Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Pro-Life Weekly (Men can become pregnant?)

Democrat testifies men can become pregnant and have an abortion.

Nancy Pelosi is prohibited Holy Communion because of her Pro-abortion view.

Click this LINK to watch or click picture

Monday, May 30, 2022

Feast of the Visitation

Today, we celebrate together the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which commemorates the moment when Mary, the mother of Jesus visited her cousin Elizabeth in the mountainous regions of Judea, after traveling a five day journey to see how her cousin Elizabeth.

Elizabeth in her old age was then pregnant with St. John the Baptist, the herald of the Messiah, who was miraculously conceived after many years of unsuccessful marriage without any children between Elizabeth and her husband, Zechariah.

At the same time, Mary was carrying within Her, Jesus Christ, our savior. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Our Lord came down from heaven and took up the flesh of man in Mary’s womb.

Shortly after the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary at the Annunciation, Our Lady went to visit Her cousin Elizabeth. Mary arose and went in haste into the hill country, to a city of Judah called Ain Karim. Once the Blessed Virgin learned from the angel that Her cousin Elizabeth was pregnant, She was moved by charity and hurried to lend a hand to help Elizabeth who was advanced in years. Nobody asked Mary to go. God could have asked Mary to go and visit Her cousin, but He didn’t. Mary could have remained at home to prepare for the arrival of Her Divine Son, the Messiah, but She joyfully sets out on the journey “with haste” and goes to offer Elizabeth Her humble assistance.

When Mary arrived, Elizabeth heard Her greeting and was filled with the Holy Spirit. And at that moment, the unborn John the Baptist leapt for joy within her womb. The action of the unborn children, bear witness to dignity of all unborn children.

Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit, by divine knowledge comes to know that she is in the presence of the Lord in Mary’s womb. She even comes to know Mary’s pregnancy was miraculous.

While in the womb of His Mother Mary, Our Divine Lord blessed the unborn John the Baptist in the womb of his mother, Elizabeth. The Church teaches, at that moment, St. John was sanctified, meaning his original sin was washed away.

The action of these two unborn children remind us of the sanctity of life. It’s a reminder that life begins at conception. At the time of the Visitation, John had been conceived for 6 months and Jesus’ conception was no longer that 5 days. Yet, these two unborn children teach us a lesson.

They teach us that life no matter how small is precious and beautiful and that God wants us to love and respect unborn children. Today, let us resolve to recite Mary’s magnificat in thanksgiving for all the good things, God has done for us in sending His Son as an unborn child destined to die on the Cross and rise from the dead, to save us.

And let us remember that just as Mary’s body became a temple of the Lord, the sanctuary of the Most High and the Ark of the Covenant, because She carried Jesus in Her womb to the hill country, grant that we should recall we too become a temple, an ark and a sanctuary for Jesus, when we receive His body in Holy Communion, let us carry Him to others as we help them in their needs.

Mass of the Ages

Watch Episode 2 Mass of the Ages

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The Mass of the Ages TRAILER: How Tradition Will Restore the  Church—Kickstarter Announcement | Verumfidei

Memorial Day


 Please pray for the repose of the souls of our departed service men and women who are in purgatory. Eternal Rest Grant unto them O Lord, and May Perpetual Light Shine upon Them! And may the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Psalm 27:3-4 says, "Though an army besieges me, my heart will not fear; though war breaks out against me, even then I will be confident. One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple."

On this Memorial Day, we come before You O God, our Creator. We pray that you bless the souls of the good men and women who gave their last breath in defense of our nation, our freedom, and our children's future and reward them with eternal life. We thank you for our veterans and ask you to bless them. We pray-- by your grace and love--- you will protect those serving in the military today. We beseech you to shower your graces and blessings upon our nation, that it may acknowledge you as our sovereign Lord and that we may truly be one nation under God. Protect and deliver the United States of America from all evil and bring our nation under Your dominion so that life, liberty and freedom will always be granted to every person. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord. And through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, the patroness of our country. Amen

Sunday, May 29, 2022

May 30th - St. Joan of Arc


Today is the memorial of St. Joan of Arc. Born of a fairly well-to-do peasant couple in Domremy-Greux southeast of Paris, Joan was only 12 when she experienced a vision and heard voices that she later identified as Saints Michael the Archangel, St. Gabriel, St. Catherine of Alexandria, and St Margaret of Antioch.

“Joan of Arc did not know how to read or write, but the depths of her soul can be known thanks to two sources of exceptional historical value: the two Trials that concern her.”, Pope Benedict XVI said.

When it became known she believed God wanted her to lead the military to victories against the English, many suspected she was the maiden from Loraine prophesied that would deliver France from tyranny.

During the Hundred Years War, Joan led French troops against the English and recaptured the cities of Orléans and Troyes. This enabled Charles VII to be crowned as king in Reims in 1429. Captured near Compiegne the following year, Joan was sold to the English and placed on trial for heresy and witchcraft. Professors at the University of Paris supported Bishop Pierre Cauchon of Beauvis, the judge at her trial; Cardinal Henry Beaufort of Winchester, England, participated in the questioning of Joan in prison.

In the end, she was condemned for wearing men’s clothes. The English resented France’s military success–to which Joan contributed. During the trial, asked whether she knew she was in God’s grace, the saint answered: “If I am not, may God place me there; if I am, may God so keep me. I should be the saddest in all the world if I knew that I were not in the grace of God." She also said, “Take care what you are doing; for in truth I am sent by God.” and she said, “All I have done is by Our Lord’s command…I have done nothing in the world but by the order of God.”

On this day in 1431, Joan was burned at the stake in Rouen, and her ashes were scattered in the Seine River. A second Church trial 25 years later nullified the earlier verdict, which was reached under political pressure.

Remembered by most people for her military exploits, Joan had a great love for the sacraments, which strengthened her compassion toward the poor. Popular devotion to her increased greatly in 19th-century France and later among French soldiers during World War I. Theologian George Tavard writes that her life “offers a perfect example of the conjunction of contemplation and action” because her spiritual insight is that there should be a “unity of heaven and earth.”

Joan of Arc has been the subject of many books, plays, operas and movies. St. Therese of Lisieux played the part of St. Joan of Arc in a play at her convent.

Today, let us ask St. Joan of Arc to intercede for us and help us to be a good witness to our faith.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Ascension of Jesus & Christ's Blessing

  Ascension into Heaven by Lash Larue in 2022 | Heaven art, Jesus painting,  Jesus and mary pictures 

Today we celebrate the solemnity of the ascension of Jesus into heaven. In most of the world, the ascension was celebrated last Thursday because Jesus ascended into heaven 40 days after He rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. But in many dioceses in the United States and other countries, the Ascension of the Lord is transferred to Sunday.

During the forty days between His Resurrection and Ascension into heaven Jesus appeared to His apostles many times instructing them and teaching them. He trained His apostles for their high calling and comforted them because they had been scandalized by His death on the Cross. He taught them about the kingdom of God which they were to establish on earth. He inflamed their hearts for a longing for His heavenly kingdom and excited them to love God ever more fervently. He surely instructed them on the sacraments and how to pasture the people. Maybe He told them to ask for the advice and prayers of His Mother, while She is on earth and later pray to Her after She would go to heaven. She would help them, console them and guide them to form the early Church.

The apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary gathered on top of the Mount of Olives. It was at the base of the mountain where Jesus had His agony in the garden. Now, from the top of the mountain Our Divine Lord appeared to them. Curiously, though they gazed upon Him, they doubted out of human weakness. Some still mistakenly wondered when He was going to restore the kingdom of Israel.

The Gospel tells us, just before Jesus ascended into heaven, “He raised His hands, and blessed them. As He blessed them, He departed.” So the last action of Jesus before He ascended to heaven on a cloud was He blessed His apostles, and His Mother, the Virgin Mary. There were two angels who appeared to the apostles after Jesus went to heaven.

Because the Apostles were ordained as priests and bishops at the Last Supper, they also received the power to perform the sacraments and to give blessings. Every priest and bishop today through the power given to them at ordination, also raises their hands to bless and perform the sacraments.

The blessing of a priest is much more powerful than what we imagine. Did you know, the last action of St. Philip Neri and Pope St. John Paul II was they raised their hands and blessed those who were present just before their soul departed from this life and ascend to the throne of Jesus for their judgment.

What I would like to do is give you real examples of the power of a priests blessing.

At Sacred Heart parish in Halstead, we moved the parish office from the rectory to the Parish Hall. In the process of the move we had to re-connect the printer with the computer. But no matter what we did the printer would not work. Finally, I told the parish secretary. “Have you heard of St. Maximilian Kolbe? His religious order had the world largest non-commercial printing press in which they printed the magazine, “Knight of the Immaculata”. It had a circulation of 1 million copies. One day, the printing press would not work. And St. Maximillian said, “The devil must have his tail caught in it.” He then blessed the printing press and it immediately began to work. So I said, well, let’s give the printer a blessing.” Then I raised my hand and said, “May almighty God bless this printer and computer that they may work for the glory and honor of God. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” The secretary pushed the button and immediately the printer started working.

One day, a woman called and told me her son, Thomas’ cat was dying and she wanted me to come to give the cat Anointing of the sick. But I told her the sacraments are only for humans, but I can come and bless the cat if she wants. When I arrived the cat looked terrible and was having difficulty breathing. It had black bumps all over the body of the cat including its head and she told me the veterinarian said the cat had cancer. I said, why don’t we pray to Fr. Kapaun? So I said this prayer, “Through the intercession of Fr. Kapaun, if its God’s will, may God grant the healing of this cat and if not may all accept what is to come. May Almighty God bless and heal this cat, through the intercession of Fr. Kapaun. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” I then left the house and two weeks later, I saw Thomas, and since it was his cat, I said, “Thomas, I am sorry, your cat died didn’t it?” He said, “No father, the cat was healed. All the bumps went away and the cat is now fine.” Shocked by what he said, I asked his mother, “Is that true?” She said, “Yes, the cancer is all gone and cat is doing well.” I said, “The cat must not have had cancer, that was probably just pus pockets or something.” and she replied, “No! I am a nurse and I know cancer when I see it and besides that the veterinarian said the cat had cancer, but now its all gone and the cat is fine.”

Another true story: I was assigned as pastor to Sacred Heart parish due to the sudden death of Fr. Baxter who died in the rectory. A few weeks after his funeral, when I arrived at the parish, I was speaking with the parish secretary and also the bookkeeper and we were getting to know each other. Fr. Baxter’s car was still outside in the driveway. And as we were talking, his car started honking on its own due to it security system, as though someone had bumped the car or tried to enter it. But nobody was outside and the bookkeeper turned took the fob and made the honking stop. Then we began to talk some more and few minutes later the car started honking again. We were dumbfounded by it all. The bookkeeper once again pressed the button on the fob and the car stopped honking. Later that night when I was sleeping, about 3am, on its own, the car started honking again. I got up and tried to get the car to stop honking by using the fob, but it kept honking. So I raised my hand and blessed the car saying, “May almighty God bless this car, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen” And the car immediately stopped honking. I was shocked that it actually worked. The next day I told the secretary and bookkeeper what happened and the bookkeeper said, “Let’s look inside the car, maybe there is something in the car that Fr. Baxter wants to get out of the car.” We looked inside the car and found a glove, a hat and a badge to get into the Hutchinson Correctional facility because father was a prison chaplain. Our idea was that Fr. Baxter from above, tried to get our attention to remove the badge so next owner of the car would not have access to the prison.

People from other countries value the priests blessings much more than in our own country. When I was in Medjugorje, when I happen to come to the church, there was a group of German pilgrims praying and they were very excited to see me. A few of them spoke broken English and I was barely able understand what they were wanting. They told me, they just finished praying the Rosary, asking the Virgin Mary to send a priest to give them a blessing and they looked at me and said, “You are the priest. Father, will you give us your blessing?” I was so humbled by it all. I raised my hand and gave them a blessing. It was a reminder for me, that Jesus wanted to use me to give them His blessing and that I should more freely give it.

The point in mentioning these stories is that even though Jesus ascended into heaven, He is still with us and acts through His priests. Through priests, Jesus changes bread and wine into His body and blood to feed us spiritually in the Eucharist. Jesus uses priests to raise His hand to absolve sins in Confession, to baptize, to give the sacrament of Confirmation with the permission of the bishop, Jesus gives His blessing to anoint the sick and dying so as to heal, give strength and to forgive sins. When dying He gives His Apostolic Blessing to remove punishment due to sin and He gives an ordinary blessing through the priest to bestow God’s graces into the hearts of those who receive it and can use His blessing to show His dominion over creation to reveal His glory.

You can ask a priest to bless you on your birthday, on your wedding anniversary, for safe travel, before having surgery, when undergoing temptation, or just to receive God’s graces.

The Book of Blessings has blessings for food, for cattle, for blessing houses, to bless religious articles, and many other things including blessing unborn babies and their mothers. We have blessings for mothers on Mother’s Day and Father’s on Father’s day and blessing of families, etc..

Jesus wants to be part of our daily lives and He wants to bless us in all the things we do, so that all we do, will be for His glory and to help us to someday be with Him in heaven. Today’s Solemnity of the Ascension is a reminder, Jesus is preparing a place for each of us in His Father’s house and that He has not abandoned us and because He is with us in priests and wants to give us graces through the priest to save us. May the Virgin Mary, inspire us to ask for and receive all the blessing we can receive in this life.

And may, Jesus bless you, through me, an unworthy priest, as I say, May the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, +, and the Holy Spirit, come down on you and remain with you for ever.” Amen.

6th Friday of Easter "Miraculous Birth of Jesus"

 The Virgin Birth of Jesus: Meaning and Significance

 In the Gospel today, Jesus speaks of mothers who give birth to their children. Every mother carries her unborn baby for up to nine months. When the time comes for the baby to be born, a mother will go to the hospital and she gives birth to the baby. For mothers it is very painful to give birth to a baby. Jesus says giving birth to a baby, is a time of anguish and pain. But once the baby is born, the mother quickly forgets her pain, as she gazes upon her baby’s face. Her heart is filled with joy at God’s gift to her, and her family.

“This allegory foreshadows what Jesus’ disciples will soon experience: pain when they see Him crucified and great joy when they see risen from the dead.”

Yet, Catholics believe the Blessed Virgin Mary never experienced labor pain when She gave birth to Jesus. In the Catechism of the Council of Trent, it states, “To Eve it was said: In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children. Mary was exempt from this law, for preserving her virginal integrity inviolate she brought forth Jesus the Son of God without experiencing, as we have already said, any sense of pain.”

Our Lord’s birth was also miraculous. We believe this because in Genesis, Eve and her descendants would have to bear labor pains because of original sin. And since the Blessed Virgin Mary was never touched by original sin, then She would not have suffered pain while giving birth to Jesus. In fact, the birth of Jesus was believed to have occurred not through the ordinary way, through the birth canal, but in some other miraculous way, which kept Her virginity intact.

The Catechism of the Council of Trent also states, “…just as the rays of the sun penetrate without breaking or injuring in the least the solid substance of glass, so after a like but more exalted manner did Jesus Christ come forth from His mother's womb without injury to her maternal virginity.” And St. Thomas Aquinas states, “The pains of childbirth are caused by the infant opening the passage from the womb. Now it has been said that Christ came forth from the closed womb of His Mother, and, consequently, without opening the passage. Consequently there was no pain in that birth, as neither was there any corruption; on the contrary, there was much joy therein for that God-Man "was born into the world," according to Isaiah 35:1,2: "Like the lily, it shall bud forth and blossom, and shall rejoice with joy and praise."

Yet, some have wondered about the scripture passage from Chapter 12 of the book of Revelation refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It states, “And a great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars; she was with child and she cried out in her pangs, in anguish for delivery.”

If this passage refers to Mary, then how do we explain this in light of Catholic Tradition, which states Mary never experienced birth pains, when Jesus was born?

The answer is that just as Jesus used an allegory in today’s Gospel, with regard to His death and resurrection, so the Virgin Mary, who is depicted as the woman clothed with sun, endured pain and suffering of giving birth refers to Mary’s pain and suffering at the foot of the Cross. We can see this in one of the Preface’s used in the Roman Missal of the Blessed Virgin at the Foot of the Cross, which states,: “She who had given Him birth without the pains of childbirth was to endure the greatest of pains in bringing forth to new life the family of the Church.” The Virgin Mary therefor allegorically endured the labor pains of giving birth to the Church, which is why She is called the Mother of the Church.

During this month of Mary dedicated to Mary, let us prove our love for Her. The Mother of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of all of us. At the foot of the Cross, She suffered great pain as She spiritually gave birth to us, her little spiritual children. She wants to help us to grow close to Jesus, Her Son. She wants to help us to go to heaven. She wants to help us to avoid sin, and to be holy and good.

Let us close with this prayer to our Mother in heaven:

O lovely Mother dressed in blue,

Pray for me, who loves you!

Watch over me, your little child,

Give me a sweet spiritual kiss, O Mother mild!

O beautiful Lady, sweet and fair!

Keep me, under your care!

I crown you, O Heavenly Mother,

With prayers from my rosary, like no other!

I pray my rosary asking you to give me grace

So someday I may dwell, in the heavenly place!

With my fingers, Your beads, I pray,

Knowing you will grasp my hand, and be with me, to stay.

O lovely Mother of Jesus, pray for me.

And I will show you, I love you, during this Month of May.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

St. Philip Neri - May 26th


 Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Philip Neri, who was born in Florence, in 1515, the same year St. Teresa of Avila was born in Spain.

Ever since six years old, he was perfectly obedient to his parents. He had the nickname of “good little Phil”. Already at the age of 18, he developed the reputation of great sanctity. He taught others, as he himself studied philosophy and theology. He used to start up a conversation with people on street corners, and ask them, “Well, when shall we start to do good?” He also used humor to help bring them closer to Christ. The people responded and Philip would show them the way—taking them to hospitals to visit the sick, or showing them how to care for the needy. His desire to save souls caused him to establish the Confraternity of the Blessed Trinity in 1548, with the object of serving pilgrims and the sick. His confessor insisted that he become a priest. Once ordained, he established the Oratorian Fathers. However, his greatest work was in the Confessional. He spent long hours each day, reconciling sinners to the love of God and spent his life doing penance and mortification.

One day, on the eve of Pentecost, he had an experience that affected him profoundly. There appeared to him, what seemed to be a globe of fire; it entered his mouth, and afterwards he felt the dilation of his heart. He immediately was filled with such divine love, that he fell to the ground exclaiming, “Enough, enough, Lord, I can bear no more!” When the experience was finished, he discovered a swelling over his heart, though it never gave him any pain. From that moment on, he often experienced palpitations; and he would ask God to limit his visitations, so that he would not die of love. 

To prevent his ecstasies, he would place a squirrel on his shoulder when He offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to distract him.

Due to his holiness, people around him often stated that his face glowed with radiance. He had a great devotion to the Eucharist and so popularized the devotion of 40 hours of Eucharistic Adoration and it was on the Feast of Corpus Christi, a physician told him he had not looked so well in years. All day on Corpus Christi, he heard confessions and saw visitors as usual and before going to bed, he made this statement, “Last of all, we must die.” He died that night, after suffering from a hemorrhage, surrounded by his Oratorian Fathers. His last act of love was very similar to the death of Pope John Paul II. They both raised their hands to give a blessing, and then died.

Today, may our hearts be on fire for love of Jesus imitation of St. Philip Neri, so that we live forever in our heavenly home, with the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the angels and saints.

Wednesday 6th Week of Easter

 Turning Points: God's Faithfulness in Christian History ppt download

 In the first reading St. Paul boldly proclaims the truth. He told the people of Athens, that they are religious. However, their religiosity is not in accord with truth. They are religious in the fact they are trying to worship God by their practices and the construction of their shrines. They had an altar made in which they were offering sacrifice to an “Unknown God”.

Paul told them the truth, that there is only one God, who made the world and all that is in it. He is the Lord of heaven and earth. St. Paul states that God is not dependent upon man, rather, God is the one who gives life and breath to everyone. God is all powerful, and therefore created the entire surface of the earth and fixed the seasons and boundaries of the earth. While God is not dependent upon man, He creates man and sustains man, so that man may live and move and have being. Paul told the people of Athens, God is not like an image made of gold, silver or stone. God understands their ignorance because He had not come to them before now, but now He demands all people everywhere to accept Jesus, and that He rose from the dead and wants them to repent, because He will someday judge the world with justice.

The response to his proclamation was mixed, some scoffed at him, while others wanted to hear more. Because they heard the truth, some joined him, and became believers.

In the Gospel, Jesus said, “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide all to the truth.” After Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, it would be the Holy Spirit, who would speak through the apostles, including Paul, which would help the people to come to know the one true God, and that Jesus rose from the dead for their salvation.

Today, let us be not afraid to proclaim the truth. The truth that Jesus is risen from the dead, and is with us in the Eucharist. And that the Catholic Church today, has within Her, the deposit of faith, which is the entire truth revealed by God, to guide all men to the truth and their salvation.

And may Our Blessed Mother, Mother of the truth, lead us ever to deeper commitment in proclaiming that truth. She is the one, who bore, Jesus, who is the way, the truth, the life.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Our Lady Help of Christians - May 24th


 Today, is May 24th, formerly the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians.

At the beginning of the Church, the early Christians were persecuted, and so turned to the Blessed Virgin Mary for help. During the persecutions of the early Church, the custom developed of calling upon the Blessed Virgin, under the title of “Help of Christians”.

In the early 1800’s Pope Pius VII, was driven from Rome, by armed men and held prisoner. The whole Church prayed very hard to God, on his behalf, asking the Blessed Virgin to help. Through Mary’s intercession, the pope was unexpectedly released, and returned to Rome, to his papal throne, on May 24th, 1814. As a result of his freedom gained by the Blessed Virgin, the pope established a feast in Her honor, called, Our Lady Help of Christians. The feast was to be held every year on May 24th on the anniversary of his safe return to Rome.

The title, Help of Christians, also became popular due to the dream of St. John Bosco. He saw Our Lady Help of Christians, on one pillar, and the Eucharist on the other pillar. When attacked by its enemies, the ship, which represented the Church, attached itself to the pillar of the Eucharist and the Pillar of Mary, causing its enemies to fall away, and disappear.

All of us are very aware of how the Blessed Virgin Mary helped Pope John Paul II in 1981. When he was shot, the bullet miraculously missed his heart, and the pope himself said, it was Mary, who guided the bullet. And so, Mary helped to save his life.

When we were little children, if we are frightened, or hurt, we would run to our mother for help. When we cried, our mother would rush to our aid, to help us.

This is just what the Blessed Virgin Mary does, when we need something. If we cry, She will rush to our aid. If we are hurt and need help, we know She will help us.

In the Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it states, “You chose the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of your Son, to be the Mother, and help of Christians.” Therefore, as Mother of the Son, Mary is also our Mother, and help of Christians. She helps Christians, “so that under Her protection, we might be fearless in waging the battle of faith.”

Today, we need Mary’s protection, and Her help in our daily battle as we do the best we can to keep our faith. The world and the devil try to draw us away from our faith. The devil does not want us to pray. He does not want us to go to confession, or to try to be virtuous and holy. But, Mary, as Help of Christians will help us in our needs, and protect us from the devil.

In Mary, as Help of Christians, we are “tranquil in spirit-- in the storms of this world, until we reach the joy of the heavenly city”, our final home.

Today, let us resolve to battle to keep our faith, to trust God, and live as good Christians, calling upon Mary, to help us.

O Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us, who have recourse to thee!

Sunday, May 22, 2022


There is a bill being discussed by the Legislature in Kansas that could allow the people of Kansas to vote on whether pre-born humans from fertilization would have rights as all humans.

Click this Link to See Bill to be Discussed May 23rd.

 Kansas Legislature Bill Respect Life from Fertilization


May 23rd - Fr. Emil Kapaun


Today, we celebrate a hero, from a rule Kansas town. Born on April 20th, 1916 in Pilsen, Kansas, Emil Kapaun was a quiet, hard-working boy, skilled with his hands and superior at his studies. When he wasn’t working on his father’s farm or playing in a nearby creek, he served daily Mass and helped out around the church.

In 1930, his parish priest persuaded his parents to send Emil to Conception Seminary for his final two years of high school. After graduating from Conception, he completed his studies at Kenrick Seminary in St. Louis. Before his ordination, he wrote a letter to a friend. The letter clearly indicates his humility, as he said, “The Blessed Mother who was never stained with sin—even She was not called to be a priest of God—and here I am called.” He was ordained on June 9th, 1940 and assigned as an assistant priest in his hometown parish in Pilsen.

Despite his desire to be assigned to military duty as World War II began, the bishop named him pastor of his hometown parish. The following year, he was permitted by the bishop to join the military, as a chaplain. During World War II, he served in India and Burma. After his discharge from military duty, he attended Catholic University in Washington-- receiving a master’s degree in education. On his return, he was assigned to Holy Trinity, Timken, Kansas.

Following his time in Timken, Fr. Kapaun re-enlisted in the army, and was in the American invasion force that landed in Korea.

On Nov. 1st, 1950 on all Saints Day, US forces were overwhelmed by enemy Chinese Communist troops. During the retreat, Fr. Kapaun continually ran back directly into enemy fire, to drag wounded soldiers to safety. In the midst of the heavy hand-to-hand combat, he assembled 30 wounded soldiers in a dugout. In the midst of flying bullets, his corncob pipe was shot twice by enemy gunfire.

On Nov. 2nd, by the end of the day, he saved 15 men. He and another soldier had also retrieved the dead bodies of more than 100 soldiers. After the Chinese rushed the American line six times, the US soldiers, ran out of ammunition, and resorted to throwing rocks at the enemy. The soldiers yelled at Fr. Kapaun, telling him to run, but he refused. When the Chinese entered the dugout, they found Fr. Kapaun administering the last rites to a dying soldier. As the Chinese were attempting to hurt the wounded soldiers, Fr. Kapaun stood up and convinced them to not hurt the soldiers under his care.

While captured, he became known as, the “good thief”, who would steal food and supplies from the enemy, and give the food to US prisoners. Because he forsook his own clothing and food, it rapidly weakened his health. Suffering from pneumonia, malnutrition, and a blood clot in his leg, his health deteriorated rapidly. At the end of his life, when the Chinese cut off all medical care, and deprived him of all food, he was heard whispering the Gospel passage, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”

In May of 1951, he began to drift in and out of delirium. The Chinese announced they would take Fr. Kapaun to the hospital, which the Americans called, “the dying place”. Before he was taken away, he asked one of the Lieutenants to take over his duties of leading the Catholic prisoners in reciting the Rosary and reading the Bible. He told another soldier, “Tell my bishop I died a happy death.” Fr. Kapaun died two days later on May 23rd, 1951.

The cause for Fr. Kapaun’s canonization has been officially opened by the Vatican and Fr. Kapaun has been declared a “servant of God”. Through the intercession of Fr. Kapaun, a miracle is needed, so that he may be declared “blessed.”

Today, let us ask Fr. Kapaun to help us to not fear the enemy of our soul. And if need be, may we be ready to lay down our life, as Fr. Kapaun did for our US soldiers.

May we pray and offer sacrifices for religious freedom and we ask Fr. Kapaun to help our country to obtain religious freedom. And so we ask the Shepherd in Combat Boots to intercede for us, as we pray: “Lord, Jesus, in the midst of the folly of war, your servant Emil Kapaun gave himself in total service to You through his service and care of his fellow soldiers. We now ask you, Lord Jesus, to manifest to the world the glory of his sacrifices by signs of miracles and peace. In Your name, Lord, we ask for you are the source of our peace, the strength of our service to others, and our final hope. In Your name, Lord Jesus, we ask. Amen.”

Friday, May 20, 2022

6th Sunday of Easter - Fatima & Peace


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”

During this month of May, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, we look at the apparitions at Fatima to bring a plan for peace to the world.

The year before Mary began to appear to the children, the angel of peace appeared to them. The angel said to the children, "Fear not, I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me.” Kneeling on the ground, he bowed low and cited this prayer three times, with the children repeating it after him: "O my God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You." The angel showed us the importance of believing in God, adoring God to have hope in God and to love God.

The angel of peace also explained it was necessary to pray in order to have peace. The angel said, "Pray! Pray a great deal. The hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs concerning you. Offer prayers and sacrifices continually to the Most High. Make everything you do a sacrifice, and offer it as an act of reparation for the sins by which God is offended, and as a petition for the conversion of sinnersBring peace to our country in this way...I am the Guardian Angel of Portugal. Accept and bear with submission all the sufferings the Lord will send you."

The angel as a messenger of God reveals that in order to have peace we need to make reparation for sins which have offended God and we are to love others by being concerned for their salvation. We show our love for others by making sacrifices for them and praying for their conversion.

The angel also said something very important about how to obtain peace. The angel said, “Accept and bear with submission all the sufferings the Lord will send you." This is an important point for all those who endure all sorts of sufferings and trials. If we are about to have surgery, or if we have just been diagnosed with an illness most of us would be afraid. Our hearts would be troubled because we worry about our life and our health. This is a normal emotion anyone would have. But if we accept and bear with submission all the sufferings that come our way, we will have peace in the midst of them. Our Lord said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”

The angel of peace taught the children of Fatima to adore God, to make reparation and to pray for the conversion of sinners. The angel came bearing a golden chalice in one hand and a Host above it in the other. The amazed children noticed that drops of blood were falling from the Host into the chalice. The angel left both suspended in mid-air and prostrated himself on the ground, saying this beautiful prayer: "Most Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - I adore you profoundly. I offer you the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences whereby He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of you the conversion of poor sinners."

We find peace when we come to Jesus, who is peace. The Holy Mass and Holy Communion is the most profound and most powerful way we come in contact with Jesus. The Mass gives us peace because we are present at Calvary. Also at Mass, we receive Jesus, who is peace, within our heart in Holy Communion During Holy Communion, Jesus wants us to pray with the heart.

To talk to Him about our needs, our concerns and to thank Him for His love and for coming to dwell within us.

So what are the indifferences and outrages against the Eucharist that the angel was speaking of?

These list of things are not happening in our parish, but happen in many parishes throughout the world. Some people are indifferent to Jesus when they receive Holy Communion and do not pray to Him when He comes inside their heart. When in church, some pay no attention to Jesus in the tabernacle. Some treat the Host, as though it was ordinary bread. Some people leave right after Communion and do not talk to Jesus, whom they have received. Others may only say rote prayers after Communion and do not talk to Him as a person, who has come to dwell within them.

However, Jesus wants us to pray with the heart. To talk to Him about our needs, our concerns and to thank Him for His love and for coming to dwell within us.

With regard to sacrilege, some receive Holy Communion when they should not, after they committed a mortal sin, such as to purposely miss Mass on Sunday without a serious reason or some other mortal sin such as premarital relations, impurity, contraception, pornography or adultery. We will not have peace when we receive Communion if we are in the state of mortal sin, and we commit a sacrilegious Communion and offend Jesus and receive no grace at all when doing so.

The sacrament of Confession is the font of mercy and gives us peace because through it, we are reconciled with God and with others. The forgiveness of sins brings peace to our hearts. Only when we are in the state of grace should we receive Holy Communion.

The angel of Fatima reminds us to adore Jesus in the Eucharist. Eucharistic Adoration brings peace to our hearts because by adoration we are in the presence of Jesus. If you do not already have one, I would like to encourage you to commit to praying a Holy Hour at least once a week. And you will become more of a peaceful person. And you will give that peace to those around you.

The blood dripping down from the Host into the chalice reminds us that the Eucharist is truly the body and blood of Jesus.

The Virgin Mary showed the children of vision of hell. She said, "You have seen hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace." The children later said the vision of hell caused them to greatly increase their prayers for the conversion of sinners. It caused them to grow in love of neighbor by being concerned about their soul. No one can have peace, who at the same time is living a seriously sinful life.

The Virgin Mary asked the Rosary be prayed every day. The rosary brings peace to the soul, because through the rosary, we meditate on the mysteries of Jesus and His Mother. The rosary is powerful because we are asking Mary to pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

Mary said, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on the first Saturdays. If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecution of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and she shall be converted, and a period of peace shall be granted to the world."

On March 25th, 1984, Pope St. John Paul II in union with all the bishops of the world consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but didn’t explicitly mention Russia. However, he said it was in his mind when he said it. This would cause the fall of communism the dissolution of the Soviet Union on Christmas Day, Dec. 25th 1991. Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this year on March 25th, Pope Francis in union with all the bishops of the world specifically consecrated Russia and the Ukraine and world and the Church to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We pray this will bring about an era of peace soon.

There are several men who met St. Padre Pio when they were in the US army. Padre Pio told the future Fr. John Dugan, “the Russian people will be converted. Their total conversion will happen very fast. The conversion of the US will be slow but sure.” When Corporal Leo Fanning was an American solider as well, he was also by Padre Pio, “Your name is not just Leo. Someday it will be Fr. Leo.” He would later be ordained in 1954. Padre Pio told Leo Fanning, “Yes, Russia will be converted. However, Russia will teach the United States a lesson in conversion.” We pray St. Padre Pio’s prophecy will be fulfilled. It certainly gives hope for our country.

Pope St. Paul VI asked every person be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady wants us to consecrate ourselves and our families to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Bishop Kemme in union with each parish consecrated the diocese of Wichita to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. When we consecrate our self and our family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we trust She will obtain peace for us. She is the Queen of Peace and She asks Jesus, Her Son, to give us His peace.

Before St. Jacinta died she spoke about various things and had deep insight into things of the future. She once said, “Ask them to plead for peace from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Lord has confided the peace of the world to her." St. Jacinta and also the angel that appeared to the children said that the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to our prayers, so we should ask favors from them.

Our Lady also asked for Communions of Reparation for sins committed Her Immaculate Heart on the First Saturdays of the month. One should go to Confession, receive Holy Communion in reparation for sins against Her Immaculate Heart, pray the Rosary and also meditate for 15 minutes on any of the mysteries of the Rosary. Mary said, “I promise to assist them at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for the salvation of their soul.”

To sum up, we need to pray with the heart regularly and daily pray the Rosary. Adore God at Mass by coming to Mass often and to make our Holy Communion time fruitful. We can spend an hour with Jesus in Adoration weekly. Accept and bear with submission all sufferings that come our way. To go to confession monthly. To be concerned for the salvation of others by making reparation and praying for their conversion. To consecrate our self and our family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to make reparation on the First Saturdays.

If we have Jesus and Mary, we will not be troubled or afraid and we will trust the words of Jesus who said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of Peace, pray for us!

Peolsi Cannot Recieve Holy Communion Due to Abortion Stance

Archbishop formally bars Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion over her pro-choice advocacy CLICK LINK FOR STORY


Thursday, May 19, 2022

May 20th - Bernadine of Sienna


Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Bernadine of Sienna, a Franciscan saint, who was born Sept. 8th, 1380. When he was only seven years old, he lost both of his parents and was thereafter raised by relatives. As a boy, he used to share his food with the poor. He attended the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with edifying devotion, and listened to sermons with such attention that he could repeat them to his companions. He loved purity above all virtues. When any indecent conversation was going on among his companions, they would stop when they saw him coming. Even though, he was very meek, he would become very angry if decency was violated. Once a prominent citizen purposely told something indecent and the little Bernadine slapped him in the face, causing many to laugh, and the citizen to walk away embarrassed.

With his great love for purity, he had a tender devotion to the Blessed Virgin, whom he used to call his beloved. Out of devotion to Mary, he daily visited Her image just outside of town and especially prayed there to learn his vocation. The Mother of Grace, who had protected Him in the world, now led him to a friary. He received the habit as a Franciscan, on the feast of the Nativity of Mary.

Even though his voice was weak and hoarse, the Blessed Mother helped him. At Her intercession, his voice suddenly became powerful and so became known for his missionary preaching. He journeyed all over Italy to announce virtues and vices. He was so successful that Pope Pius II called him a second St. Paul. After he had shaken their hearts, with stern truths, he poured into them, the soothing oil of the sweet name of Jesus.

He said, “The name of Jesus is the glory of preachers, because the shining splendor of that name, causes His word to be proclaimed and heard. And how do you think such an immense, sudden and dazzling light of faith came into the world, if not because Jesus, was preached?”

Today, in imitation of St. Bernadine of Siena, let us repeat the sweet and dazzling name of Jesus, often on our lips. Jesus is a faithful friend, beyond price. Jesus is a sturdy shelter and a life-saving remedy, for He is our Savior. And may we also imitate St. Bernadine’s love of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and visit Her images often beseeching Her to help us to proclaim Jesus to those around us.


14th Monday Raising the Dead- The Resurrection