Friday, June 28, 2024

Peter & Paul Solemnity, June 29th


Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. It’s actually a holy day of obligation in the universal Church, but not in the US.

How shocking it would be, if a pope was captured and put into jail? What would it have been for the early Church to hear that Peter was arrested and put into jail?

Popes beginning with Peter have suffered much as the leader of the Church.

In fact, 29 popes of the Catholic Church were martyred and 7 perhaps 8, additional popes were murdered.

Peter, who would become the first pope, was from Bethsaida in Galilee and owned a fishing business. He was married, but after receiving his call abandoned his wife and family to become a follower of Jesus.

Jesus would heal his mother-in-law, who was sick in bed with a fever.

Peter was poor and unlearned, but candid, eager and loving.

When he told Jesus, “We have left everything to follow you!” Jesus replied, “Truly, I tell you, no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life.”

When Jesus asked the apostles, “Who do they say the Son of Man is?” They responded, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Jesus replied, Who do you say I am?” It is then, only Peter announces His faith in Jesus as the Messiah. He said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Only Peter made that declaration.

Jesus then told Peter, “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give to you the keys to the Kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

These words signify that Peter is the one whom Jesus entrusted the Church and his successors will guide and the lead the Church, which Jesus Himself established. Peter will have the authority to rule over the Church with his role instructing and clarifying the faith and strengthening the faith of the people. Our Lord chose Peter to be the head of the Apostles and the Vicar of Christ on earth.

Peter had great faith as can be seen when he stepped out of the boat and began to walk on water towards Jesus.

Peter was one of Our Lord’s three intimate friends, with James and John, who witnessed events the other apostles did not, such as the Transfiguration, the raising of the dead girl back to life and His Agony in the Garden.

On the day of Pentecost, due to Peter’s sermon, 3,000 converted to the Christian faith.

After Pentecost, Peter stands out in full grandeur of his office. He fills the vacant office lost by Judas, when guided the apostles to replace him with Matthias.

Peter opens the Church to Gentiles and he founded and ruled the church of Antioch.

Ten years after the Ascension, he went to Rome. There he established his chair and for 25 years labored with St. Paul building up the great Roman Church.

Jesus told Peter what would happen to him. Our Lord said, “When you were young, you went where you would, but when you are old, you will go where you are taken." And by these words, He foretold Peter's death. He then said, "Follow me."

Now 25 years later, Peter is arrested and put into jail. In the early Church, it must have been shocking and word must have spread quickly when Peter, the first pope was arrested and put in jail. The Christians must have all gathered together and prayed for Peter to be released.
Then in the middle of the night, when Peter was asleep and fastened to the chains, an angel appeared to him. The angel caused the chains to break free and the door of the jail to open and then Peter escaped. Yet, years later, Peter, the first pope, would be captured again.

A pious Roman tradition, states that during the persecution of the emperor Nero, Peter set off to leave Rome. Just outside the gates of Rome, Jesus appeared to Peter carrying His Cross. Peter asked Him, “Where are you going, Lord?” In Latin, “Quo Vodis Domine?” Jesus responds, “To Rome, to let myself be crucified again.” Because of this, Peter returned to Rome, knowing he would be crucified, as Jesus would be crucified within him. Because he considered himself unworthy to die like his Master, when captured, Peter asked to be crucified upside down. Recent excavations, directly under the altar in St. Peter’s Basilica, have discovered the bones of St. Peter, in a tomb. The Basilica was built over the site where Peter was martyred on top of Vatican Hill in 64 AD.

There have been many popes, who have been jailed over the centuries. For example, Pope Pius VII was arrested in 1809 and put into jail as well. When in jail, he smuggled a message out and asked all of Christianity to pray the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary for his release. And on May 24th, of 1814, the pope was released. That is why the following year he established the feast of Our Lady Help of Christians on May 24th.

St. Paul was from Tarsus and his parents were Jewish. He studied under Gamaliel. While still young, Paul held the clothing of St. Stephen, who he encouraged to be stoned to death and was the first martyr for the faith. In his false zeal of the Pharisees at Jerusalem, Paul was responsible for arresting Christians (men, women and children).

Near Damascus, a great light struck him and he fell to the ground. Our Lord spoke to him saying, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” The event causes him to become blind, but would later be healed by Ananias, whom the Lord told to pray over him.

Due to his conversion and as a new Christian, he sought to spread the Gospel to the limits of the world. For years, he labored preaching Christ Crucified.

St. Paul, became the apostle to the Gentiles and preached throughout most of the western world. He established many churches. Perils by land and by sea did not stop dampen his courage, nor toil or suffering prevented him of wanting to the win the world for Christ.

Before his martyrdom he left 14 epistles, providing the foundation for some of the Church’s doctrine. Through his writings, it is clear, he died to himself, so that Christ may live in him.

He was captured and sent to Rome for trial. During his house arrest in Rome, he wrote letters to the faithful, while others came to visit him. He was eventually, martyred about 3 yrs. after St. Peter in Rome.

A tradition, states that when he was beheaded, his head bounced three times, resulting in three springs of water. The location today is called (tre fontone) (three fountains). His body resides in a Basilica outside of Rome called, St. Paul, outside the wall.

On this Solemnity of Peter and Paul, let us ask the Blessed Virgin Mary, to watch over and protect the Catholic Church from all heresy and division and may all Christians be inspired to pray for everyday for the Church, so that the Church may continue to guide and lead the faithful, through the Vicar of Christ and the college of bishops, who are the apostles today.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

St. Cyril of Alexandria


Today, we celebrate the memorial of St. Cyril of Alexandria, the doctor of the Incarnation.

Born in 370, he succeeded his uncle, as bishop of Alexandria, Egypt, in 412. He battled against the heretic Nestorius, the bishop of Constantinople. Nestorius falsely held that Jesus Christ, as only man was born of Mary, and that His divinity was acquired, after His human birth, because of His great merits. However, this is not true; rather Catholics believe Jesus is a divine person, with two natures, both human and divine. Jesus took upon His human nature in the womb of Mary, while maintaining His divinity, because as God, He never had a beginning.

St. Cyril presided over the great Council of Ephesus in 431, which condemned the false doctrines of Nestorius. The Council dogmatically declared Mary, the Mother of God. The title Mother of God meant that Mary gave birth to one person, the Divine Son of God, and not two persons in one, as Nestorius implied.

He stated what Christians believed, in the 300’s; Mary is the Mother of God. He said, “That anyone could doubt the right of the Holy Virgin to be called Mother of God fills me with astonishment. Surely, She must be the Mother of God, if Our Lord Jesus Christ is God, and She gave birth to Him. Our Lord’s disciples may not have used those exact words, but they delivered to us the belief those words enshrine, and this is also taught us by the holy fathers.”

St. Cyril quotes St. Athanasius, who said, “There have been many holy men, free from all sin. Jeremiah was sanctified in his mother’s womb, and John while still in the womb leaped for joy at the voice of Mary, the Mother of God.” “…Our Lord is nonetheless, the one true Son, both God and man..”

Today, a similar heresy exists among Protestants, who deny Mary is the Mother of God. They falsely think that Catholics believe, Mary is the Mother of God, as though She created God1 in Her womb. As everyone knows Catholics certainly do not believe this!

Our response to this statement is the same as St. Cyril, “She must be the Mother of God, if Our Lord Jesus Christ is God, and She gave birth to Him.”

St. Cyril also had a deep faith and admiration for the Eucharist. In a sermon on the Eucharist, he said, “O tremendous mystery, O ineffable decision of the divine counsel, O humility which the mind cannot comprehend! O goodness that cannot be investigated! The Maker offers Himself to the good pleasure of His work. Life Itself gives Itself to mortals to eat and drink.Come and eat my body, and drink the wine which I have mixed for you. I have prepared Myself as food and have set Myself before those who desire.”

And with regard to our union of Jesus in the Eucharist, He said, “He that eateth My Flesh and drinketh My blood abideth in Me and I in him.” If into melted wax-- other wax is poured, the two are certain to get thoroughly mixed, one with the other. In the same way, he who receives the Body and Blood of the Lord is so united with Him-- that He is in Christ and Christ in him.”

Today, let pray to St. Cyril that he may inspire us to a greater love and devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist and to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.

1 Cf Fr. Chacon, Beginning Apologetics, pg. 21

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

12th Sunday - Trust Jesus in Storms of Life


 The readings today are a reminder of the divinity of Jesus and God’s power over nature, as seen in the Old and New Testament and in various times in history.

In the first reading, God told Job He must trust Him. He made the sea and the clouds and all of creation. He is more powerful than any storm and can stop it at His command.

The responsorial psalm states- at the Lord’s command, He raised up a storm, causing the waves to be high. However, they cried to the Lord in their distress, and so, the Lord hushed the storm to a gentle breeze, and the billows of the sea were stilled. And so, they rejoiced at the calm, and were brought to their desired haven.

This psalm foreshadowed the disciples, who cried out in their distress, as Jesus calmed the storm on the sea. When the disciples said, “Who then is this-- whom even the wind and sea obey?”, they were wondering how a man could do such things? The action of Jesus calming the storm clearly reveals His divinity. God alone, the creator of heaven and earth, can calm a storm at His command.

There are other miraculous events in the Old Testament with regard to water. Moses parted the Red Sea, so the Hebrews could escape the Egyptian army through a dry river bed. Then after they crossed, God caused the water to return drowning Egyptian soldiers. (Exodus 14:21-29)

Elijah and Elias both part the water in a river with Elijah's mantle and could walk through it. (2 Kings 2:14)

When the feet of the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant, touched the water from the Jordan River, it caused the water to stop, so all could cross without getting their feet wet, as they entered the Promised Land. (Joshua 3:13-17)

On another occasion, when the Apostles were going against the waves during a storm on the lake, Jesus walked on water and Peter stepped out of the boat and began to walk on water, until he saw the waves, and took his eyes off Jesus, then he began to sink. But, Jesus grabbed Peter’s hand and helped into the boat and the storm calmed when they got into the boat. (Matthew 14:22-33)

After Jesus died, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, has there been any more water miracles? Yes.

St. Christopher lived from the 200’s to 251. He became a hermit and built a hut near a river. As an act of charity, he helped people cross the river. One day, a small child approached him, wanting safe passage across the water. He hoisted the boy on his shoulders and, with his trusty staff, began the journey walking through the river. As the river deepened, the child began to grow heavier with waters quickly rising, the weight of the child continued to weigh down Christopher. As he reached the banks of the river, he said, “Child, you have put me in great peril; you weigh almost as if I had all the world upon me…” The little boy said, “You have not only borne all the world upon yourself, but you have borne Him that created and made all the world, upon your shoulders.” It was then he realized he had carried the Christ Child, Christopher’s name means “Christ-bearer”. Today, St. Christopher is the patron of travelers, and many people wear the St. Christopher medal or have it in their vehicle.

Born in 480 and died in 482, St. Scholastica was the sister of the monk, St. Benedict. One day, she invited her brother to her monastery. After they talked most of the day, it was getting late in the evening, when her brother, St. Benedict wanted to leave to return to his monastery of monks. But, St. Scholastica wanted him to stay up late talking about Jesus, and spiritual things. But, he was tired and wanted to leave. She began to pray. Suddenly, a violent storm began and it rained so hard, he was unable to leave through the night St. Scholastica’s prayer was answered by God, so she and her brother could talk all night about holy things.

Born in 456 and died in 545, St. Medard is the patron saint of bad weather. Legend states when he was a child, Medard was sheltered from the rain by a hovering eagle. Because of this event, he is the patron of good and bad weather, and for people who work the fields. Legend has it, if it rains on his feast day, June 8th, the next 40 days will be wet; if the weather is good, the next 40 will be fine as well.

In 1647 Father Erastius was returning by ship to Italy from Amsterdam. The ship with its crew and passengers were caught in a violent storm. He encouraged everyone to pray to St. Anthony of Padua. Then he threw some pieces of cloth that had touched a relic of St. Anthony into the sea. At once, the storm ended, the winds stopped, and the sea became calm. St. Anthony is the patron of sea travelers. And St. Anthony is attributed to creating a Prayer Against Storms.

The prayer against storms attributed to St. Anthony paused a rainstorm in Wichita on Palm Sunday, this year on March 24, 2024. Wichita had just completed its 40 Days for Life Prayer and fasting campaign to close Planned Parenthood, where many abortions take place.

I was asked to do a Eucharistic procession on Palm Sunday around Planned Parenthood, but the forecast was rain throughout the day. I emailed Catholics in Wichita the Prayer Against Storms by St. Anthony of Padua. While it kept raining, we trusted that Jesus would cause the rain to stop for the procession.

After 100 people arrived, it was still raining. But just as it was time to start, the rain stopped, and we began the Eucharistic procession. When it was over, just as everyone returned to their vehicles it started to rain again. The Prayer Against Storms by St. Anthony worked, Jesus paused the rain storm, so that we could process His Eucharistic presence around Planned Parenthood, where unborn babies die from abortion.

On January 31, 1906, on the small island of Tumaco off the coast of Columbia at 10 o’clock in the morning, the earth shook violently for almost ten minutes. Due to a tsunami, all the inhabitants of the village ran to the church and begged the pastor, Fr. Gerardo Larrondo, to lead a procession with the Blessed Sacrament. The sea plunged inland more than a half a mile and a mountainous wall of water was building up threatening to drown everyone and everything in one gigantic wave.

Fearing the church would be destroyed by water, Fr. Gerardo consumed the small Hosts in the ciborium and placed the large Host in a monstrance. The priest and the people began their march, weeping and crying out to God. Fr. Larrondo reached the beach with the monstrance in hand when he advanced courageously to the water’s edge and as the wave came rushing in-- he calmly raised the Sacred Host and with it traced the Sign of the Cross. The wave hesitated, paused and backed off. The people cried out “Miracle, miracle!”. The mighty wall of water that threatened to wipe the village of Tumaco off the face of the earth was halted and began to recede, and then the sea resumed its normal level. The inhabitants of Tumaco were overcome with joy at having been saved from death by Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Prayers of fervent thanks poured out. All the buildings of the land in the area were destroyed, except for the island of Tumaco where the miracle occurred.

On Oct. 8th of 1871, was the great Peshtigo fire in Wisconsin and Michigan. It was the greatest fire tragedy in the history of the United States killing between 1,200-2,400 people and burning 1.2 million acres. Due to the high winds and dry grounds, the fire quickly became a storm of fire and roared towards the Shrine’s grounds.

Desperate for help, people from the surrounding countryside fled to the Chapel where Sister Adele Brise and her companions were praying for Mary’s protection. Lifting the statue of Mary, they processed around the sanctuary, praying the rosary and singing hymns to Jesus and the Blessed Mother. Early the next morning, a steady rain came and extinguished the flames of the fire. Everything around the property was completely charred. But the fire came only to the fence of the land consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, containing the chapel, school and convent, where they were praying and halted. 12 years earlier on that exact date, Oct. 8th, the Virgin Mary appeared to Sr. Adele Brise, and said if the people do not convert from their sins, Her Son would punish them.

Another miracle was associated with the Peshtigo Fire.

St. Mary Church was destroyed in the fire. However, before it was destroyed, Father Pernin was able to carry the church’s wooden Tabernacle, containing the Blessed Sacrament, to the river on his wagon. He pushed the wagon partially into the river and abandoned it to save his own life. The next day, a parishioner who had also survived found Father Pernin and asked if he knew what had happened to the Tabernacle. The priest said, “This wagon had been blown over on its side by the storm; whilst the Tabernacle itself had been caught up by the wind and cast on one of the logs floating on the water. Everything in the immediate vicinity of this spot had been blackened or charred by the flames. But, the Tabernacle was saved when the wind tossed it on a log floating on water.

My friends, we have seen how by all these miracles, God wants to calm the waters of our heart and to trust Him.

St. Alphonsus said, “We are tossed about on a stormy sea, but we do not suffer shipwreck, because the Lord by His grace gives us strength to resist our enemies.” But, he also asked that we turn to Mary, saying, “Look to the star of the sea, call upon Mary … in danger, in distress, in doubt, think of Mary, call upon Mary. May her name never be far from your lips, or far from your heart … If you follow her, you will not stray; if you pray to her, you will not despair; if you turn your thoughts to her, you will not err. If she holds you, you will not fall; if she protects you, you need not fear; if she is your guide, you will not tire; if she is gracious to you, you will surely reach your destination (of heaven).”


Make the sign of the cross on the + symbol.

Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace. + God became man, + and the Word was made flesh. + Christ was born of a virgin. + Christ suffered. + Christ was crucified. + Christ died. + Christ rose from the dead. + Christ ascended into Heaven. + Christ conquers. + Christ reigns. + Christ orders. + May Christ protect us from all storms and lightning. + Christ went through their midst in Peace, + and the Word was made Flesh. + Christ is with us with Mary. + Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion of the Generation of Juda, the Root of David, was won. + Holy God! + Holy Powerful God ! + Holy Immortal God! + Have mercy on us. Amen!

This prayer can be traced to St. Anthony of Padua.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

11th Sunday - Respect the Body


For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil.”

Every person God creates has a mission. Jeremiah states, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) God’s plan for each person is to help bring about His kingdom on earth, as it is in heaven, which is what we pray in the Lord’s prayer.

To most, it seems as though our role in God’s plan is small. But, Jesus uses the example of a “mustard seed, one of the smallest of all seeds, to show that the seed actually produces the largest of plants, and puts forth branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade”.

We go about our ordinary daily life. We get up, take the kids to school and activities. We go to work. We keep our home clean and in order. On Sunday, we go to church. This can seem monotonous day in and day out. But, we don’t realize how important, these things are. It’s important to raise children to become adults. We teach them to write, manners, morals, to love others and to forgive. We help them to pray and do their best at sports or academics. We build up God’s kingdom by raising our children to be virtuous and bring about God’s kingdom by their lives.

For those who are retired, you build up God’s kingdom by being faithful to your ordinary daily duties, through your prayers, your time in Adoration, your example and advice you give due your wisdom from age.

The work we do on the farm benefits others. There is a billboard that states, “One Kansas farmer can feed 155 people, plus you.” Feeding livestock, plowing the field and farm work accomplishes more than what we expect.

God’s kingdom grows by the good we do for others, especially for those in our own family and community.

Jesus said we will be judged on works of mercy. “When I was hungry, you gave me food, when I was thirsty, you gave me drink. When ill, you visited me…” There are also spiritual works of mercy: instructing the ignorant, forgiving offenses, counseling, the doubtful, praying for the living and the dead etc.. We use our body in our own home to do good and bring about God’s kingdom.

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil.”

I will now go over bad things we do in our body, that can hinder building up of God’s kingdom.

St. Paul helps us to understand our body, he said, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” If we fail to treat our body with respect, we fail to honor God in our body.

There can be serious consequences to not respecting our body. For example, tattoos. Did you know the book of Leviticus specifically forbids tattoos. Ink, is a foreign substance injected into the body. A new study indicates tattoos cause a greater chance of developing lymphatic cancer.

Being overweight can cause diabetes. Under eating, called anorexia, deprives the body of food it needs.

Getting drunk can destroy the liver and cause improper reasoning and we can make bad choices. Drunks can become vicious, belligerent, abusive, and fail to take care of others and themselves. To purposefully get drunk is seriously sinful.

Smoking cigarettes harms lungs. My uncle, who was 48, my brother-in-law, who was 57, and my father, who was 72, all died from lung cancer, most likely due to smoking. Marijuana causes the inability to reason properly. In every state, one can be arrested driving while high. To smoke marijuana can be seriously sinful.

Fr. Carlo Martins, an exorcist said, “Yoga, should not be practiced. Because by definition, the bodily positions of yoga are an act of worship of Hindu gods. Yoga is a practice to channel the energy of the Kundalini spirit. If you want to do stretches, do stretches, that have nothing to do with yoga or it’s postures.” He also said, “Inanimate objects like crystals don’t give energy. It’s a superstition.It offends God.

Today, young people can misuse smart phones to do things contrary to the Christian faith, such as the Ouija board, or games with characters who do curses or magic. Children need to know all magic is evil. There is no such thing as good magic, because all magic is superstitious.

It’s wrong to use our body for superstitious purposes. These kind of games become channels evil spirits can enter the home and cause problems in the family.

We also can’t use our body or the bodies of others for sinful purposes either, such as premarital relations, impure actions, or viewing pornography. All are serious sins.

Phones, i-pads, computers are portals to view bodies of others as objects of pleasure. Pornography is rampant. In a 2016, study, The Porn Phenomenon: The Impact of Pornography in the Digital Age. It states 88% of teens (youth 13-17) have a phone and 82% of teens sleep with their phones in their bedroom.

The average age a child first sees pornography is 11. By the age of 14, 94% of children have seen pornography. About 70% of men and 20% of women view pornography at least once a week, and almost 90% percent of men view pornography once a month. Your children’s friends may show them pornography on their friend’s phone. We need to teach them how to respond- by saying no and tell you it happened.

Through texting, predator adults, pretend to be youth. Chat rooms are dangerous. They can text a child and ask the child to send inappropriate photos of themselves and then the predator threaten the child to show the image to others unless he does what is asked. This is one way child trafficking begins. The use of “spoof” (false numbers) makes it difficult, for police to track them.

If children aren’t protected, viewing porn can become an addiction they can carry into adulthood. 80% of children say their parents never discussed pornography with them. Bishop Kemme said, “When parents and guardians haven’t created an environment where it’s safe and welcome to talk about uncomfortable topics, children will often hide these experiences out of shame and embarrassment.”

My dear parents: As a suggestion, when you first discover your child viewed pornography, don’t punish them, because you failed to discuss it with them. First, sit-down with your kids and talk about pornography. Don’t accuse them or interrogate them, no. Remember, it seeks them out, and it seeks them out through devices that you probably gave them. Sit down, talk, and look for a path forward. Second, give rules. No cell phones, no computers ever in their bedrooms. Always in public view. Third. Make a specific time every night cell phones are given to parents. Fourth. Install parental controls on your children’s devices such as limiting screen time, block inappropriate websites, and use websites such as Fifth, require specific spaces without tech devices, such as when eating together, or at Mass, phones can’t be used after 10pm etc… Sixth, Don’t give children unfettered access to a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

With regard to women, their body is sacred and should be veiled. The body of a woman is beautiful. As the psalm states, “How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord God almighty.” Immodesty can cause men to lust. Both women and men can sin this way. Men for not keeping custody of his eyes and women for tempting men.

Another thing to consider is when we see people with their hair dyed green, purple, red, or if their lips, are pierced, don’t judge them. We should open our heart to try to understand, that there is a reason why they don’t love themselves. But this type of behavior is harmful to how one self views their body.

Tops showing cleavage, tight clothing, shorts, or skirts above the knee are all inappropriate especially at Mass or Eucharistic adoration or when just walking into church. Why? Because in the Tabernacle is Jesus Christ, the King of heaven and earth. This is God’s house. The church is a sacred place. This is a holy place. Please don’t wear shorts to Mass, nor at Adoration or anytime at church. Its disrespectful to Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

When we look at a Crucifix, we see evil done to the sacred body of Jesus by our sins: He was stripped of His clothes except underwear, crowned with thorns and nailed to the Cross. The shame of it all! Today, we think nothing of seeing a man who wears only shorts. It’s immodest. Where is the shame?

In the resurrected and glorified body of Jesus, we see what are bodies are meant to be in the future. After the resurrection, when John touched Jesus, he cried out, “My Lord and my God.” He recognized His body, as the body of God.

His resurrected body, truly present in the Eucharist and moves us to respect and give reverence to Jesus, as King and God. Jesus’ body conquered evil, and it showed the depths of His love. And now He gives us His resurrected Body to eat, that we may have life.

If we are to fulfill our role in bringing about the kingdom of God, we are to use our body for good and not evil. First, we give the greatest reverence and respect to the Body of Christ, in the Eucharist. Then we need to respect and give reverence to our own body, and then, give respect and reverence to the bodies of others. Because God dwells in you, your body is sacred. Your body is holy. Your body is a temple of the Lord. Jesus body is most sacred. Jesus body is most holy. Because Jesus body is God’s body. That’s why bow, genuflect, kneel or prostrate before the body of Christ.

The Virgin Mary gives women an example of modesty. Men and women can turn to Her to help them grow in purity. She is the Virgin Most Pure. St. Joseph was the guardian of the Virgin Most Pure and protector of the Holy Family. He can help men be protectors of the family, and an example of a good father and husband. St. Joseph, as the terror of demons, will help fathers to protect their families from evil.

On Father’s Day weekend, I would like to address fathers. You are the spiritual leaders and protectors of the family. It is your duty to protect your family from evil and help them to get to heaven. Your children look to you as an example. They look to you for protection, for advice, and encouragement.
In the bulletin are resources for you to help discuss pornography with your children. There are free books given away per family. Also in the bulletin are web addresses for Covenant Eyes, to help block images & detect activity viewed on your children’s phones.

There is a link to Detox from Porn, by Jason Evert. I encourage parents to watch the video with your child, perhaps from eight grade on up. It’s a fantastic video!

In the bulletin are also inexpensive phone companies that do not require a contract.

If you know someone who may have an addiction to pornography, there are resources in the bulletin too.

Men, if you know of a friend or co-worker who you know who has a problem with pornography, watch the video of Jason Evert, read the information in the bulletin, so you can help them.

My friends, turn to Mary and Joseph, who will help you fulfill your role in bringing about God’s kingdom, and be ready for the hour of our death. May we give respect and reverence to God in our body and the bodies of others, because they are sacred temples, where God dwells.“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil.”

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

St. Anthony of Padua - Wonder Working Saint, June 13th


Today is the feast of St. Anthony of Padua. Known as the wonder-worker, St. Anthony was from Lisbon, Portugal, but received his surname from Padua, Italy, where he resided converting many people. He was born in 1195, and baptized as Ferdinand. The clergy in the Cathedral of Lisbon educated him. At the age of 15, he became an Augustinian religious brother. When he was 17, he asked for a transfer to a more secluded monastery. For 8 years, he devoted himself to study and prayer. Due to his remarkable memory, he acquired a thorough knowledge of scripture.

In 1220, some Franciscans were martyred in Morocco and their relics were brought back to Portugal. St. Anthony longed to be martyred like the Franciscans. So he joined the Franciscan order, with the hope that he would be martyred. He changed his name to Anthony due to his devotion to the Anthony of the desert. With great zeal he received almost immediate permission to set out to Morocco to preach to the Moors, but had to return to Europe due to a severe illness.

While returning to Europe, he ended up in Assisi, where a general chapter was to be held. It was there he saw St. Francis. He then left the Augustinian brothers and joined the Franciscans.

As a sickly young brother, no one suspected him to have such intellectual gifts. If he wasn’t praying in the chapel, he was either serving the brothers washing their dishes and pots. At an ordination service, none of the Franciscans or Dominicans who came were prepared to give to deliver the sermon. His superior told him to go and speak whatever the Holy Spirit put into his mouth. All who heard his address were astonished, with his eloquence, fervor and learning. Due to this event, he was sent to preach in the province. He was an immediate success as a preacher. He was particularly effective in converting heretics.

St. Francis sent a letter to St. Anthony giving his approval to teach theology to the Franciscans provided “such study does not quench the spirit of holy prayer and devotion according to the rule.”

Due to his teaching at the university against Albigensians, he developed the title “hammer of heretics”. He had remarkable learning, eloquence, marked with logical analysis and reasoning, burning zeal for souls, a magnetic personality and a voice, which carried far.

The mere sight of him, brought sinners to their knees, for he appeared to radiate a spiritual force. Crowds flocked to hear him, hardened criminals, careless Catholics, heretics—all were converted and brought to confession. Men locked up their offices and shops in order to go and hear his sermons and women rose early in the morning or stayed overnight in the church to secure their places. Because the churches weren’t large enough to accommodate the crowds, he preached in public squares and market places. His sermons led to wide-spread reforming of many people in the city of Padua.

Once Anthony had traveled to the city of Rimini because it was a hotbed of heresy. The city leaders had ordered everyone to ignore him, so no one turned up for his homilies. Wherever Anthony went, he was greeted by silence.

Anthony walked along praying and reflecting upon what had happened. As he walked outside of the town, he came to the mouth of the Marecchia River where it flows into the Adriatic. There he began to address the crowds, not of people but of fish.

He called out, “You, fish of the river and sea, listen to the Word of God because the heretics do not wish to hear it.” Suddenly there were thousands of fish neatly arranged in rows, all pushing their heads through the surface of the water as if they were straining to listen to every one of Anthony’s words.

The people of Rimini, seeing this miracle, gathered to listen to Anthony. What began with simple interest in an extraordinary event turned into a passionate conviction that Anthony was speaking to their very hearts. They were so moved by Anthony’s words, by his call to conversion, that they abandoned their hardened positions and returned to the Church. As we stated above, we are not sure that this story is historic, but it certainly does represent a version of what often happened when Anthony preached: that many hardened sinners were converted through the unselfish love of Anthony.

On another occasion, a heretic said he did not believe in the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. St. Anthony challenged the farmer to not feed his mule for three days and then come and bring the mule’s favorite grain. The man did as St. Anthony told him. With St. Anthony holding the Eucharist in one hand and the farmer holding a bucket with the mule’s favorite grain, the mule walked up to Saint Anthony and fell on its knees before the Blessed Sacrament. The mule’s owner was immediately converted and believed in the true presence.

St. Anthony is also invoked to help find lost articles, but is also an intercessor for the poor, infertile and pregnant women, and of travelers. People sometimes give bread to the poor, for the purpose of obtaining his intercession, which is often called “St. Anthony bread”.

In the spring of 1231, after preaching a powerful course of sermons, St. Anthony’s strength gave out. He never got better and died at the age of 36 after receiving the last rites. He was canonized within one year after his death.

Due to the many miracles worked at his tomb, he became known as the “wonder-working saint”.

If we do not have a devotion to St. Anthony, now is the time for us to begin praying to him. Though it is good to pray to him for lost articles, it is better to pray to him for lost souls and to ask him help for help in growing in virtue and holiness. St. Anthony, pray for us!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

10th Sunday - Virgin Mary Did God's Will in All Things


In the first reading, we have Adam, Eve and the devil, who tempts them. They give in to the temptation and out of disobedience to God’s will, fall from grace. By doing what the devil wanted, they chose to do the will of the devil, rather than the will of God.

In Genesis 3:15, God responds to the Serpent, hinting at his first promise of redemption after the fall of Adam and Eve: “I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel.” This hints at the cosmic struggle that will ensue, resulting in the Serpent’s ultimate defeat through the seed of the Woman—though her seed will also suffer through this victory (“you shall bruise his heel”). The Christian tradition sees this ultimately as a prophecy of Jesus’ victory over the devil on the Cross. The coming of the redeemer will return fallen mankind to the dominion of God, by the freedom to accept of God’s will for those who desire salvation.

God foretells to the serpent, it will be at enmity with a woman and her offspring in the future. The woman cannot be Eve because Eve who through her disobedience to God gave in to the temptation of the devil. So there must be a new woman (the Virgin Mary) who will come and her child (Jesus) will crush the head of the serpent.

To be at enmity means to be totally against such that they have absolutely nothing to do with each other. The future woman to come will assist the redeemer, in crushing the serpent. Since the woman to come will be totally against the devil, she will be obedient to God in all things. She will be sinless from her conception (like Eve), and so there is an allusion to Mary’s Immaculate Conception. Unlike Eve, She will always do God’s will and will never once commit any sin.

In the Gospel, we have Jesus, the new Adam and Mary the new Eve. Jesus, the redeemer, has power and dominion over the devil and evil spirits, and able to drive out demons. The redeemer, who will crush the head of the serpent, has come to bring salvation to those who accept it.

Sadly, some scribes accuse Jesus of being the prince of demons because He is able to cast out demons. In response, Our Lord speaks about the unforgivable sin (blaspheming against the Holy Spirit). It’s not unforgivable because it can’t be forgiven, but because they will not seek forgiveness for their sin. They attribute God’s work of freeing men from the power of evil spirits, to the action of devil. In another words, their hearts are so hardened, they refuse to recognize God’s action and even attribute God’s work to evil spirits and will not repent of their sin.

Genesis later calls Eve, the Mother of the living, but because of her fall from grace, she is really the mother of the dead. Blessed Guerric of Igny said, “The first Eve is not so much a mother as a stepmother, since she handed on to her children an inheritance of certain death rather than the beginning of light. She is indeed called the mother of all the living, but she is more truly the destroyer of the living or the mother of the dead, since the only fruit of her child-bearing was death. And as Eve was incapable of fulfilling the vocation of her title, Mary consummated the mystery. She herself, like the Church of which she is the type, is a mother of all who are reborn to life. She is in fact the mother of the life by which everyone lives, and when she brought it forth from herself she in some way brought to rebirth all those who were to live by that life.”

Second century writers St. Justin and St. Irenaeus used to call Mary the New Eve. They would say, “death through Eve, life through Mary”. The Catechism says, “The Virgin Mary 'cooperated through free faith and obedience in human salvation'. She uttered her yes 'in the name of all human nature' By Her obedience She became the new Eve, mother of the living." By the Catechism and early Church fathers, we can see Mary is the true Mother of the living because she is the spiritual mother of us all. Jesus gave His Mother to us at the foot of the Cross, when He told John, “Behold your Mother.” He said to Mary, “Woman, behold your son”. The word “woman” is in reference to the woman predicted in Genesis 3:15. In Revelation, Mary is the “woman” clothed with the sun and moon under her feet and on Her head a crown of twelve stars”. The dragon pursues Her and makes war against Her offspring because her offspring do God’s will.

In the Gospel today, when Our Lord’s Mother and His disciples arrived standing outside of the house, one of His disciples said, “Your Mother and your brothers and your sisters are outside asking for you.” Jesus replied, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking at the people said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whosever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” Here it sounds like Jesus had brothers and sisters. But this is not the case. Rather, Mary is a perpetual virgin. She gave birth to Jesus, but in a miraculous manner preserving Her virginal integrity. Jesus did not have natural brothers and sisters because Mary never had other children. The Hebrew language didn’t have separate words for “brother”, “cousin”. The Jews used the word “brother” for a “near relative” without meaning “blood-brothers”.

What did Jesus mean when He said to the people? “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whosever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.”? These words sound like He didn’t want to acknowledge His Mother. But, the opposite is true, He wanted all to know His Mother always did God’s will and was praising His Mother and exhorting them to be like Her. She is the promised Mother of the Redeemer and He is the Redeemer, who will crush the head of the serpent. He is saying, they are to be like Mary, who always did God’s will in Her life.

Since Mary is the Mother of the redeemer, we are of Her seed (Her children) and at war with the devil and his followers, because we do God’s will. In the end the victory is ours because the Redeemer will crush the head of the serpent and cast him and his followers into the abyss. The woman, the co-redemptrix, will assist Him in conquering the serpent.

Since Mary was free of sin and never sinned, She can help us avoid sin and do God’s will. God’s will is found in the ordinary duties and state of life. It’s God’s will we keep the house clean, wash the dishes and mow the yard. It’s God’s will children obey their parents. Spouses mutually submit to each other. It’s God’s will we obey civil laws and authority, such as not speeding or running stop signs. We are to obey our boss and do our job to the best of our ability. We are to be a good mother, father, brother or sister, or parent, or grandparent, or a good religious obeying our superior, living out the vows of poverty chastity and obedience and obeying the rule of life. God’s will for us is how we are mother, sister or brother to Jesus.

Sometimes we want to know God’s will in our life and should ask the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the Heart of Mary to help us know His will.

At times, we can’t understand God’s will, and must go by faith. When the angel asked Mary to become the mother of Jesus, She could not understand how it could be, because She had made a vow of virginity. How could She become a Mother and yet remain a virgin? But because of Her great faith, She told the angel, “Be it done unto me according to your word.”

Sometimes, when we can clearly see God’s will is painful and difficult for us, we are to have the same attitude of Jesus, who said, “Not my will, but your will be done?” trusting God will take care of us.

Today, may we seek Mary’s intercession in helping us to do God’s will, and not our own; to obey His commandments, avoiding sin; to do His will in our daily duties and state of life; and to accept God’s will as Mary accepted His will standing at the foot of the Cross. By doing God’s will, we are His children and the children of Mary (and therefore at war with evil spirts). But if we turn to Mary, the Queen of heaven and earth, the true mother of the living, the new Eve, who always did the will of the Father, we will inherit the kingdom of God, forfeited by Adam and Eve, but made available by our redeemer, who was obedient to His Father, even to death, death on the Cross, and rose from the dead for our salvation.

14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection