

The food at the hotel was homemade and very delicious. They had homemade wine from grapes from their fields near Medjugorje. The wine had an alcohol content of 12%. I never tasted it since I don’t like alcohol.

There was a group from Canadians who were native Indians from Canada. Despite their age, I was impressed at their ability to climb apparition hill and also Cross Mountain. There was a couple from Texas, one from California and one from Russia. There was 19 of us in our group.

My trip was paid for by benefactors. I have a rosary and a picture of Mary with the messages on the back for each of you. The children should have all received a rosary at PSR last week. If they were not in attendance, the PSR teacher has the Rosary for them. The rosaries were blessed by myself. They were placed near the apparition and Ivan said Mary blessed them. At 2pm on Sunday, I will give a presentation on Medjugorje which includes photos I took.

We need to remember the apparitions are alleged at this point and not approved by the Church. But most likely they will be, especially since they have been occurring for 40 years and have never been condemned.

The Church permits us to follow the messages at this time and has declared Medjugorje is a Marian shrine. Today, let us pray each of us will grow in our faith, will become better Catholics and grow in our love of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who loves you!

We should pray to Her asking for Her motherly intercession in all our needs.

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